Thursday, May 31, 2012

Legislation by Default - (Accidental Laws)

The California Primary is next Tuesday June 5th. We use voting machines here in Stanton and they have always worked perfectly with all sorts of safeguards, including a paper trail.  Apparently not only are you free to sabotage the other party if you want to but party structure has apparently been broken down entirely so that the two highest vote getters even if they are of the SAME PARTY - if they win they have a run-off.  That's what I've been told.  This is a totally screwy situation.  Now they want to pass a proposition that politicians can only spend so much time holding ANY state office "because they've learned a little trick to be running for a higher office while they are still holding a lower ranking office.  Of course even in the face of a tea party onslaught in other states here we are having some P C legislation party of our own passing things like indoctrinating grade school kids into the virtues of the gay lifestyle, vaccination of ten year old girls for sexual transmitted diseases, and moving back the line for kindergarten so "kids will look smarter on achievement tests".

Well the past couple of weeks could be called "Proposition 29 Strikes Back".  This is the anti smoking tobacco tax amendment to the state constitution which cannot be altered under any circumstances for fifteen years once enacted.  The numbers have dramatically reversed and now the pro Prop 29 forces are winning the day with 52% for and 42% against and maybe fifteen percent undecided.  This means in all probability the measure will pass and will dramatically affect my own quality of living.  But there are so many measures in law that have "unintended consequences".  I was against term limits.  Gingrich was for them.  Term limits only make it easier for legislation lobbyists to bully new, inexperianced congressmen, because for them the legislator is after all just a "rubber stamp" to what they want, and they surely don't want any experianced person who actually has a brain obstructing them.  Speaking of brain - - Romney says they should amend the constitution to stay that everyone applying for office should have "at least three years business experiance".  I'll match my knowledge of economics up against his any day.  He's either awfully dumb or he knows well the effect of his policies and is just Evil.  You decide.  Now back in the old days forty years ago (during the "good old days' of Nixon) stock investors got screwed.  Because maybe inflation was at twelve percent- - and their stocks only earned nine, but the government still saw that as income and they end up paying a third to the government and are left with six, and so have a de-facto six percent loss year in and year out.  Also there was this thing called "tax bracket creep" where there was a defacto rise in everyone's tax rates in the course of time.  But we have long since "fixed" these problems.  But now they are cutting state employee salaries another five percent, on top of a ten or more percent cut a couple years ago.  What these cuts do is hurt those who are just barely getting by.  I thought an American value was an honist day's pay for an honest day's work.  And yet the honest politician is being penalized by the tea party but those "on the take' don't care because they get their principle income from their dealings with lobbyists.  See how it works?  There was some asshole who was actually a Democrat who said "Nobody saw the consequences of passing NAFTA".  Well, Ross Perot sure as hell forsaw what would happen.  I saw what would happen.  The next asshole who uses the "I didn't know the consequences' argument- - fire the sucker and send him back to college to study several years of economics.  He's learn that "giant sucking sound" isn't just an approaching tornado.  We know that sales taxes are inherently regressive taxes and hit the poor with a higher percentage than the rich.  This is why the tea party loves them because they like nothing better than to find new ways of sticking it to the poor.  They will even privately like certain business regulations because they only affect small time businesses but the Rich have ways of bribing their way around them.  Many scoundrals teach that "the best defence is a good offence".  So before the Poland invasion of late summer 1939 Adolph Hitler showed propaganda flicks against the Polish people to try and hype up the people for war.  Now we are hearing the term "class war" getting people vaguely harken back to what they may have learned in school about how Communism started and try to get that association in tea bagger's minds.  Of course many on our side don't know even today there WAS a war and we never even KNEW it occurred, and that we have already lost.  Now even terms like "fairness' and "equal oppertunity" are somehow considered as "commie words" by the tea party.  I guess I'd like to know just "who these people" all are who apparently constituted a majority of the electorate that went to the polls in 2010.

Then you have Mayor Michael Bloomburg who now wants to put in a partial sugary drink ban in New York City.  He wants to ban the public vending in movie theaters and ball games, the sale of any drink larger than sixteen ounces.  I swear these calerie counts get larger every time they report the story, just like Trayvon Martin's height or the snow in one of Ward Cleaver's "walking to school" stories.  "Every year the miles get longer and the snow gets deeper" bemoans Wally.  This is the most idiotic piece of legislation I have ever heard of and it's just a way to score kissy points with a few political nuts on the left of the P C variety.

The LA Kings beat the NJ Devils 2 to 1 on overtime on Thursday night in New Jersey.  That Devil's goalie wasn't as infallible as he thought.  The King's win - loss record is 13 wins and two losses in this year's play-offs and their road record is nine and 0.  That's impressive.  They have an up-hill battle because the Devils out-ranked them at the start of the play-offs.  But now the Kings have secured that coveted thing called home court advantage.  I'm much more optimistic personally that the Kings will now go all the way and achieve that coveeted Stanley Cup victory.

There is a guy in Santa Monica who has rode the ferris wheel on the pier for fifteen hours on a goal to break the 24 & half hour Guiness world record.  It seems pretty likely he'll succeed, too.  But he's cheating.  He has a luxury gondola outfitted with electric outlets and room for a portable TV and all sorts of stuff.  Be thankful the weather is nice.  His son swims in the special Olympics, and he's doing it to raise money for his cause.  We here with him luck - but I don't even think he'll need it.

Too many people today still feel Dylan's admonition long ago to heed the leaders "Don't follow leaders", and the word "leaders" we could translate to "demogogue".  This is someone who demands that he be Believed In because he has "Knowledge' you don't know and that if you're smart you'll Trust him to "fill in the gaps in your own credulity" and ease away any Doubts your rational, local minds propounds about him.  So you are thusly conditioned to respond to such buzz phrases as "ever increasing taxes" and "ever increasing deficets" and "class warfare" we we discussed previously.  When they say 'I think Ronald Reagan is our greatest president' you automatically disregard certain stubborn facts such as that "Ronald Reagan has history is working in a Union, not running a business" or the Amnesty thing for illegal aliens passed in 1986 or working with people like Newt Gingrich and Tip O Neil to balloon the deficet in his tenure of office to two and a half times the previous entire history of deficets- - or that the US Marines had to withdraw from Lebanon, or that Reagan argued for both the raising of the national debt ceiling or that Reagan argued for tax equity on capital gains and things like corporate tax loopholes that enables them to get away with murder.  Ronald Reagan never engaged in gay bashing and never politicized Christianity the way modern tea baggers have.  Facts are stubborn things and we ignore them at our own peril.  You would do well to remember this the next time you have some sort of attack of sentamentality and naustalgia aof a Time that Never Was.  (Selah)

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