Tuesday, October 23, 2007


They were saying that Congressmen don’t care if they are voted out of office because they will just go to work for Becktell or Northrop or somebody and earn a lot of money. However other people become rich by being congressmen, as the lobbiest gravy train keeps right on rolling. Some people may have the chance to “work for the government” as an entrepenure in some private Security firm or something, if they’re lucky. With all the connection between Evil and Big Money it’s a wonder if the Asshole from El Paso really is destined to be a renound “Evil” person why he hasn’t made his move. He’s the Pastor of what used to be a small time struggling church. Perhaps it isn’t any more. Nobody stays at a Pastoral job for eighteen years at the same place unless they are getting some kind of “pay-off” one way or another. You know how flaky some pastors are jumping from job to job at the drop of a hat. The guy is older than I am and he’s pushing sixty now. The typical age for an “Anti Christ” character is 33 and the second most tagged age is forty. But if the antichrist is destined to rule the world I guess he’d have to be an older man, such as Fred Thompson. Many people are convinced that the Born Again Republicans haven’t found “their man” yet, because none of the candidates running is enough of a Redneck. We do know that Hillary’s presidency will end up in disaster and she will go down as the Herbert Hoover of the 21st. Century because the economy is going to blow up in her face. People are worried about whether Christmas spending will exceed last year. They’d do better to worry about whether Christmas debt will exceed last year. Of course the antichrist could come from another world city, perhaps Peking, or Singapore, or perhaps Dubai in the Mideast. Scripture says that in the last days “Babylon” will be rebuilt, “on many waters”. We know that some leader or a group of tightly knit world leaders are bringing about corporate fascism and we are well on the way to that realization. All the important functions of government will be privatized, where they can be beyond the reach of voters. We know that lobbying is the one industry that is specifically protected in the Constitution. There are times when I do wonder whether it might not be a wise thing to completely take money out of the political process, both before and after elections. But I think we all know and fear that no matter what laws get passed, politicians will find ways around them. I think we pretty well know that “things are going to get worse before they get better” as far as corporate lobbying to ramrod bills through congress that they don’t even read. People say that the word “crisis” also means “opportunity” in Chinese. If that’s the case I don’t think things will get to any “crisis” point for a long time. Dr. Phil has stated that you can’t count on a drug addict “hitting bottom”. You can’t count on falling stocks “hitting bottom” as if to ready some Floor that is a security blanket. In the Bible they are always lulling you into the belief things will hit “crisis point” and to coin that old lie from the George Burnes movie “God works best under pressure”. Don’t count on that. You need only to watch modern soap operas to know that sometimes happy endings never come, and a parrellel truth that sometimes negative events have a Finality to them good events lack.

Here are two jokes. What is the similarity between Saddam Hussein and Little Miss Muffet? - - They both say, “Too many Kurds in my way”. What is the similarity between a healthy cereal and the state of California? Easy. Once you remove all the fruits and the nuts, the only things that are left are the flakes. (Selah)

Randy Rhodes was reading from a book, “Ten Steps to Fascisum”. Most of these we have already done in one form or another. We have some national traumatic event, we have the secret Gulags, we have the paramilitary organization in Blackwater, and now there is talk about Rathion or Northrop being enlisted. Then it’s create a massive surveillance system, and encourage neighbors to rat on each other. Arbitrarily arrest and release certain key people. Go after organizations to harass or declare illegal. Broaden the definitions of words like “terrorist” or “extremist” to include almost anybody. Go after the press. And overturn the rule of law. Of course another thing is to get political candidates to make a slip of the tongue. Osama Bin Laden has produced another of his famous videos. In this one he says for all the insurgent groups in Iraq to coordinate better with each other. Mit Romney in criticizing the tape kept referring to Obama, so that people bet Obama and Osama mixed up and melded in their minds. I don’t think this is entirely an accident. Randy Rhodes also points out that you don’t want a lot of para-military groups with massive amounts of munitions in their back yard in this fire prone area. Some of Randy’s assertions crossed the line into paranoia. I guess they had a centure vote by congress over what Pete Stark said the other day about George Bush reveling in the deaths of our young people. The measure was not approved.

There were only a dozen or two Billionaires in 1981. Now the entire list of the Forbes richest four hundred and Queen Elizabeth is not even on the list making a mere 460 million. I wonder how the Crown feels about that, with centuries of acquired wealth and some hot shot Billionaires in this country outdo her. Back in 1981 this richest group of four hundred held three percent of all the wealth. Now this same group holds eleven percent of the wealth. The pay of the average working stiff has not gone up since 1973. It was in this year we had skyrocketing food prices, like we’re on the verge of having again- - and for the first time the purchasing value of the dollar dropped. Carter was a time of malaise and transition. Some have said not to buy Gold because owning a piece of metal is not an “investment in anything”. That’s a matter of opinion. If you look at the long range charts adjusted for inflation the spikes of the past are way higher than the start of the spike now. It is my contention that things are going to get a whole lot worse economically, before they get better. Some democrat needs to point out all the economic and moral outrages we are experiencing now. We’re letting the era of corruption and greed take over, and we’re allowing criminal violators to run the government. I don’t need to elaborate any further because there are plenty of blogs to read.

Now the liberals have really stepped out. Thom Hartman is arguing this hour that the state has the right to ban smoking in your own apartment! You let these people get a foot-hold and they get more and more hysterical. Thom Hartman claims to be an ex smoker from age fourteen to his twenties and quit at the birth of his first child. Thom Hartman says “Local democracy must have free reign”. Since when? These people hate local control. I guess there is hysteria about the smoking getting in the heat vents or something. What about my old place that had individual gas heaters? At the same time Thom Hartman is all for eleven to thirteen year middle school girls in Maine being given birth control. They claim that in a five hundred student school, seven girls have gotten pregnant in the past year. May I suggest they restructure their sex education program to promote abstenance? Of course Thom says “cigarette smoke is five times as addictive as heroin”. And says since they began puting ammonia in the cigarettes people have in essence been “free basing nicotine”. Tom forgot about the line in the constitution about “No shall life, liberty, or property be denied except by due process of law”. This doesn’t mean “putting the issue up for a vote”, either; it means a court trial for an actual crime.

Apparently the republicans had another debate Sunday evening. Some callers have stated that the crowd was cherry picked by “someone” because though Ron Paul got 34% in a post debate telephone poll, the crowd were routinely booing Ron Paul when he spoke. I think we all agree that both the democrats and republicans want a certain type of corporate centrist media-acceptable candidate. There will be a lot of disposed people from both parties that perhaps should get together to form an outcasts party. Of course people still talk about “Islamo-fascisum” even though Fascism is the name of a political process used by Franco and Musselini, and Hitler in the early days. It’s a merger of the corporation and the State into one entity. It’s perhaps the last thing a Moslem extremist would want. “Fascisum” has nothing to do with hating or persecuting Jews.

. I did a blog this morning but I did not make any reference to the Iraqi war. The thing is if violence is as diminished as they claim it to be than the whole war shouldn’t be an issue at all and troops should be coming home as Sylvia Browne and I predicted months ago before 2007 was out. I had made the statement “The war (strange as it seems) will not be an issue in the 2008 campaign”. But there is no way to know whether we’re being lied to about the “pacification” of Iraq. It wouldn’t be the first time. I had Thom Hartman and then Randy Rhodes on. At 1:30 she had John Dean on. I missed the soap opera because of the fires like I say. Randy and Dean were talking about the fact you can’t sue the phone company for infringement of your privacy, and also the fact that “Privacy is more than just secrecy”. It’s a sacrosanct constitutional right in the context we are talking about here. This line “If you have nothing to hide, what are you worried about?” might be true if you’re talking about God, that is an all wise, benevolent judge who only has your best interest at heart. Nobody has made that claim about the government, and my biggest fear is that you will wind up on some government black list and find yourself unable to fly, or get a job, or get certain kinds of insurance.

Twords two I tuned in station 7.2 where KABC had their soap operas. I watched “General Hospital” and would have learned a lot, if I had a photographic memory. The thing is people remember things more easily in the “context” of something else. At three I was dial twereling and Bill wanted to watch Cops, so we did for that hour.

Cindy came to the door this morning and gave me two Kit-kats for one cigarette. That’s actually a pretty good deal. Marsha wanted to make a cigarette trade deal after lunch but at the time she had no money. After one Marsha came to the door waving two dollars and I sold her five cigarettes for one of the dollars so that I could buy coffee at the bakery after dinner. I also went to the bakery at two to buy a Coke. Otherwise I might have worked out some coffee deal with Glen. Right now it’s still rather unpleasant out. As you know that patio continues to heat up and is hottest just before dinner, and is almost as hot just after dinner. Of course the Bosc house had weird Australian weather. The north and west sides of the house were the hot sides on a hot day, and the south side was the cool side. If there was a brease at all it would blow in from the south and make its way in a northwesterly direction through the house. OK, we’re done.

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