Thursday, May 08, 2008


Well, we’ve heard it now from Thom Hartmann. What we have in America today is classism rather than racism. This is pretty much true. But it’s even more pernicious. People in the Civil War were all haughty about slavery and yet we are all “slave holders” when you look at how many slave labor and child labor goods we import in this country and there are people like Larry Elder who seem to want a permanent under-class in America in ways that even the KKK would balk at. After all even the KKK would balk at a landowner having sex with his Black slave subject. Now the ultimate insult is delivered by calling Obama “elite”. This is just another take-off on the “uppity Nigger” phrase you used to hear from Southerners. No doubt Hillary will continue to pander to this racist and prejudiced view of America. Perhaps it is true. Rush Limbaugh has a secret crush on Hillary Clinton. Other than my writings nowhere else where you hear Hillary’s campaign tacticts extolled. Rush wonders why Blacks vote for Blacks. Well if we were suddenly taken over by Extraterriestrial aliens, and we had a chance to vote on a government officer, don’t you think earthlings would naturally vote for the human? Rush doesn’t know the difference between racism and self preservation. It all comes down to credibility and let’s face it: a black is just more “credible” when he says his aim is to advance the Black man, than is a white candidate. If Obama gets the nomination I will happily admit I was wrong. After all I predicted the Bears would defeate the Colts in Super-bowl 2007. I still can’t believe that one. Some may say when I talk of things that “never happened” that “well, perhaps those events are due now”. There are things I didn’t put on that list. I have never seen the movie “Let it Be”, I have never been held at gunpoint on the street and robbed of my watch, my wallet, or any jewelry, I have never been homosexually gang raped in prison. I have never been in a live earthquake where the shaking was so strong that glass was breaking and furniture was toppling over. I guess the question arises whether such fortune is chance or whether certain events are being cosmically prevented by some Cosmic Hand. The Jews back in the era of the Prophets thought “We will always have Jerusalem” when Ezekiel preached against them. Jesus’ role on earth seems to have been to euphemistically “remind the Jews that they were fallible” as a people. I don’t need to be reminded that I’m fallible. Some on the right say this same Cosmic Hand will somehow “protect” us should we get into ecological trouble due to global warming and/or pollution. It could be that God clicks off certain events, or rather events that were prevented from happening. And he says “You have this many chances to put things right and them I’m going to “let the forces of nature loose” and you’ll see what it’s like to live in the real world”. As I’ve often said, “Grace” is not a girl’s name, grace is not a blank checkbook with God’s signature on every page. “Grace” is a test each time it occurs, for us to pass or fail. Sometimes I myself am tempted to deny the reality of “All things must pass” but there are some in positions of power, and you know who you are, that dare not forget this axiom. If you’ve led a sinful life and are now an old widow, you can’t buy atonement for your sins by donating your children’s inheritance of pricess heirlooms to a money grubbing Col. Parker type Pastor who whispers sweet promises in your ear. In like manner we cannot cut taxes on the rich and deny that we as a nation are robbing from our Children by running up the deficit sky high. I don’t know how that Hebrew King was allowed to “see into the spirit world” but if there is a world out there beyond the four dimensions we know of- - we should at least check out what is going on there. “Don’t look at the people who were fired from their jobs by Bush, look at the ones who kept their job”. Don’t look at the anomalies, look at the overall pattern of corruption. You know if the Bible says anything about Jehovah, it’s that he doesn’t like to be bull-shitted. Jehovah has been known to retract forgiveness for individuals like Shimiai for one- - and later decided to come after him. Let’s talk about Col. Parker, as long as his name has come up. I bet he never thought he’d ever get his come-uppance, but he surely did, and now his name is a by-word and accursed forever more. I guess the question is whether the national politic will get worse before it gets better. Some may look and say there is no hope for the future of America, and I have been one of these at times. Sometimes it seems as if the forces of Darkness have a perpetual hammerlock on our economy and our political dialog. Now they are interviewing that Governor Don Siegalman guy from Alabama who was wrongly charged and convicted and abused in other ways. Certain sins are committed against whole races such as the native tribes here in America. Since these people are long dead, how shall their name be avenged? I don’t know. Sometimes “history gets things wrong” for a long time. What will the history books in our grandchildren and great grandchildren’s day say, for instance, about Karl Rove or Scudder Libby or Dick Chaney? Some, including myself, would ask, “Are there any guarantees that indeed All Things Must Pass”? Suppose a criminal when he was on the verge of being caught or whatever, had the option merely to kill himself and know that his soul would leap into another body and have a whole new identity? I have thought of things like this. I have said that at least in my case and perhaps the nation’s case, too- - that Evil does not come from individual people but from Supernatural Entities of one sort or another operating as karmic forces. As I have said before- - karma goes out into the Universe and congiels in a spheroid around an object where it’s energy has recursion power that cycles the same negative energy over and over. Perhaps Sylvia Browne should be asked about the origins of such Evil. I guess maybe that Apache tribe Thom Hartmann had the right idea rather than arbitrarily punish one for a deed to somehow “undo the deed” like Scientology seeks to do with eradicating engrams. And some if not most curses are just meant to run along their pre set course.

If we had prosecuted World War II against Germany as poorly as God has “courted” me into the Christian Faith, we would be fighting World War seventeen by now because nothing would ever get solved and resentments would only grow and fester. So why is it that Christians count themselves as exempt from the third commandment?

Congress is one group that’s actually allowed to buy and sell corporate as well as commodity stocks on insider information and make a pile of money and not be accountable. Now we finally know how come they all become so rich.

They say the peace sign is fifty years old first used in England in 1958. I thought it dated back to the 1930’s and all the “ban the bomb” stuff a little later on. They say the symbol is derived from the semaphore letters N and D for nuclear disarmlement.

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