Wednesday, May 14, 2008


OK if I'm going to be as smart as Thom Hartman who was doing all this advanced math in grammar school I'd better get on the stick as far as additive velocities in the theory of relativity. I have the correct formula now done in Excel. It's, =(H49+I49)/(1+(H49*I49) I'll explain. H49 is the velocity of the first space ship or whatever and I 49 is the velocity of the missile or rocket that is launched from it going forward, OK? What you do is add these together and then divide the whole thing by one plus the product of those same two velocities, provided those velocities are some varient of the speed of light. If they are not, simply factor in the speed of light to these numbers below the fraction line. This formula was tested for accurecy trying it out with 2/3 and 2/3 as velocities and the answer is supposed to be 12/13. However I was a tad off in the thousandths collum or a few tenths of a percent. I'm not certain whether this error is tollerable. At any rate the speed of light does not come to a grinding halt. You know, it doesn't really matter. The speed of light is so infinetessible compared to the size of the Universe, if it's only expanding at this slow rate it will take forever. You will note that as of late they are saying that the edge of the universe is accelerating faster than they'd dared imagine. What they also say is that in the outer reaches of the universe "space" itself is in motion. This cannot be true unless you subscribe to the Ether theory, that space as we know it "moves" and it can only be said to move if it had some sort of substance to it, so- - you decide. You can plug any two fractions of a number into this formula in places H 49 and I 49 and this formula will generate an answer.

While I have you here I might as well repeat that we all know the future and not because of any "revelations from the Other Side". No, we know the future because after the theory of relativity hits infinity it doubles back on itself, which means our own Self or soul doubles back on itself so that we are living life both forward and backwards. We already know the future because we've already lived it. (Selah) People talk about God consciousness. For Calvin or a determinist such as Einstein, we can absolutely know God by one way, and that is by what happens in our world. Of course the theory of relativity is a bit nonsensical in one way in that it says that two simotanious events when observed by a third party do NOT happen simotaniously. To me this violates all sense of what reality consists of but proponets have their reasons, I guess. In religion what too often is most important is belief for belief's sake. In science we base things on facts. When Fred Price talks about belief, oddly by his definition you cannot Believe something if it's actually true, but only if it's unknown or false. As such if one postulates that you are saved by belief- - ipso facto it has to be belief in something that is either unknown or false, because if it turns out to be true, if you're Fred you have to use some other verb. Scientists see things as they are. They are believers in what IS and not as some might dream them to be.


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