Tuesday, November 06, 2007

LOOK OUT FOR E I B (Ever Increasing Bullshit)

The big news is that on Sunday, President Mushariff of Pakistan cracked down on all of his political opponets in often bloody protests. He arrested five hundred "opposition" leaders and arrested seventy lawyers. The Supreme Court was about to rule on whether the last election which put him into power was valid, and Mushariff fired the Supreme Court. Formerly Mushariff had promised to hold new elections in January and also to resign as head of the military. Randy Rhodes sees this is some sort of "message" to the people of the United States, and to George Bush, saying, "This is the way to deal with dissenters". Randy says that what this does is to disenfranchize the middle class while at the same time if you're an Al Qaida terrorist, he'll make a deal with you to protect you from the Americans. George Bush has condemned this government crack-down, but one has to wonder whether he means it. How ironic it is that the two countries Bush appears to trust the most are Saudi Arabia and Pakistin, where most of the 9 - 11 hijackers are either from, or associated with. On the other hand a nation like Iran with a "young, progressive population" is seen as the enemy and we are doing our darndest to radicalize that country and push Iran into the hands of our enemies, such as China. Some on the right are trying to "spin" this crack-down in Pakistan as somehow Mushariff getting serious about terrorists in his own country, but clearly the people Mushariff has gone after aren't Al Quaida, but rather are groups that a vibrant democracy needs to thrive. The trouble is I don't think George Bush believes in democracy but some sort of oligarky of powerful oil interests, whom we can make sweet heart deals with. I found it distressing that Fred Thompson seemed to endource virtually Bush's entire foreign policy. To me right now it seems Fred Thompson is the inheritor of the Bush legacy, if there is one. Hillary Clinton is saying the developements in Pakistan are the result of Bush's failed foreign policy, and I can't disagree with that.

One thing I need to do in my Blogs is pay a little more attention to the fact details and also spell people's names correctly, such as the candidate for Attorney General. Mukasey now has retracted his "water boarding" statements, and now says he is against it. The news today is that this will put him over the top to assure his confirmation with the endourcements of Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer there will be enough democratic votes, and they don't need that many considering what an egg shell majority they already have. It appears unhappy days are ahead for the civil rights of the American People as Bush, despite everything Randy Rhodes and Thom Hartman say about him, continues to win battle after battle, on issue after issue.

Oil is now up to $95.00 a barrel, which is a record, obviously, and that price has not yet been reflected at the pump. When the price trickles through the pipeline gas will be selling for four dollars a gallon, and we may never look back. Obviously this has had, and will have an adverse effect on the economy. In terms of the economy, Unhappy Times have not arrived yet, but they are coming and six months from now we will be looking back on today as "The Good Old Days", so enjoy it while you can. I predicted that some "new international crisis" would dominate the news in October. The closest we have come to that is the situation in Burma, which appears to have come and gone from our consciousness. I've been saying, and not varied, that the really bad news will come at at the start of 2008 when trade ballance and debt figures will come in that will fill everybody with alarm. I believe the spending splurge this Christmas will be the last the American public will see for many years. I believe it was Tancredo who said that the two biggest spending worries we have to address- - not the Iraq war or defense, but rather the twin evils of Social Security and Universal Health Care. If we don't get a handle on these two issues it really doesn't matter about the rest. We can blame high gasoline prices for triggering the bad times to come, but there are other underlying debt and negative savings issues that we have been ignoring for decades that will come home to roost. I think the American People have forgotten how bad inflation actually was in the Ford and Carter adminestrations, and the crippling effect inflation had on the economy. Bad times are on their way again!


This is after dinner. We had meat loaf and scalloped potatoes and I had seconds on both. I also got seconds on lemon pudding thanks to Dianne, who intervened for me. She’s also good at dealing with Sarah, who for some reason I find it hard to talk to, perhaps because she’s so distant. Janet says Marcus just might be coming back because the information about his never returning is third hand at best going through Patty and Marsha and then Janet. Mike’s roommate apparently drinks half gallon bottles of vodka and is passed out in his room a lot when he isn’t pounding on Janet’s door in the middle of the night. Just now I reviewed “Midevil”, which is how I spell it. It’s an interesting file all right to read personally, but if I gave my blog readers several pages of it they just might get bored. This is, of course, the file with “Termites on Patrol on it. Before dinner while Bill had “Cops” on I reread “The End of a Presidency” about Richard Nixon and their multi year timeline. I was sure about half that book was devoted to “updated” tape transcripts, but there were to my surprise no tape transcripts in that book. It was Kleindenst and not Mitchel, who resigned as attorney general along with Halderman, Erlichman, and Dean. L Patrick Gray resigned a few days earlier on April 27th. of 1973. They had the actual articles of impeachment and I think, the votes.

The flame thrower event in “Days” is that it was Belle who sent that letter to the Police Academy trashing Sean’s reputation and taking that dark stroll down memory lane. It wasn’t Philip that sent that damning anonymous letter. If I were Sean I’d become more furious by that than I would her sleeping with Philip. One is a momentary if revealing giving in to the flash. The other shows her ongoing state of mind. Bo wants to confront Philip about the sex. Of course the famous “last words” are in every scandal are “You have to promise not to tell a soul but did you hear- - - ?”


In France there was this gang of youths that stole hub caps and other car parts because they are poor, as is common in socialist countries. The local police were so intimidated that they would not venture into the neighborhood so the thugs had free reign. One day some woman called and insisted the police come out and so they did but found themselves out-gunned. On a later time they sent a division of cops in armed with mil-itary equipment and still they found themselves unable to quell the disturbance. It turns out the original gang was Moslem and we know Moslems emigrated to European countries like France as a safe haven. The socialist authorities hoped they would be assimilated but they weren’t. So now you know the problem.

They’re digging a little deeper now outside but I still don’t know what they’re doing. They talked about the group Opus Dei this morning on Today. They say the group was founded in 1922 and not centuries ago as I had figured. They portrayed it as a harmless devotional group comprised of married and 30% single people. They use some midevil device to whip themselves endeavoring to “mortify the flesh”. I think there are a whole lot of skeletons in the closet that they aren’t even talking about. Medieval is apparently the operative spelling. We’re not going with that spelling.

“Tooki” Williams is scheduled to be executed December 13th. The governator is still considering a request for clemency. Now he writes children’s books.

This is after dinner and the hall light is still out. We had BBQ chicken for dinner and lemon pudding. Mike and Sandy were here on and off. I knocked on Glen’s door and he brought coffee. They’re still debating teaching Evolution in the classroom.

The CIA runs prison camps in various secret locations in various countries I guess they call Black Ops or something. Larry says our country has been doing this for a long time. Perhaps. I’m still morally opposed to it if torture is involved. Today is the 25th. anniversary of the election of Ronald Reagan as President. Now they’re saying that Bush’s problem is he doesn’t have the winning manner and rehearsed speech and smooth delivery of Ronald Reagan. Perhaps. Now there is talk by Pat Buckhannon urging George Bush to withdraw troops starting early next year. I think that’s a pretty good idea. Bush needs to put this whole Libby thing behind him. Pat Buckhannon says the best way to do that is to ignore it and it will wither on the vine, so to speak. Perhaps. Larry Elder says he expects this Mideast war to be a “Generational” war. I don’t know if the US has ever had one of those before, if you don’t count the War Between the States. Bush’ popularity numbers are down to 37% approval and 59% disapproval.


(see "For the Record"- May)

. Front cover photo is what looks like the crucifixion of Christ. There is a dusty trail with people on both sides- - Palestinian peasants and Roman officials in uniform. The figure of Jesus Christ is sort of from the rear so you don’t see his face. He is wearing a purplish-blue robe and it and the Christ figure are out of focus. He is carrying a termite-infested cross that is in perfect focus. In the lower left of the picture is a magnifying close-up of the wood and the termites are carrying signs pro-testing the crucifixion and have their hands out in a “stop” gesture. On the back of the album is that internet photo of George Bush reading a book to school children with the book upside-down. The title listings are superimposed (in standard black) letters over the back cover photo. On the inside is a bunch of commentary why George Bush will never succeed either with the war effort, or with the Supreme Court nomination because the democrats and independents will ‘Let him hear about it” come election day 2006.

OK we just added two songs, “Psycho Killer” and “I’m Losing You”. I think they’ll fit. One song not included is “We Are the Worms” from Dr. Demento.

Leo Le Port says he doesn’t want to spend forever talking about viruses. This is after lunch and we had pizza. Glen just came by with coffee and I ex-pended my last two cigarettes. Today is Guy Fawks day or something in England. [some editing took place here]

Ken Galliger had some interesting topics today. First of all there is this practice of commercial names for Stadiums. You have Heinz Field, Minute Maid Stadium in Houston, the Staples Center, and Edison Field. Every time you say the name of the venue it’s a free plug for office supplies or whatever. So maybe I’ll do the Lucifer is Lord Federation news.

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