Tuesday, May 06, 2008

S P L I T - D E C I S I O N

Well, Hillary's own early polling in Indiana had her down eight points. Obama predicted he would win Indiana by seven. It turns out that Hillary won the state 52% to 48% unless there are newer numbers I haven't seen. Obama book North Carolina 57% to 43% and those percentages were shrinking. Some would call it an Obama victory because they say that Hillary had to win both states to stay in the race. But if you watched the victory speeches of both candidates, it was Hillary who clearly had the more enthusiastic crowd. And once again Hillary like in that last debate was able to say more - using fewer words. I liked what Obama had to say but Hillary had more feeling in her speech. There was a long hour break between the two speeches on CNN.

Now I'd like to get a bit more esoteric. Let's just say that as of late I have consulted "the powers that Be" on this subject and I have disserned that Hillary is going to win the nomination regardless of what the mathmeticians say. There was just too much dirt uncovered about Obama and his weaknesses are too apparent for all to see. It seems that no matter how loyal the Black vote is, Obama is never going to get certain older, white working stiffs known in the trade as "Reagan Democrats", of which the country is saturated with. Thom Hartman talked of a coalition that Bobby Kennedy was building at the time of his death, and how that if that coalition had been allowed to come to fruition then it would have signaled a new day in America. But it didn't. There are some things that if you look down from the perspective of God himself, that you view differently. God knows that certain things are never going to happen. Christians talk about things that are never going to happen like the Rapture of themselves and how "everything will unfold to justify them and to hell with the rest of the world. Many today have said of the conflict in Iraq that "What is Iran invades Iraq; what will we do?" Hillary trudged out Kennedy's M A D or mutually assured destruction doctrine. She promises "massive retaliation" on Iran if they should threaten Israel or any ally of ours in the Mideast. This is assuming of course that Israel does not "take out" Iran's nuclear capabilities on their own, which they have proven in the past they are able to do. Worrying about an invasion that never will happen is pointless. Worrying about anything you feel "might happen" but God knows never will Be - is pointless. Many times Christians throw a "what if" phrase at you while witnessing to you. For instance, "suppose they should archologically prove Christ lived and rose from the dead?" The theory goes that should that happen we should have a Republican like Mc Cain as president at that time so that our country will reep its reward for "keeping the faith". The difference between democrats and republicans is that democrats embrace the real world as it is today. Today has problems unto itself without the "whit if's" posed by religious preachers. Particularly under Hillary religion will take a back seat. The right wing will take a back seat and some people like Johnny Wendell say this process of "withdrawal" has already begun. Jesus said "consider the lillies of the field". OK, I'll do that. Once a lilly blooms, it is a full fledged flower with petals and everything. But once a flower sheds its petals can it get them back? So it is with the Christian right and political influence. There was a time when they "weren't ready" to share their political clout with the world. They hadn't "flowered" yet. Now Johnny Wendell brings us the news that the bloom is off the rose of the right wing. Christianity no longer has the strength to look outside itself to the world, but like in its germanation period, finds keeping its ideas to itself more prudent. To summarize, we may well be seeing the dogmas and notions of the Christian right "withering on the vine" as the left gains ascendancy. I would like to think, and do believe, that whether it is Obama or Hillary the ideas of the liberals will grow and become dominent as they haven't been in forty years. It could well be that some of the horrors the Right wing describes in World Net Daily may indeed come to pass. I guess our job is to "get used to this". As the country comes to embrace Thom Hartman's ideas about "the comons" and what the true role of government should be, or idea of what a good President will grow and evolve, along with our values. The job of a Born Again Christians is not to shrink from the future, but welcome it.

In terms of spiritual powers and all that E T I stuff we talk about- - I don't know for a fact that there is life or intelligences on other planets. I don't know for a fact whether or not we survive death. But assuming any of my "revelations" are on the money- - we can look at things such as Hillary is supported by members of the Pliades star group. We know the Pliades symbolize the idea of the Circle of Seven. They themselves refer to them being "The Axis around which the Universe revolves". We know in the I Ching there is a chapter called "limitation", which is a part of nature as anything else. Einstein embrases this ideas of circles in his view of the Universe. In his universe certain things CAN"T happen because they are being cosmically prevented. We have said that Bill Clinton is a sutteran, which they themselves referr to as "South bound" but the Romulans have a different, slightly obscene word for. We know that the Sutterans don't get along with the Pliades although they are co-genitors along with the branch of Cassiopians who tried to take over the propaganda division of the Federation in June of 1991. I want to get back to this notion of the circle- - as well as the color yellow. The Pliades wave a white flag, in race driver tradition, when they have but one lap to victory, and it's the yellow flag they wave or see their enemies wave when they desire to surrender. Michelangelo knew this bit about the yellow circle symbolizing the Jew. Circles contain things but they do it by turning an entities own karma against them in a curse. I say this not to be racist but because it's true. There is a game called "Defend Atlantis" or something where you have to draw circles around invading entities from space and they encase their enemies in bubbles that float off harmlessly into space. I guess you could say that Black Holes in Einstein's thinking- - A - don't exist because there is no way to prove their existance if they did and (B) we are protected by "the circle" so that we can never Know them. In like manner the Christian God, if he exists at all the way he claims, is something no one can ever know because he exists in a bubble and has floated off harmlessly into space. And now I would like to say a few more words that were written yesterday but I wasn't sure if I was going to use or not. The Federation had a thing about “giving the finger” to the Cassiopians who took them over back in 1991. Michelangelo had his yellow “Jew” circle. The Mal Evans sector of the Federation had the “yellow ribbon” that was changed in symbology to appeal to Alcyonne to help them in their fight against that Cassiopian group. As such all this stuff about "yellow ribbins" in 1991 here on earth was turned on its head by the Federation. If even your enemy is just, you may appeal to him for help against another enemy. The Federation claims to have put out that "Day in a Life" mash-up recording back in September of 1988. I figured out where I heard that “Radio Head” riff before- and on this planet. You know that haunting bass and piano and percussion riff underpinning the track. It’s from “Shangri-La” by Electric Light Orchestra- - the “trailing” section where the strings are doing all those arpeggios going up and down denoting waterfalls or fountains or something. I don’t want to overwhelm blog readers with too much Extra Terrestrial stuff on blogs.


Just to pick up on the last line, I did call Terry about going to the bank today and he suggested watching “Jason and the Argonauts”. First I had on “At the Movies” then Sixty Minutes” first two segments and I switched to channel 30 for a while, dialing away at 8:17 and watching the Simpson’s and the “Sundance Festival”, and then “King of the Hill” featuring forged items Hank Hill bought. I slept well.

This morning I got up not too early so as not to have to borrow any more cigarettes than I needed to. This Black guy sat at our table and had breakfast along with us but he was obviously too articulate and intelligent to be a resident. It turns out he was a Mormon guy there to see Yvon, which he did -at lunch time. Even if I hadn’t heard he was a Mormon from someone else the choice of conversational topics would have given it away. I don’t know if Yvon has been going as long as Dianne or whether Dianne convirted her and in turn Yvon is in the process of converting Phyllis. We had Raison Bran and then toast and fried eggs for breakfast and beans and franks for lunch. We had rainbow sherbet for lunch, which was an unusual treat. Earlier he was talking with Manfred and me and I didn’t know if he was some government inspector or what.

Terry called to say he’d be early at about ten thirty and I happily was waiting in the parking lot out there. I asked him about the Pastor’s sougern into Africa and he said it was to Uganda. I asked about his mother’s health. I asked about his writing. He in turned asked how I liked his story and I kind of artfully changed the subject. I thanked him for the transportation and offered to remunerate him at a later date but not today. The line at the bank was longer than usual but lots of tellers were in action. I had no problem withdrawing a paultry $6.25 from my account. Terry says he’s seen “Iron Man” already and we talked about the Argonauts movie. Terry also doesn’t know whether or not we’ll get any of the Bush rebate. He says he needs to fix up his truck.

Matt Lauer was in Buenos Aires on Monday and Amsterdam on Tuesday and Istambul on Wednesday and Laos on Thursday and I think Friday must have been some remote island. Today they talked about how older siblings have all the advantages and achieve higher, a proposition I have always disagreed with on both counts.

John Black testified for Elvis at the immigration hearing saying he knew the subjects were more in love than either of them knows. We don’t know what Nicole said but she tried to get Sammy’s goat by saying “I hope E J will be happy visiting his son twice a year in London”. Kate apparently knows Mr. Vitalli quite well.

I bought Ace cigarettes and a black lighter this time at the liquor store. At two I went for a large coffee at the bakery that was actually hot. Bill has the usual afternoon TV fare on now. Randy Rhodes and Thom Hartman are keeping the fires of hope alive for Obama. Loyalty is a good thing. Randy was saying how the Right Wing crowd like the oil and defence contractors now know that Mc Cain will never be elected President and they have already fixed their sites on Hillary to make sure that she is in their back pocket. They see Obama as the only hope. I myself have chilled on Obama, and once the bloom is off the rose it’s just hard to bring it back. I like Hillary’s gasoline tax “scheme” to stick it to the oil companies. Neither Stewart Sutcliffe nor Mal Evans from the Federation is with me on this. Even if they aren’t my memory of proposition 13 is too vivid to fall for this crap about “Well if a corporation is taxed more they’ll just make it back in charges” or the equally false axiom “If a corporation has its taxes cut, they will pass the savings on to the consumers”. This is Larry Elder type talk, and I wish Randy Rhodes and Thom Hartman would realize this. Hillary has for once accurately fingered the problem and I think we should all applauder her. My only regret as a competitor of hers would be that I hadn’t thought of it first. If people will wait in long lines in New Jersey for a discount of a few pennies, what will they do for eighteen cents- - - per gallon. I’m old enough to realize we’re talking about sizable money here. They say that in terms of constant dollars, Ronald Reagan is still the master of the Deficit, hard as that is to believe, despite the fact that Bush has almost doubled the deficit while in office.

On Sixty Minutes they had Henry Wade on, who was the “Wade” of Roe vs. Wade. Now we know where “Texas justice” comes from. Dallas is the most fiercely prosecutorial city in the country. Wade served from 1951 to 1987 and now there are over two hundred suspected miscarriages of justice. The Black guy last night was the seventeenth guy to be released after investigation. He was accused of rape 23 years ago and new DNA evidence set him free. There was a line: “Today you are less getting justice than a long injustice if being corrected”. You know if God is just, he will be telling this to a lot of people when they enter the Pearly Gates after death. Their next segment was another one on Pat Tillman where we learned some new details. But we all knew the army just made up a story about how he died to get Bush’s poll numbers up. The question is how many deaths have taken place in Texas due to unethical prosecution where even though the law espressly states otherwise, evidence of an exculpatory nature was not taken into account or handed over to the defense. Prosecutors in order to get a conviction any way they can ignore leads that might point to the person who really did the crime. (It might even be a white person) I think one thing a President Obama or Hillary, either one, will do in office is to launch a nation wide look at these cases. I would imagine that the Supreme Court will lurch to the left with a President Hillary, for good or for bad. People will know that a new day has arrived. Religion in particular will find it much harder to go about their business under a President Hillary.

We’re going to go off blog now. “Hey- - - I said turn that camera off!”

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