Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Do Corporations Now Have "Religious Rights"?

Nicole Sandler just coined a new word, "Hatriot Radio"!
Mitt Romney told us "Corporations are People, my friend".  But now the question before the Supreme Court yesterday in oral arguments is, "Do Corporations have first amendment Religious rights?"  I don't know who "Hobby Lobby" is but I don't like businesses who wear their religion on their sleeve and cram it down our throats the way like Chick Filet did.  I may agree with them, but I STILL don't want it crammed down my throat while I"m trying to enjoy my lunch.  However - to me this is not a slam dunk.  I'm not sure.  Mal Evans and the Federation has weighed in on this idea of whether Corporations have first amendment rights.  This is the idea about employing or serving gay people, or refusing to insure workers, who have a negotiated right to Insurance coverage, for the birth control these workers need, or that an employer may impose any religious requirement he wishes on his workers.  To me this is kind of one of those gray areas.  But not for Mal Evans.  The issue is crystal clear to him.  Clearly “religion” is a subset of “race, color, or creed” in the Civil Rights bill and in the fourteenth amendment.  And the idea that an artifact of the law- - somehow has the god given (if you care to employ that term) of all the Rights of the Constitution.  One person put it this way.  “Maybe God created people, but God didn’t create corporations, which again, are a mere artifact of the law, and only exist to begin with by permission of the government.  Think of all the “trips” you could lay on either workers or customers were you to impose religion.  For instance Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christian Scientists don’t allow blood transfusions.  Does that mean if you suffer some kind of a horrible accident on the job- you cant get emergency care?  Certain liberals maintain that in the old days Southerners used the Bible to support segregation, which is a passage of scripture that I, with all my expertise, have failed to locate.  So basically this is a big Court Decision, no matter how they rule.  As for me personally, an adverse ruling against “separation of church and corporation” would still not be the wholesale disaster that the Citizen’s United ruling was in 2010.  But an adverse ruling would fire the left wing base up. 

We have more "News Digest" items for you right here- - .    Nicole is playing the "Literally Paralyzed" speech from Rush Limbaugh.  Both Nicole and Rush agree that "Something has got to give", but therein lies the rub, because you don't know which end of the wishbone will snap off.   President Obama is in Europe this week talking about controling Nuclear Weapons, but Putin was not invited.  I disagree in the strongest terms with the notion in Obama's words "Vladimir Putin is invading these other countries not out of strength but out of weakness".   No.  It's like one time as a kid - - I was in the eighth grade and for a brief while this one kid was hasseling me verbally with insults and the like.  Strangely it was one of the few- - maybe the only foes me and my brother Al had in common, since we traveled in almost completely different social circles at school.  Any how word got back to Dad, and Dad told me "When he begins hasseling you like that just say "You know, I feel sorry for you", and I was thinking "how laughable that suggestion is".   It's like the bully who keeps saying "You keep hitting me in the fist with your face".   The trouble with this President is that he's weak and everybody know it.  And people who are weak get mocked and picked on and joked about.   Speaking of prophetic comedy routines try this one on for size.     George Carlen's speech about "The corporations own you" - - and how the Media no longer serves the people but dishes up a bunchy of crap for news - - - could have been delivered last week and not thirty years ago, or whatever it was.  I was flabberghasted when I heard this comic routine and realized how prophetic it was.  Then there is that fire fighter who leaped from one balcony down to a lower one.  And them a moment later- - a ladder is out there for him to climb down on.  And a moment after this - - the entire building which had been ablaze just collapses because of the fire.  Now THAT is dodging a bullet!   And of course there was that sky-diver or tower jumper or whatever from last September who leaped off of that New Skyscraper in ground zero that is 1776 feet high, photographed at night.  And just now we are hearing about that.  Twenty two bodies have been unearthed in that Washington State bad mud slide of last Saturday.  And they have found over a hundred piece of wreckage from that presumed disappeared Flight 370 in the south Indian Ocean.  At last there is news!
This Wednesday morning and things are looking up just a little bit.  Nicole Sandler is reviewing the fourteen points of fascism and this list came out ten years ago.  She was just playing that prophetic clip from “Network” where Howard Beale tells us all to get up out of our chairs and open up the window and stick our heads out and say “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more”.   This computer has me a little perplexed.  On Monday afternoon I did a quick clean of the register and also de fregged the hard drive.  The next day, Tuesday I was busy on computer piddeling around with this or that.  I cleared out all of the cookies in Firefox, a clean sweep.  It took time to find the control because they’ve hidden it in a deeper layer.  I also eliminated a few more start up items in Firefox.  I also went into and I eliminated several items in there.  But still the computer runs slow, but only in the ‘loading your personal preferences” section.  That is what’s taking the time.  I am putting away the laundry and everything is accounted for.  We had cheeseburgers for lunch and tater tots and an orange frozen so hard- - or it had been in the freezer, I warmed the orange with my hands before peeling it and wasn’t even going to do that but everyone else was.  I crossed the room to get soup from the cart.   


Now Nicole Sandler is saying that not even George Bush has the “evil in his soul” that “these people today have”.   Mike Papentonio and “Ring of Fire” were back with a new episode - - and I watched the entire hour of that.  Of course as you know there- - they say that biologically people’s brains on the right wing are “different” physically, and not just in terms of meeting the “sociopath” criterium that Thom Hartman used to talk about.  Of course we know that Paul Ryan is a follower of Ayan Rand and his people who worked for him read her book.  As you know - - Alan Greenspan was also an Ayan Rand fan but in defense of Greenspan- - it wasn’t he but Paul Volker that personally brought us the 1982 recession and he was a Jimmy Carter appointee.  If Volker and Greenspan had been around in the 500 point drop of stocks in October of 1987, we would not have recovered nearly as quickly.  Greenspan was captaining the ship during the Clinton economic revival of the ‘nineties.  Of course the golden era of Industrial growth spans from about 1947 to at least 1973, and you might extend that to 1978.  It was that year that Proposition 13 passed, and the tax payer revolt was afoot.  In this golden era from 1947 to 1973, the income increase of the average American rose over four percent annually, which was a higher percentage than for the very rich.  Now the figures are more than reversed.  If these red-neck ignorami would just look at the statistics on this they’d see the Truth- - of what is going on now.  But they won’t do this.  I shaved before lunch.  It was maybe ten thirty that Marsha knocked on the door and gave me a pack of cigarettes.  She yesterday had recommended Arleen as someone who might loan me money.  But when I went to their room Arleen told me she’d need all her money for shopping today.  I told Marsha this.  I paid back Zach one cigarette I owed him, and paid Glen back two of the four cigarettes I owe him.  We got rain last night and today is a “crisp” day- I believe is the term- - the sort of weather they talk about in October as “perfect football weather”.  There are nice picturesque cumulus clouds in the blue sky.


Thom Hartman and others have pointed out that when Thomas Jefferson signed the treaty of Tripoli, the same Tripoli the Marine song mentions, that he said "Let it be known that the United States has nothing against the Islamic faith and that in fact, the United States is Not a Christian Nation".  Jefferson in fact, owned a copy of the Koran, and read it.  As to the notion of Ted Cruz putting out Tweets that quote Bible verses, I guess if he's using Congressional "franking priveleges" or doing so not as an individual but in his capacity as an elected Congressman, that this would technically be improper.  Some of you may have taken suspicion to the phrase of "Right Thinking Individual" last week on our part.  You are justified in your suspicion because even in Romulan the phrase "right thinking' has an emotional edge to it.  There is the conotation you can't get away from that it's "Right" in some particular person's eyes, and there is almost a conotation of God in this word.  It also connotes "Right' as "On the right side of history" or "in the eyes of some Deity, perhaps some old Roman Deity.  For instance a Buddhist would not properly say "I am medetating to be a right thinking individual" - - not unless you saw Buddha as a personal deity, which is contrary to what Buddhists believe.  This word "Right" also means "an emphatic affirmation" or the conotation of Dominance, as in "right handed".   This is an entirely different Romulan word than for instance "Delante" or its derivitives, which translates as "straight" or "right on" or "completely unbiased".

Last night I had this long dream I forget a lot of.  However I remember it was this new holiday that was a multi day celebration of “The last days” celebration, that occurs around June 19th and remembering back Valerie M mentioned it that time we visited her house on June 19th 1971.  And this celebration was something we had to travel “just across the border” into Canada for- - and it’s something to do with graphs and cycles- - and something cosmic going on- - that needed to be celebrated in almost a religious sense in a new national holiday, people wanted Congress to approve.  I remember this east west street and I was walking on the south side around sunset (I think) and there was greenery and trees everywhere mixed in with the buildings and I remember this one field of tall grass.  There were these celebrations held in a house- - but I remember the actually celebrations being boring and tiresome.When I first actually woke it was 6:07 already, which surprised me because I was still half asleep.  I got a cigarette from Zach- - and later got one from Bill just before breakfast.  We had corn flakes this morning, followed by scrambled eggs and toast and butter and jelly.  I was kind of angeling for another cup of coffee for both breakfast and lunch from Delores or somebody but didn’t get it.  I had the Stephanie Miller program on after breakfast but got bored and the noticed Mike Papentonio.  I plan to use that b & w photo of Nixon and Hoover as my lead photo, because it’s the best photo I’ve downloaded lately.   The male housekeeper didn’t even ask me to leave the room when he changed the linens.  I was listening to Ed Shultz on Media Player gazing at the fire-wave video.   I spent some time on the patio, and then went to the courtyard for coffee but just got one cup because there was a long line behind me.
C O S M I C - N E W S
We had rain last night.  The question is “When you get stressed do you lose your contact with the psychic world?”   Some people cling to the adage “There are no atheists in fox holes”.  Maybe I am the odd bird but when I get stressed- - really stressed- - one of the things which gets thrown out the window is belief in God- - or more generally anything psychic.  Because I’m fixated on my problem in the here and now.   John Lennon contacted me Monday and he said “I contacted you a few days ago when you were doing that thing about taking back credit for songs from Pink.  And I said to you then, “Good idea.  But why don’t you add “Rain” to the list”.   In terms of other cosmic news the group “The Box-tops” is a Leonorian group.  And one rep told me “If there is this kind of fake sitar sounds on guitar- - most likely it’s one of our songs”.  But today I was told that this one music guy Dr Levy knows- - who produced a Single in the late sixties of his own composition with orchestration - -   (his two best songs- in retrospect) that he was under Moranian tutelage, and that also Scott Mc Kinsey was a Moranian.  I didn’t know that because after he died he went to Andromeda D.   A surprising number of Moranians have a vaguely country background including Bobby Goldsborough,  Johnny Rivers, Glen Campbell, and John Denver.  Richard Harris and the Union Gap are also Moranians.   In terms of the orbiting planets around the Sirius double-star - - this is one case where letters refer to planets rather than to stars, which is the single exception in protocol.  In terms of that Alcyonne immunity - -  it’s best to be an “AB” but of the two, being a “B” gives you more protection than being just an “A”.   And speaking of the Monkees,  Mike Nesbuit- - has been claimed by FH to have jumped ship and become a Romulan as far back as 1982.   For almost that long Mickey Dolenz has wanted to join the Federation and his guardians have petitioned to be free to join the Federation, but the Aldeberan “A”s won’t let him out of his “contract”.  The term “Aldeberan A--- Holes” has been in use on Sirius A, which has the highest percentage of English speaking people of any planet.  Also on Sirius A - - - someone who doesn’t like ZAC theology came up with the turn of a phrase “I don’t want to be Zach-religious”.   In terms of the Purple planet,  we could call it the purple star- - because it’s a bright star in the upper right of the Orion constellation - - - but I have no idea whether the star is actually physically purple.


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