Saturday, July 23, 2011

F O R - E V I L

In the news we have the saga of that whacked out guy in Norway who first set off a bomb in a high rise building and then went to a summer camp where children were playing care free. Some said that he's a Moslem who didn't know his geography and wanted to retaliate on Denmark for running that cartoon showing Bin Laden with a bomb. This guy for others was actually a Born Again fundamentalist Christian, a real Timothy Mc Vey type who just wanted vengence on all government. He will probably not get the death penalty. Charles Manson's victims all got the death penalty but Manson can live a leisurely life in his cell with his internet and his fan letters, very much alive. John Lennon is dead. Mark David Chapman is very much alive. I was tempted to call this piece "Death Heals All Wounds", but that might be misconstrewed. It's a fact however that a wound will heal a lot more quickly if it's been treated with disinfectants and the like. Some people we don't have to worry about. Tom Bradley is dead, who single handedly set back black and police relations by decades. Jim Jones is dead. Gene Scott is dead. He's somebody you don't have to spend a second thinking or wondering about his church and its affects on people. I think it was Dennis Prager who said (if I'm wrong I apologise) that one thing about a True friend is that he loves the same things that you love and hates the same things you hate. You know, Thom Hartman says that if corporations are going to be accorded the status of human beings "created in the image of God" or what not, then they ought to undergo the Corporate Death Penalty, should their sins be grievious enough. You can't very well say "Well it's too bad all those people died like that but a corporation did it, and so what can you do. By the way, I'm not exactly one of those people who believes the retarded and the insane should be given a pass merely because of their "infirmity". You know something, I'm glad that John Lennon uses the word "crippled" in the song "Crippled Inside" rather than the word "Disabeled". That word implies to me a deliberate sabotage. It's like disabeling a burgelar alarm, or knifing a dog's vocal chords out so it can't bark, or de-clawing a cat so that it can't defend itself. Much wrong with the legal system today is that the oppressed are almost prohibited by law from fighting back. So consumers continue to get screwed, and people suffer and die all the time from very preventable Industrial Accidents. Just between you and me I find a lot of John Lennon's evaluations rather inexplicable. Is he referring to himself as "Crippled Inside"? Lord knows he's made enough self-depricating observations about himself in his song lyrics. And what did he mean when he said "Wern't the 'seventies awful. Aren't you glad you got through them?" The seventies to my generation is that holy grail of decades we all long to go back to. On the other hand Lennon sounds almost giddy in songs like "Living on Borrowed Time". I wish someone would let me in on the joke. One lyric I identify with and always have is the one that goes "You know that your cat has nine lives, nine lives to itself. You've only got one and a dog's life ain't fun". I saw myself as a dog and all the Christians as people who got away with blowing oppertunity after oppertunity and making mistake after mistake and somehow always manage to land on their feet. There have been a few times in my Christian walk where I felt like God's own pet black dog, who's regularly walked on a choker chain. I think only one time did John Lennon speak of "uncertainty about the future". He seemed strangely silent about the president race we had just undergone in 1980. But too often the addage is true that the evil men do lives after them. Especially when they are very much not dead. In Jesus Christ, Superstar - - Jesus dies, but Judas lives on with his prattle of remarks out to stumble the next would be believer. A lot of people argue that the U N is as good as dead because we appoint people from killer Islamic nations to committee posts on Human Rights comissions. We pay the bills and the rest of the world reviles us, and we let them. Somewhere I can't help but think some sort of "attitude adjustment" is warrented. Neil Savedra may care nothing of yours or my legal rights, but he's the first to make sure Satan is accorded with all his legal rights. So is there a place of "letting go of a grudge" so to speak. Sure there is. After the Evil that is the cause of the problem is eliminated. I believe this is what Dylan meant with the words in Masters of War that go "And I'll stand over your grave and make sure that you're dead". Well you know that Chuck Smith has no problem with "troublesome people" suddenly "disappearing", and hell - if he can say it, I can. Why it's "God's answer to a troublesome relation" isn't it? I mean, who are we to argue with God? It's my desire that God come to think more like me, and discover what an improvement it is, and then we'd all have a better world.


Many people look at the idea of sin as being really complicated. However, to parody Jesus, "In the beginning it wasn't so". There was a singular prohibition, "Don't eat the apple tree". Odd as it seems God did not prescribe a regimin of self flagulation or pray and fasting and pennance, nor did he advise Adam and Eve against "excessive lust while having sex" as Dante and others would warn against. The singular "Don't" is to not go near that one locus of Sin. So how does this apply to the karmic funnel I mention in my prophecy book and in many postings? Well we also have to look at the one "DO". In the Bible, metaphorically speaking, the singular "DO" is to come to Jesus and seek his salvation. They call it "One Way". What of those souls who have already progressed way down the funnel and are in danger of going "down the chute" and undergo psychic death? What is their singular "DO"? That simply is to get away from that Black Hole sucking you in. To quote George Harrison out of context "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there". So what does this mean? It's a simple fact of geometry that traveling in any straight line will take you away from sin's trap. Of course to the sinner with his circular warped perception if you're a straight shooter with him, he will take it as a curve ball, when the warped perception is entirely on his part. Any way to get away from the center is a good one. It also stands to reason that once you move far enough away from the center, your options and choices become much more plentiful. You have a lot more "space" to work with.


You know, all that Congress had to do to take a major step tword getting the US government out of it's deficet cycle last year was to do absolutely Nothing. That's right. The Bush tax cuts were already scheduled to expire. If congress had done nothing they would have expired. So the republicans by their OWN actions functioned as enablers of Evil, in this case, the deficet. Now they are still enabeling the deficet by rejecting all agreements. Dr. Phil has often times spoken of the evil of "Enabelers". Jesus was an enabeler of evel when he said "Do not resist one who is evil". This could just as easily translate, "Do not resist the evil one". How ironic that Ron Hubbard's morality is superior to Jesus' in this point. He says the prime directive of all life forms is to "Survive". Certainly this is one principle the Catholic Church has followed scrupulously. Indeed President Obama has enabeled evil. After the rebuff of Friday evening I would have imagined that the next move on the President's part would be very unwelcome to the Republicans and one they wouldn't like a bit. They said that if Hillary Clinton ever got into office you know should be politically vindictive to her enemies. Well, political vindictiveness is looking pretty darn good to me right about now. Couldn't the president tap funds to secretly fund primary opponets in next year's election or fund their democratic challengers? Could not the President say "OK, if we default then as executive I decide which payments will be made and what money is spent. And guess who's going to wind up on the short end of this? All you people from the red states. For that matter couldn't the President do what Bill Clinton advised and unilaterally declare the debt borrowing limit to be unconstitutional and simply not obey it. As Andrew Jackson once said "Congress made the law. Now let's see them enforce it." What about all these "signing statements" President Bush is famous for. Couldn't the President sign virtually anything congress put up and then issue one of these signing statements? The President also is enabeling these people with his Marsha Clark limp wristed approach to his political opponets, rather than speak as anyone who has actual authority. In all these ways the President has enabled evil just like the drug taking and child molesting stories talked about on the Dr. Phil show. At the same time the good that would be done is disabeled. People like Neil Savedra won't "let people be Christians" but he has to shackle them to death with a bunch of ifs, whereasses, and wherefores. Those who would work for Abolition in the nineteenth century were often disabeled by the morays of the day. The fact that karma is "singular" may puzzle some people. But in the expanding universe "soap bubble" theory- - Time is Singular even though it stretches out in all directions in a 3 D panorama. There is a little theory I have developed. If the fabric of the Ether is indeed stretching, mightn't that imply that the speed of Light over the milenia is in fact slowly Increasing? You see as you look back in an "event horizon" to celestial bodies of the past- - it could be argued that a smaller space is perceived as the same ammount of ground. It's all that map projection thing. The closser you get either to the North Pole, or the start of the Big Bang, the more space shrinks, and that which we perceive as straight are actually bending. To accomodate this phenomina - -it may be that even a reading of the speed of Light might differ a bit is taken a hundred million years ago. It's just a thought. A man bound in sin has few options if he's going to extracate himself. A man free of sin has many productive options. Right now our President is being boxed in by his enemies so that his options are going from few to none.


Tertulian was the first theologian to coin the word "Trinity" to describe God. He proposed the idea that a singular energy force would in fact have three distinct personalities. I call that a mental illness myself. Particularly if they pass the time arguing with each other. Tertulian was the first theologian to come out squarely against the possability of reincarnation. Yet there are seemingly six books of the Bible that Tertulian never quoted from. And I'm not entirely sure that the ones he did quote from were specified by name. Tertulian never quoted from James, Jude, 3rd. John, Philemon (about a freed slave), 2nd. Peter and Hebrews. The latter is of note because there are doctrines found in Hebrews found nowhere else in the Bible. Also odd that this is early in the third century and the use of certain Biblical books seems to at best be - - not well established. Hebrews alone specifically refers to these as the "Last days". Hebrews alone speaks of entertaining strangers because "In this process, many have been known to entertain Angels". Hebrews alone speaks of the "Cloud of witnesses" or Martyra, cheering us on as we make our way through life. Hebrews alone seems to put the kabosh on allowing the idea of reincarnation. Only Hebrews speaks of being "Judged" immediately upon death. When Tertulian broached the idea of the Trinity, the majority of the Christian churches did not take kindly to the idea but accused him of Hericy. Only his buddies in Rome seemed to like the idea. But I will say this of Tertulian that I can't say of every theologian in that he has a legal, logical mind and appears to speak and write clearly.


Well the Friday July 22, 2011 deadline has come and gone and it’s after six on the east coast and there is no debt ceiling deal. As you know the Republicans passed that “cut, cap, and balance” bill that would have cut six trillion from the deficit. But the senate voted that proposal down today by 51 to 46 with some Democrats abstaining. But never fear, we were told, the President had a deal going with John Boehner. Well that deal fell through because Boehner was afraid of all these tea party republicans that had signed this “no new taxes” pledge to this one conservative. So the President held a press conference at three today and I listened to it on the radio KNX 1070. But they broke off coverage before it was concluded. One can’t help but think at some point the American people are going to perceive the Republicans as being the intransigent ones and therefore villanize them. It would seem that John Boehner and these tea baggers don’t care a bit whether the nation defaults or not. Apparently the House is going in recess over the weekend so we won’t be hearing any fresh news on this matter for days.

Last night it was ABC news and Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, and then the Vampire Diaries. I slept well but was anxious and restless before breakfast and I wasn’t sure why. I finally decided to go ahead and pay the phone bill even though the check might bounce. I’ve checked with all sorts of people and they all say that there was no fifteen dollar cut in the S S I check. If there is, the account will be overdrawn, but only by a dollar or two, which is ironic. But I wasn’t going to face that robo-call maze again and give them my account number, my PIN and then they ask me for the secret password. That’s already happened twice. I had Stephanie Miller on and brewed coffee.

We had Rice Krispies for breakfast and I got someone’s orange juice, and eventually we had pancakes and sausage. Probably the only time I was relaxed all day was the hour or so after breakfast. Last night I was thinking of doing a thing called “guess which statements about Christianity or true” and they would all be indicting kind of statements, and the punch line would be “they’re all true”. Then I thought of having the all skeptics network of Non Christians. I came up with maybe ten different format ideas and plot lines. But as you see we aren’t doing that one either.


There are at least four major proofs of God's existance. There is the moral argument that goes "Well, God is fair, and therefore God is moral and in the final judgement will reward the good for their deeds and punish the bad for their deeds". There is the Teological argument, by which we deduce that there is a purpose for all creation because certain things were designed that way, and therefore there had to be an Intelligent entity to give this all a thought, before he created it to begin with. Then there is the Cosmological argument, which is the computer logic or "linear logic" model by which any Variable in order to be accepted as having a value, has to be "backed up by something" and that circular arguments or "infinite regression" won't cut it. Then there is the Ontological argument. Onlology asks questions such as "What is real; what is truely valuable, what is Important". It may be Important for a young Christian to marry, yet it is not "urgent" that he do so. He may reason "I am a Christian now and there are certain sins that Christians don't commit. And if I continue with certain practices I run the risk of somewhere down the line comitting the unpardonable sin. Therefore I will get married to insure against this, because it it more important that I be right with the Lord than that I have a successful marriage". This is a Value judgement. On March 4th 1999 I was told for the first time - - and by a doctor, that I was an alcoholic. While it may be Important to deal with this problem it isn't necessarly Urgent. So then the doctor says "There is an A A meeting tonight. Why don't you go?" when clearly I was not interested in getting up in front of a room of strangers and declaring that I was an alcoholic, and presumably - would never drink again" We all intrinsically "know" what is right and wrong, even if we can't exactly "prove it in a test tube". This ontological argument is one I used about Time and my little "exestential delema" as I called it them, an Ontological delema. For example suppose we know that time proceeds twice as fast in galaxy A as opposed to galaxy B. Can we therefore way that Galaxy A is Faster than galaxy B. A pure "phenominalist" as I coin the term would say "No. Both Time systems are equally valid. It would be a "value judgement" to say that Galaxy system A is faster than Galaxy system B. Both just ARE and that's the best we can say. This is the sort of logic that's employed in a lot of liberal educational systems today. It's a one devoid of absolute standards. If one believes in an absolute truth- - nothing measurable in nature can shake him of that belief. He "Knows" it and that's the end of the discussion. The Ontological argument for the existance of God goes thusly, "I believe it. Therefore I know with certainty that it's True". (Selah)


Yesterday after dinner I was looking up various early Church fathers and such such as Polycarp, Ireneus, and Tertulian. Tertulian was more "physical" in his thinking process than any of his predecessors. Tertulian was the first theologian, supposedly, to say that the human soul definitely can not be reincarnated into another material form. The human soul was created at conception upon the union of the mother and the father and is thus in intrigal part of the physical DNA and such. Although Tertulian says, "the soul can struggle and also suffer apart from a body, and this is why the soul is able to suffer in Hell". Tertulian was the first to use the expression of "Trinity" in describing God. For the majority of the Christian churches at the time, Tertulian was condemned as a heritic for saying this. Also Tertulian declared that neither a fornacator nor a murderer can find redemption in the Church. Were this actually True and had the doctrine been accepted by the Church, than I would not qualify to become a Christian now, and would not have qualified on March 24th 1976. I was out on the patio sitting in a chair by the west fence musing on this all about the soul, and how perhaps it is intrigal to the body. When John Lennon had a few well chosen words for me. I won't repeat them. Several days earlier he had a four word message for me, "Don't sell yourself short". These words were along that same vein. Lennon gave me some things to think about. I found his remarks to be very interesting. In fact, after I'm dead I'd like to make an appointment with him to hear more of them. According to that "ethisist" on KNX 1070 we all routinely pass up all sorts of oppeertunities to better ourselves. So I was just sitting there thinking "What is my destiny in life? Is it to discover the secret of the Romulan cloaking device?" We can guess it has something to do with shifting the space matter occupies, to some other space. But it can't be a fifth dimensional shift. (I was told it absolutely not this) It reminds me of that Laural and Hardy skit where L & H are running from somebody and they happen onto this shack where there is a whiggy scientist hold up in there and they ask him what he is doing and he says "I'm inventing a plan that flies without any propellers" and they respond "Then how does it get off the ground?" and he responds, "That's the part I haven't figured out yet".


All that stuff about Tertulian and the soul made me think in "physicality" terms. For instance something can have several "aspects" of reality to it. I have come up with what I call four "lower dimensions" of things. They are "lower" because they do refer to things. My current dimension triangle is thus extended from six to ten with the four at the bottom of the pyramid referring to the four aspects of things. So now we have four aspects of physicality. "Aspect" can also be translated "point of view". But also "Aspect" can refer to a whole dimension, and this is how I use it here. The Greeks had their own four aspects of things being the Ideal, the Form, the Substance, and the Image, the latter being the "least real" and the "Idea" being the most real. I don't have the same four, and I don't gradate mine according to values. All of mine are equally important. We have first what I call the "essence" of an object or person. This is "what is it's nature as perceived by a perfectly objective (preferably human) viewer. So we talk about the "essence" of certain things or their "essential nature" without which, you don't have the thing even though you may have all the others. As such I take offense to Walter Martin's book "Essential Christianity" because in that book, Christianity is not love, forgiveness, kindness, peace or any of those qualities. "Essential Christianity" to Dr. Martin is - - - Theology, and rather dry theology. So you see how words can be misused. Besides this there is also the form of an object. This could be something like a blueprint or perhaps some code, like a genetic code. The word of course could also mean "shape" or anything pertaining to math. Then we have the materiality or substance of an object, or to put it in scientific terms- - its Mass. And finally we have the purpose or function of an object. This theistic or Tertulian line of logic would suggest that the Creator God had a "good reason" for everything he did. An atheist might well say however that "Though you can easily acertain the function of man made artifacts, the same cannot be said for objects or life occurring in Nature." Well, to my way of thinking, it needn't be a Good reason. It could be an idiotic reason. But my notion is that if someone took the trouble to Create it- - than he must have gone through SOME mental processes to do it. So these are the four dimensions on the lowest rung of the pyramid. Then we have the three spacial dimensions. Then we have the two dimensions of Time. (this involved the fifth dimension) Finally we have something new for you all and that is the Karmic dimension. This dimension has singularity in that there is only one BEST way to behave at any given instant. Some may accuse me of wanting to have a "mistake free life". That KNX ethisist would argue that we should always be looking for those Oppertunities do "do good" and to better ourselves and the world. Of course as with matter this Karmic force has its own "gravitational property" that gives the individual "more space" in which to opperate. (the karmic funnel) One karmicly ascending can be said to be "living below their karmic means" whereas one who is in a process of descending can be said to be "living above their karmic means". In the first instance they are building up "karmic capital" and in the second they are tearing it down and "spending" their own capital. One will note that karma refers to their height in the funnel - - rather than "orbital speed". My assertion is that Christianity is spending its Karmia a lot more quickly than it is earning it. So now we have this triangulation of ten.

We now come to our second model, which is our old model. This model also has six balls or dimensions and the like, and is like our old model (or former postings) except for the top ball. The top dimension is now the Zero dimension. Perhaps we have made that psychic stuff just too complicated. To put in simpler terms even George Bush can understand, let's call this one the zero space dimension. Formerly it was hyperspace, but zero is an easier concept. As such a "psychic connection" in mental energies of different people- - is just contact in the zero dimension meaning no space between them and as we formerly said "in a sence they are the same thing". When one enters hyper space - - it's the initial acceleration of speed where the whole hyperbolic thing comes in. After moch three - - this too fades away. In hyper-space what you may physically see is just some gray mass with perhaps rainbow effects running through it. It is equivelent to the dreaded "Null Space" of Star Trek. It has a common danger with that in that there is a real danger of "getting lost in it' and never finding your way out. Like hyperbolic trig- - - it's the curved part near a ONE X value where there is the most interest. There comes a point in number value where hyperbolic trig ceases to be either interesting or that significant. All the other dimensions in this six-element model are the same.

We now come to our third model, which is a new model and I'd like to refer to a letter of some weeks ago. "I've been doing a lot of number and geometric stuff lately. Yesterday I came up with an opperation called "Pyramidization" of numbers, which is "Triangulation" carried to a third dimension. Excel already has the numbers - - it's "choose 3" instead of "choose 2". The whole "choose" function is normally used in my mind for "pizza toppings" choices. But they say it also can be used for picking possible teams in a party for games." This third model of dimensions is what I call the "after death model". This is a 3 D rather than a 2 D model in that there are seen six faces on four sides of this tetrahedon. In this model the top ball is Time, of all things - - singular time as we know it in our four dimensional space-time. The next tier down is three balls that represent - - Essence - - Form - - and Purpose - - but not materiality, which has dropped out. The bottom six balls could be seen two different ways. One way is to borrow from the I Ching model of Primary triagrams and Nuclear triagrams. Each Hexigram contains two of both. One could view the primary triagrams as the three spacial dimensions in our Universe as we know it and the three balls in the Center of the triangle- - would be the nuclear triagrams or the three "Death dimensions" experianced only upon Death. Or one could look at the bottom rung of this model another way and say that all Six are Death dimensions we come to experiance only after Death. The choice is up to you. And this concludes our lecture.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Well, the President has finally decided on a budget deal he likes and it's the eleventh hour proposal of the "Gang of Six", who rather than be heroes I'd have taken out and shot. President Obama pretty much "signed off" on the plan in a speech today and hopes that in the next couple of days an official bill can be drawn up and submitted to congress. The proposal slashes everything, including medicare and social security. They say this gives social security "solvency" for 75 years. Well, as they say in the food business, shelf life isn't everything. It pegs Social Security to a brand new index that's consistently several tenths of a percent per month lower than the usual Consumer Price Index, which in itself rips old people off. This deal apparently features 1.5 trillion dollars in corporate tax cuts. But Nicole Sandler says it does contain some revenue increases. It eliminates the interest payment deduction that hundreds of millions of people rely on to make their monthly house payments. Overall it cuts 3.75 trillion dollars from the budget. I guess you could say that this is the "big deal" the President was hoping for. Trying to get the specifics on the plan is a little difficult at this point, but there broad, sweeping outlines of slashes on everything. Apparently they even slipped in a two third vote requirement to raise any expenditures. Also along the same vein, the U S Senate will remain in session over the summer. This is to prevent the President from making those "recess appointments" of people who might not make it through the normal confirmation process. President George W Bush was famous for them. But I say look now and judge whether my words were true that this President is no good and that the democrats should put up another standard bearer in 2012. This President is so far over the line that the local dog catcher could garner more votes at this point. I think apologists like Randy Rhodes and Thom Hartman have a real decision to make in the next day or so about whether they are going to be cutting edge progressive advocates or not. Nicole Sandler is not at all happy about this whole gang of six proposal. My biggest problem with this proposal is that it contains so many massive corporate tax cuts whether it will do anything at all to actually reduce the deficet. But instead of this proposal the news is content to talk about the aftermath of "Carmageddon" or the latest "Harry Potter" movie, or this doll that breast feeds marketed to five year olds. But the "cold, hard facts" are that there IS no "debt crisis. At least not yet. And were we to go into default, the sensable thing to do then is just wait and see what happens and tackle each problem one at a time. At this point, a debt default is looking better every day.

Today was not a good day for the fake Raphael Hernandez to make deals. Of course a good rule to go by with the cops is that your life is worth a hell of a lot more when your captors still think they can get information out of you. Once you have coughed up everything you know, and they know it, then your life is worthless. Raphael Hernandez found this out today. It's not always smart to get cozy with the police even if you think you are diverting blame from yourself to finger the highers up who are involved. The fact is from the information you rat out - - the cops just might come back and say "Now we've got more information to charge you with". If the police grill you, don't give them squat. Well, Raphael played the fool today, thinking he was getting some all paid one way jet ticket to Columbia where he would find friends who protected him. Instead once Raphael put his John Hancock on the dotted line, he was taken back to his cell. I kind of thought once you negotiated for Freedom then you were free. I guess that only works in Christianity. Oh, you mean it doesn't work there either? Don't let them tell you that "honist confession is good for the soul". Once back in his cell, the Dept. sent in several tough dudes with a chip on their shoulder who had met up with his double and had a score to settle. They beat him up and presumably he is Dead now. His death should make a whole lot of people happy- not the least of which are the Walker sisters and Samantha, as well as Stephano and E J Di Mira. They're all popping champaign corks. Some say you should "Give glory to God and confess what you did". Have you read the story of Akin in the Bible. Well, it doesn't have a happy ending for Akin. Joan of Arc could tell you a thing about signing confessions. I guess you could call that a "bad carrier move" on her part. A fatal one.

Meet ALEC. That stands for Alternative Legeslative Exchange Council - or something. It's a shadow organization that's been working in all of these Midwestern states like Wisconsin and Indiana to draft all the legislation that is screened first by right wingers and corporate representatives to see if it's to their liking. So if you don't like all these new, weird measures you know who to blame. Things like elimination of state employee collective bargaining, and preserving pension rights, and a "liberalizing" of pollution laws to get away with murder, and to weaken occupational safety provisions for workers. And if it is they dump in a whole bunch of money to insure that the provision gets passed. Seems like we're hearing more about right wing shadow organizations every day. I guess there is a web site now called ALEC exposed. I'm going to check that out when I'm done here, and recommend you do the same. Our whole system needs a massive political purge- - from somewhere. But I haven't a clue who has the where with all to organize such a massive effort to cleans out the corruption from all our political systems. I'm not sure whether any grass roots organization can do it on its own. But I'll tell you, I really think we ought to get this vote Ron Paul thing going in states with open primaries. You know what they say, "He who lives by the open primary, dies by the open primary". If the Republicans get stuck with a candidate that can't win and they don't want they'll really be fit to be tied.

It's an old question but "Where have all the liberals gone?" and I mean those to the left of me. Twenty years ago you had people like Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Anne Richards, Ted Kennedy, Birch Bygh, Al Gore, Gloria Alred, Thomas O Neil, Lennard Woodcock, Lawerence O Brien, David Denken, Bob Packwood, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Mario Cuomo, Andrew Young, John Kerry, Alan Cranston, or even the dreaded Willy Brown, and Pete Stark, who used to regularly phone into the Michael Jackson talk show. Where is Michael Jackson? Has anybody seen Joe Byden lately? Tom Leykis was a spokesman for the liberal cause for a while, till he got into that sex thing and faded into oblivian. People complain you only see conservatives on all of the network News shows but that's because the balance has shifted something fierce in the past twenty years. Many of the people we feel so threatened by now nobody had even heard of five years ago. I'm talking about people like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Tim Pawlente, Rick Perry, and Glen Beck. The whole constelation of both politicians and comentators has so radically altered that were you to stay exactly the same, you would be perceived as migrating radically to the left.

You know, sometimes I play the blame game too often. I tend to blame "Christianity" in its generic form too much. A lot of my accusations are stale and rhetorical in nature. If I were more honest I'd confine myself more to the hear and now and only tackle fresh problems when and if they emerge. I really do have a lot to be thankful for right now. It's just that sometimes it's as though God himself is trying to "blow you off". You know that whole Mormon group thing I mentioned a posting or two back. Well that kind of "went south" last Sunday. "Things" came up that made me wonder why the hell I was even bothering to express interest in them. If this were twenty years ago that would be no problem. But the trouble is I live in a place run by Christians in a facility filled with Christians. And there are family members and other friends. So I kind of have to put up a good front things are hunky dory with my faith even when they are not, and I guess this inherently causes tension. I have this vague feeling of limbo, like my feet aren't entirely on the ground.

Monday, July 18, 2011


"Extremism in pursuit of mental clarity is no vice"

"Moderation in defense against madness is no virtue"


Sometimes it’s good to engage in a few mental exercises just to make sure your head is screwed on straight. You’ve heard the Jack Benny skit where a gunman comes up to Jack and points a gun at him and says “Your money or your life”. And Jack Benny stands there with a puzzled expression and his arms folded. And the gangster says again more insistently “Your money or your Life!” and Jack says “I’m thinking it over!”. Now here is another example. I decided to go out on the street and pay $150.00 for good cocaine for my own use. Then I get back to my apartment where my roommate says he’s feeling tired and strung out and tells me he has to be at work by midnight to start the graveyard shift at the warehouse. So I agree to take $150.00 from him and go back to the same dealer to buy some more cocaine at the same price. While the transaction is taking place his voice comes from a megaphone across the street at the stadium where a hockey game is about to begin. “This is just s notice to inform everybody that the value of the dollars in Marcus’ Arelius’ pocket has just gone down by thirty percent in the last half hour”. I shout back “You mean you’re getting 30% more for your scalped tickets than you did a half hour ago! Better be sure the cops don’t catch you”. Here is an example reminiscent of a Christian evangelist. Jethro comes up to his Uncle Jed and says “Don’t worry, If you put your money in my bank you’ll end up with a million dollars” and Jed says “Jethro, I’ve got fifty million now”. Many times people don’t realize what they had before they ever met that evangelist. They were happy with their lives, and never gave a thought about going to hell or damnation, or trying to please some nosey overseer from the local church. Larry Geller once said of Elvis after a few years of knowing him, “Elvis you seem happier and more at peace now”. Well, Elvis in those years bloated up to a heavy weight and his acting ability and box office pulling power plummeted. Now here is another scene. I’m chosen to do the opening line of a group poem on “The blessings of materiality”. So my opening line was “There’s nothing like opening a cold can of beer on a hot day”. I guess the idea there is that there is nothing like a cold can of beer. But the next line that was offered, and included was “or a can of soda that hasn’t been shaken”. A more stupid line could not be imagined, since I just got through saying there was nothing like a cold can of beer. Another really bad line in the poem was someone added “The catfish are jumping in the creek” and someone added “If you’re lucky, you can catch yourself a treat with the help of a worm”. I mean if they are really that plentiful you don’t have to be lucky to catch one. Another strange pairing of lines was “children are playing by a lake” and someone added “friendship brings about immortality”. I gotta say I was really scratching my head at that one. But what the hell, most of the people in the room were formal mental patients- - or whatever. The moral of this next one is “know the rules of the game”. In 1958 someone is selling “Used Car Futures”. So you are betting what percentage the car will drop in two years. Both used Edsel stock and used Roles Royce shares sell at the same price- - - and “the line” on both stocks is 30%. I want to buy the Roles futures but they are all out and I say to my friend “I’ll make you an even trade of two thousand in shares. You give me your Roles shares and I give you my Edsel shares. He says to me “You’re a fool. $2,000 will buy me a whole car and maybe two but you can’t even buy a part of one car with your shares”. Of course the terms of the deal, “the line” is 30%. Anything less than that and the buyer wins, and more than that the buyer loses. Who will walk away with the most money?

Well, would it come as a surprise to you to learn that George Washington has gone “Tea Party”. But George Washington’s blog had all these debt things with the twirling numbers just like your typical WND website. Among the quotes that was considered so starteling is that Ron Paul proclaimed that the value of the US dollar has gone down almost fifty percent in the past couple years. In who’s eyes? Inflation is close to zero, and shows no sign of rising unless congress does something stupid. And more alarmist of the Tea Party ilk said that “The Fed Chairman plans another round of dollar remonitarization”. Oh gee, that sounds scarey! People are freaked by the funniest things. The other time we “re-monitized” the economy had some semblance of a growth spurt, and when it stopped, the economy sank, just like the Viagra wearing off. The ignorance of the American people continues to amaze me. STILL the majority of the American people fear a raising of the national debt limit MORE than they do a default on our debt. The latest figures are 49% against the raise in limit and 46% favoring it. So I guess the tea baggers say “Well, we’ve heard from the people. I guess we’ll just stand our ground like the tar heels do in North Carolina”. Of course there is a four trillion dollar deal that the tea party turned down. The six trillion dollar deal is still on the table. But the poison pill here is this package features a CUT in revenues which will actually INCREASE the debt over the years. At this point I’d go for almost ANY deal that would not CUT the revenue. I hope that deal is still doable. We’re getting desperate. Time is running out. Now a republican has a NINE trillion federal programs cut deal. He says “This plan is well planned out, and all these cuts are necessary”. People shouldn’t place their faith in gold. As the hard core right says “You can’t EAT gold”. My advice to anybody who owns gold now is to sell it and take your profits. Don’t get greedy. Isn’t a hundred and fifty percent profit on your investment enough for you? You know, don’t you that prices come down a lot more quickly than they go up. My economic track record in these postings is pretty good over the years. In May of 2007 I said that “the stock market will continue to rise for about another six months and then it will peak”. I was pretty close. I missed the peak by a month. People want things of enduring value. And you know which writings of mine lose their “value” the quickest? The ones that try to somehow try and make rational sense of Christianity. People have this albitros of beliefs they don’t even know they have. So rather than place your bets on trying to improve this world, they bet that it will come to an end. I don’t care what they say in the news tonight, get smart and sell your gold while it can be sold. Dylan’s words ring true, “Instead of learning to Live they are learning to Die”. I don’t need to LEARN how to die. That will come naturally of its own accord. Hopefully the day is coming, and soon, we will look back on all this tea party nonesence as some sort of bad dream, where it’s hard to believe it even happened. But as A C says, “but it really did happen”.

One would think that Rupert Murdoch was pretty much all washed up. But Pat Buchannon disagrees. Sometimes Pat Buchannon in the Mc Laughlin group identifies with the strangest things. He says “Not that many people care about something so petty as wire tapping and mentally traumatizing victims. They are just going after Murdoch because he’s a liberal, just like they went after Nixon in Watergate”. That line is almost worthy of Captain Queeg. Nobody believes what this British tabloid did was a triffeling thing. Lives were ruined and they exceeded all bounds of ethics. There have been numerous resignations not just at the newspaper, but on the police department. The police chief resigned the other day and now some underling has resigned, who was the head of some crime investigation division. It seems that cops would be bribed into given inside information to “news of the world” and also the newspaper could be relied on to suppress certain arrest records of certain people. It seems the newspaper may have threatened various Officers into either going along with the newspaper or there would appear a real smear article about an officer or group of officers in the next addition of the newspaper. I’ll make no secret of the fact that the sooner irresponsible journalism is put out of commission, the better. I’ll shed no tears over any of Rupert Murdoch’s venues. I hear the Wall Street Journal is a much more shallow piece of journalism now with only a fraction of the investigative reporting they used to have on corporate malfeasance. Now someone has been found dead, who was one of the initial whistle blowers. This whole case isn’t going away – not by a long shot. Events are breaking so fast and furious it’s hard to keep on top of them all - - and I’ll do another update on this sometime.

The drought in Texas and Oklahoma is only getting worse. Lakes and ponds are evaporating completely. Now the lakes that remain are being taken over by blue-green algae because of the heat and the lack of oxygen in the water. The whole system has grown in size and they said it covered forty states. Not only will it move east. But we in southern California are seeing predictions of added heat and “monsoonal” humidity, because a high pressure system is “backing in - - “ to our area.

Let’s talk a little more about John Lennon - - - and Me. “Are you still claiming to have talked to John Lennon and he to you?” OK fine. Let’s back up a few years where I said that an “important essence” of John Lennon - - disappeared after early 1968. And he never got that back – not on his solo albums, not nowhere. But what do you do when “the goose that laid the golden eggs” dies? And your band mates want to do one more album, and you don’t want to be bothered? This the individual we refer to as "Candidate Z". Like I said I have never met "Candidate Z". I would like to. We have certain things in common including a fascenation with Death. I also alledge that Lennon “had help” from a DIFFERENT source writing about four songs on the White Album, namely Bungalo Bill, Happiness is a Warm Gun, Sexy Sadie, and Cry Baby Cry. Suppose I can identify THAT personage as someone whom I actually “Knew”. I wanted to do a whole essay on everything I know about THIS personage. But neither was that one ME. So what do I say was ME? Well - - John Lennon still “didn’t have his mojo back” even on Abbey Road, with the possible exception of "Polytheme Pam" where I do a good job of imotating Candidate Z. (by the way Candidate Z was still alive when "Don't Let Me Down" was recorded- so maybe) But we can agree that Abbey Road features a very different type of John Lennon song than ANYTHING John did as a solo artist. In my humble opinion. ‘Well, Marcus, lets face it you have a LOT to be humble about!” Maybe. So like what did I have to work with if I was John? Well there is a backlog of some compositions that were already written by “Candidate Z” who is now deseast. So you ask “What gave Lennon the idea that YOU were someone he’d care to know to begin with?” I guess you’ve got me stumped there, except for the fact that OTHER entity, a fourteen year old blonde, blue eyed female - - ("gosh it's hard to get good help nowadays!") was getting to know me, and she knew I liked "I'm am the Walrus" and "Strawberry Fields" - - you know, those "dark" songs. By the way here's another Clue for you all. You know that Queen song "Spread Your Wings" that talks about "Sammy" as in Samuel of the Bible? This has always been a part of ZAC loore. And "Candidate Z" was never Samuel. The whole thing there was that Samuel was from Gilgal and that could be translated as "Rolling Stones". Candidate Z didn't have a religious bone in his body. In fact one "weakness" of Candidate Z's personality is that he never did ANYTHING he didn't want to do. That's a good trick if you can pull it off. There are certain Dead people I've never met but would like to, for instance Bon Scott of ACDC. I know what planet he's on (Sirius B) but have never met him. I knew somebody who knew Keith Relph of the Yardbirds but never met him, either. And I never have met George Harrison, at least after he died. All I know was in my ONE contact with Neil Aspinoll - he said he was with George Harrison and apparently Harrison never hangs out with John Lennon. Well- - maybe this paragraph didn’t come off as planned. All I’m saying as I haven’t altogether abandoned the whole astral-projection thing. I think it’s medication time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


This is Sunday July 17th and the 23rd anniversary of my moving into my own apartment out of the Bosc house, blessedly for the last time. Carmageddon turned out to be a non event, which is good news indeed. LA west side traffic has actually been lighter. Now as of this afternoon they have reopened the 405 freeway. The major heat wave has thankfully failed to materialize though our hearts go out to the vast mid section of the country. Just now I went down to the courtyard and finally got some coffee drowning in cream and sugar and not that hot from Laura, two cups. Seid and Nicky, the Mormons, may be by tonight with ice cream. I had a nice conversation with Dr. Levy yesterday morning at the breakfast table and we resolved a few issues. Loretta was sick all yesterday and this morning at breakfast she said it was just digestive problems, but apparently nothing more serious than your garden variety bug, or at least lets hope. Relations with the staff continue good. I haven't visited Dana since he moved. Judy called me last night about that Accronis thing I can download to protect and monitor my hard drive activity. She thinks my mother consumes too much sugar, but I'm not convinced. I've had the same roommate for almost five years come the end of the month. Sometimes I think I'm more lethargic than I should be. I'm kind of in a coasting mode right now where I don't take initiative.

Unfortunately all this generally good news doesn't extend over into national politics. I am among those who believes that tea party people actually practice a "religion" of their doctrines, because nothing they say is based in reality. They are only beliefs they cling to in times of stress like a security blanket to justify not pulling their heads out of the sand. One old lady was telling John Boehner, "Don't give in to the President. Stand your ground. We have to make cuts in this growing budget". Obviously she hasn't been listening to the news. The President has already agreed to nearly four trillion in budget cuts, and several hundred billion in tax revenues. But these people say "Tax increases are a pretext to spend more money". And they say "We know how it goes. The tax hikes will come and the spending cuts never will. That's how Washington works". They identify with these corporate crooks whose tax holes we want to plug. They see these billionaire banksters as utterly pure and blameless in all of this. They talk about "ending the cycle of ever increasing tax and spend policies". Well if they've looked around they will see that so many states have slashed their budgets drastically, and California has cut its tax rates, and potential sources of income. We voted in a major corporate tax cut last November. As Dr. Phil might say, "How's that working out for you?" In reality we are in danger of, and close to, an out of control deflationary spiral of ever shrinking expenditures and "risks" followed by more cuts in government jobs causing a further loss in spending power. So the bottom line is that we have all of these destructive "memes" out there that will never be surmounted. People on the right don't "get it" that come August 2nd this country will be in a dangerous economic situation where all of their worst fears will come to pass. You wouldn't trust your five year old around fire crackers and you can't trust these republicans around such an issue as the debt ceiling they genuinely don't see the seriousness of. The interest rates will rise, the credit markets will collapse, and jobs will be lost anew. And when this happens they will blame for Obama for it come next year. These are old facts. I wonder how often it's necessary to repeat them. Were I the President I'd be making all sorts of political threats to these people that I had every intension of carrying out- - speaking to them in private. Debt ceiling rises have never before been used as a political football like this. This is the first time. These people on the right are nothing less than economic terrorists. But the President will not get on his high horse and say this. He refuses to grab the reins of moral authority which are inherent in his office. If he is a one term president, it will be by his own doing. I don't know if Baroch Hussein Obama is "The Manchurian Candidate" or whatever people on the right say. I just would rather much have an individual whom I can trust to "give it their all" to "faithfully execute the office" rather than somebody who seems just not to care a whit about anything.

Some myths are more dangerous than others. There have been medical myths like "leeches are good for you" or "a really fat baby is a sign of health" or "high blood pressure means absolutely nothing" or "There is nothing wrong with being homosexual". Oh wait a minute, everybody still believes that last one. Some are cultural myths like the Escamo creation myth or Hindu creation myths like a turtle riding on the back of an elephant or some such thing. The tales of the Greek or Norse gods are very elaborate with a whole saga of moral lapses. The Jews believe in a man called Moses who led them out of bondage in Egypt to roam in the Sinai wilderness for forty years, without a shred of historical evidence to back them up. But this, too, is a relatively harmless myth. Contrast this with the Christian myths. "Our Lord was murdered and it's all the Jew's fault; they did it". Or how about "I have Good News; you are going to Hell unless you "give your life to Jesus" and just remember God will hold on to you as long as you hold in to him but if you "lose your grip" even for a moment, it could be the Wrong moment, and you could find yourself "Damned for all time". Or, "avoiding all sex is a way to get closer to God", or "If Jesus comes back next year, none of these conflicts will matter", or "We'll understand everything in the great bye and bye" or "Not all Truth is true, but only those things which give glory to God" or "Being submissive is what the Bible instructs Blacks to do to please their White masters. God ordained slavery". Suddenly now we have myths that interfere with the cource of everyday life. These false "memes" work on the soul and carode and erode it of moral fibre over time. Why embrace a religion whose overlying implication is "by hating my brother, I am showing piety to my God". I think we've had quite enough "Us and Them" religions over the course of time. Just because the Moslems do it doesn't mean we have to descend to their level. But there is nothing either in Islam or Judaism or most other religion that approaches the destructive power of Christianity. John Lennon didn't take the news of Bob Dylan's being Born Again - - at all well. The thing is he had the gonads to express what a lot of us were thinking but couldn't quite put into words, or else we were sleep-walking at the time, and psychically didn't catch the implications of one of the great Prophets suddenly having his "message" utterly eviscerated.

So now we come to my own personal myths. Some would say "You're always saying you talk to everybody after death". That just isn't so. Name one family member, even a distant relative that I've claimed to have talked to or seen after death. Name one person, and there are so many, who have died in this place that I claimed to have seen or talked to after death. I have never said it of Jerry Stewart, or John Sneed or Ronald Diggins, who were in my same "graduating class" in high school. The first died in the fall of 1965. and the other two died in a car on March 5th 1967. You think you're the expert. Start retteling off names of people that I've talked to after they died. As for some of this astral-projection stuff, I myself am ready to admit the dubious nature of that, and have been "weeding things out" of my repituire. So people like John Lennon and Burt Lombard are being scaled way back. As for some myths, they do serve a function. Like "why was I so lethargic from the spring of 1968 on through about January of 1971?" It could be I was possessed by a demon of laziness or something. But more likely the whole "taken-over-by-a-lazy-person" phenominon (if you don't know the background on this, just forget I said it) is explained by a little blue pill. I don't mean viagara, neither am I referring to LSD, I'm talking about Stelezine. I don't remember when I started taking Stelizine or when I stopped. I know I was on it in 1968 and I think other subsequent doctors prescribed it. Whatever I was on, I wasn't any more in 1971. Sometimes myths do serve a function. They teach lessons that are beneficial for the overall culture. They give a people a sense of unity and comon purpose. Of course some will call me a hypocrite. They will say that a damn religion and embrace it in an unguarded moment the next when I appear "to come crawling back to it". There is actually no inconsistency here. I said religion was like a drug, "the opiate of the people". And you have to be vigilent with an addictive drug because if you aren't careful you can be snared back into its use. Such has happened with me from time to time. Actually a lot of ding-bat thoughts I've had over the years were spawned in one way or another by trying to make sense of Christianity. As you know James Dobson has a book out called "When God doesn't make sense" to which I would add, "- - then Get Him a Therapist". A better book title would be "Getting God to Make Sense" or perhaps "Rehabilitating God so that he can again go out in Public". Some of us want to "Rehabilitate" our myths to kind of lean them up and make them fitter by injecting more factual material into them. In the same say corporations will suffer much the more of suddenly "Everybody has to give up their tax loopholes" - - in the same way Christianity will suffer much more than I, were both of us suddenly compeled to immediately shed any belief we had that couldn't be concretely proved beyond a reasonable doubt. (Selah)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I read one of Judy’s old E mails I hadn’t before from a couple weeks ago. It was another of these that posed questions about President Obama’s past. Nobody knew him from Columbia or seemingly anywhere else. His professors didn’t know him and his grades and term papers have never been made public. Also there is a notable lack of women in his life that he ever dated. This does seem to be a bit odd. I don’t know if the writer of the letter is implying that Obama used to be gay or what. They say there is a notable lack of photographs also. After dinner I played Obama’s 2004 Democratic Convention speech found on You Tube. It is the most vapid piece of drivel I’ve ever heard in my life. For the first thing it is “all about himself” and there is a sea of Obama signs all over the convention. Also the applause was very raucus and spirited. He talked about his father and his grandfather and how his father got a scollarship to study in America. We know the President went to virtually all elite private schools all over the world. Don’t ask me how. Obama’s parents are divorced. There must be a story there, too. But after about ten minutes of talking about himself he finally mentions John Kerry, but is muchy briefer in discussing his credentials. He talked extensively about people he’s met on the street and conversations he’s had with people fallen on economic hard times. The only specific goal he had seems to be “for the average American citizen to have the same sort of health care that Congressmen get. He talked a little about shipping jobs overseas. Two names he never mentioned were George Bush and Dick Chaney. You wouldn’t even know which political party was in or out of power from listening to his speech. He spoke of US troops receiving proper protection and what an inherently noble pursuit war was implying that if he were President there would be even more troops in Iraq than there were, and how a President John Kerry would not hesitate to use US troops when the situation called for it. He never said the war was a bad idea. He never talked weapons of mass destruction. He never criticized or doubted the basic goals of President Bush in being in Iraq. He seemed to have zero idea about how a democratic administration should lead the country but only talked about human dignity and the Declaration of Independence. He said nothing about either women’s or gay rights. He said nothing about his immigration policy. He said nothing about improving national security or any crime prevention measures. He just said that it would be nice if every American boy and girl could share in the dream he did. (which is never going to happen) What astounded me most of all was the sheer brevity of the speech, and yet how often it was interrupted with applause. I was flabberghasted. You’d have no idea from the speech that the year was 2004 or what he viewed as the dangers in the world. There was virtually nothing about energy policy or dangers to world ecology, or consumer’s rights or abuses by the banking world. In short other than “show up” I’m not sure why the hell he was even there, or who picked him to give what is normally the most important speech of the entire convention. I’m never voting for him again. I’ll tell you that.

This is still puzzling.......& definitively unanswered.

In a country where we take notice of many, many facets of our public figures' lives, doesn't seem odd that there's so little we know about our current president, Barack Obama. For example, we know that Andrew Jackson's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery; Abe Lincoln never went to school; Jack Kennedy wore a back brace; Harry Truman played the piano.

As Americans, we enjoy knowing details about our newsmakers, but none of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.

We are all aware of the lack of uncontestable birth records for Obama; that document managing has been spectacularly successful. There are however, several additional oddities in Obama's history that appear to be as well managed as the birthing issue.

It's interesting that no one who ever dated him has shown up. The charisma that caused women to be drawn to him so strongly during his campaign, certainly would in the normal course of events, leads some lady to come forward, if only to garner some attention for herself. We all know about JFK's magnetism, that McCain was no monk, and quite a few details about Palin's courtship and even her athletic prowess. Joe Biden's aneurisms are no secret; look at Cheney and Clinton, we all knows about their heart problems. Certainly Wild Bill Clinton"s exploits before and during his White House years, were well known. That's why its so odd that not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy..." or "What a great dancer."

It's virtually impossible to know anything about this fellow.

Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Then check groomsmen.

Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony. Has anyone talked to the professors? It is odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or lived with him.

When did he meet Michele, and how? Are there photos there? Every president gives to the public all their photos, etc. for their library, etc. What has he released? Who in hell voted for him to be the most popular man in 2010? Doesn't this make you wonder?
Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from President Obama's past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc?? Not one person has ever come forward from his past.

It certainly is very; very strange...

This should be a cause for great concern. To those who voted for him, you may have elected an unqualified, inexperienced shadow man. Have you seen a movie named "The Manchurian Candidate?"

As insignificant as each of us might be, someone with whom we went to school will remember our name or face; someone will remember we were the clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something about us.

George Stephanopoulos of ABC News said the same thing during the 2008 campaign. He questions why no one has acknowledged the president was in their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on campus. Stephanopoulos also was a classmate of Obama at Columbia -- the class of 1984. He says he never had a single class with him.

He is such a great orator; why doesnt anyone in Obama's college class remember him? Why won't he allow Columbia to release his records?

Nobody remembers Obama at Columbia University...

Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there... but none remembered him.

Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I dont have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia, ever."

Nobody recalls him. Root adds that he was also, like Obama, Class of 83 Political Science, and says, "You don't get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him. At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of the, as we say in New York, 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him."

Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia.

Some other interesting questions..

Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?

Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order?

It is circulating that according to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 alias.
The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he is never reported to have lived.
No wonder all his records are sealed...

Please continue sending this out to everyone. Somewhere, someone had to know him in school...before he "reorganized" Chicago & burst upon the scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


A Democratic Contract with America

I think I’d like to call this essay “Taking back our Power” or some such thing. The democrats have more power than we know. As you may know, most of the primaries in the country are open primaries now, which means that democrats can vote for the republican candidate of their choice knowing their own guy is safe. In light of this ability, all we democrats need to do is to pick a candidates for the republicans to nominate, since there are so many of us, and this candidate needs also to be one whose philosophy can be torn apart by the media, and better still will be a thing of revulsion to the republican head haunchos and the tea party backers. In other words we want a candidate whose views will never be main stream, but also one where many tea party issues won’t even be up for discussion because their candidate won’t support them. We definitely want a candidate who is NOT a “team player” and who bucks the party line. Such a candidate is Ron Paul. As you Ron Paul is against our foreign wars and wants to cut defense. He’s also for leaving gays alone and also wants to legalize many drugs. As such if we pick him we can insure that from March or so on of 2012 these issues will no longer be in the media spotlight. Wouldn’t you like that? I would. I think we’ve had enough gay bashing for a while. We can settle some of the other issues later. Ron Paul’s candidicy will insure that we get out of Afghanistan and Iraq, and also I believe Ron Paul is to some degree or another for civil liberties and against government encroachments in areas like surveillance and will protect our first, fifth, sixth, and seventh amendment rights to a fair trial and all. Randy Rhodes would like to see Michelle Bachman get the nomination. God only knows why. Sarah Palin spurred on the right wing whacko cause like Mc Cain never could have without her. All of the dingbats crawled out from under their rocks to join her movement. The same thing is happening now with Michelle Bachman. I would hardly want to encourage that. If they want to talk about how Paul Revere rode through the streets of Berlin shouting that the British are coming, and made a personal visit to the Czar in Germany to let the Jews go from secret prison camps in Switzerland- - the worst thing isn’t that she says it but people will believe it. I guess the Liberty Bell is in Plymouth Rock, and Abraham Lincoln worked tirelessly to insure that corporations had free speech, or whatever. To all this lunacy the democrats have no come-back. They say that silence on an issue is tantamount to agreement. If we accept that there will be no new corporate taxes or loopholes done away with, then the Republicans will only come back with yet more outrageous demands. They always to.

What we Democrats need to do is put out our own ten point “Contract with America” and have a set of political principles that will sway neutrals on to our side. So we need to come up with planks that are goals for us to get enected. (1) Some of these might be the Impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas, for instance. You can make a pretty impressive argument here and I have done so previously. Keep his name ever before the media as a possible “suspect” or “bad guy” in the eyes of the American people. Knowing Thomas as we all do he will explodes with expletives and other invectives that won’t play well with the public. (2) Another plank is to propose a constitutional amendment clarifying the fact that corporations are not people and don’t have first, fourth, and fifth amendment constitutional rights. (3) Then we should go after the lobbyists in another measure. I thought it was illegal to bribe politicians. We need a whole batch of restrictive new laws against lobbyist abuse and impose strict penalties with fixed prison terms that can’t be shortened. (4) We need a religious liberty plank declaring that no religion, even Islam is an “enemy of the country” and remind people that “The founding fathers came to America to ESCAPE religious oppression and not to ESTABLISH it.” (5) We should have a plank that withdraws all troops from Iran and Afghanistan. We should make appeals to the troops themselves saying “You are no longer needed. You can go home now and take your rest knowing you have served your country well, but now we are no longer at war”. (6) And we also need to bring back the fairness doctrine and nail both Reagan and Clinton for the measures they enacted that have made the media the mess it is today. Perhaps the media themselves may be a little queasy about this one but let’s try it. (7) We need to promote the idea that protective terrifs are patriotic and if you want to be a good American you will buy American and support the US Economy. (8) We need another plank to go after Wall Street. Let’s get the American people on our side and say that Wall Street is the enemy and the measures passed under the waning days of the Clinton were bad for the economy and bad for America. Tell them that from the 1930’s through the ‘nineties the necessity of these Wall Street regulations was never questioned. (9) We should also throw in one about Space Exploration such as “Let’s put a man on Mars by 2030”. This one may not go anywhere but it will grab the attention of people like me and other science geeks. (10) And finally we need an aggressive new jobs bill to help rebuild our crumbling infra-structure. Our roads, bridges and water works are falling apart. We need to really go after these Republicans with their myopic fixation on short term solutions and “Whatever will look impressive on next quarter’s balance sheet”. There is the outline, so let’s get to it!

This afternoon I wanted to take a look at the great professed icon of the right wingers, that this being Christian Faith, since we all know the pilgrims fled England to get away of the encroaching rationalism and liberalism that was creeping into the Church of England. So I went back to Justin Martyr and read “Apology” (and I wish somebody would!) Years ago I downloaded “Dialog with a Greek” but I need to download Apology I too. It’s interesting to see that at no time does Justin ever attempt to PROVE anything (for instance why his son is gay) He never tries to PROVE anything but merely STATES what he believes and CALLS it proof. Oddly you never once see the term “tomb” in the piece. There is zero reference to any name of an apostle such as Paul, or James, or Peter. There is no reference to Pentacost or what happened that day. No “Mary” is ever referred to but oddly the word “Virgin” does appear. There is no reference either in Acts or in Justin’s piece just what the first Christian church consisted of in terms of- - did St. Peter just say one day, “OK I’m setting up a church and all my buddies can run it”. There is no reference to James becoming the head of the Jerusalem church in Acts, or how that could have happened. If I make a statement it will be scrutinized. You used to hear about all of the “Elvis” sightings, but no “church of Elvis” ever got started. In the 1980’s I referred to all of the “Bones sightings” referring to a black and white cat that disappeared from the Bosc house around Newyears 1985. Most of these “signtings” are only supported by me, except Frank saw him once. So you may say, “That’s plausible”. If we up the ante a bit we come to 1987 and 1988 and the “Denise sightings”. Of course you’ve heard about “Denise De Lovely” and various statements are made about her. But it’s harder to substantiate these because there is a lot more vagueness and uncertainty. And should I venture further into “Never Never Land” and make a statement like “Denise told someone that I was really the Walrus in those Beatle songs” you might think “OK, the guy is off his trolly now”. Let’s come back to Christianity now. We hear how the Apostle Paul in the book of Acts was blinded by a bright light and knocked off his horse- - and had to be led by others and then he prayed and a guy came and healed him. But then we are told Paul went down to the local synagogue and preached to the congragagion that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God and swayed them with “Many convincing proofs”. I’d like to know what those “Many convincing proofs” were. Then we are told he went to Jerusalem and tried to join the Apostles but they wouldn’t accept him into their group until Barnabus interceded for Paul. Here again we see the twelve disciples Jesus personally taught as the “bad guys”, I suspect, because they are JEWS, a sin exceeded by no other. Try going into a church today and stand up and start preaching your own made-up doctrine and see how far you get. They will escort you out, and if you’re lucky you won’t land on your ass. Yet we “seekers of truth” are compelled to accept such improbabilities. Clearly in Justin’s apology there is no attempt to say “how anything got started” or the mental processes the disciples went through to conclude either that Jesus had never committed a sin in his entire life, or that he was the son of God. No. Religious people START with a conclusion and as necessity dictates, they make up a few supporting details later.

This morning I went out at eight to join the van to go to the 99 cent store. I was last to put my name on the list. There were Richard Powers and Loretta and Glen and many others sitting on the bench. Sarah let Glen go on the first trip because someone dropped out. Marryanne Woods and Arlene and me and others went on the second van trip back to my old neighborhood under overcast skies, which remained so all the time I was there. The neighborhood hadn’t changed much. We arrived about a quarter to nine. I went to Stater Brothers next door. I felt like kind of a putz because let’s face it. I hadn’t been in a supermarket since former President H W Bush. (OK, that’s verbal hyperbola) Nothing seemed that different although coffee was substantially more than Dana had led me to believe. I bought a two pound can of Stater Brothers house brand of coffee. I had completely lost my “price sense” over the years. I got the wrong filter and unwrapped it to make sure and then took it back and was able to exchange it for one I was sure about. I had trouble finding the coffee creamer section. I went right by it because it was all French Vanilla and CafĂ© Late and all that stuff- - . So I picked up just those three things. I paid with fourteen ones that Milvern Drysdale had given me yesterday when he was under one of Samantha’s spells. I counted out fourteen. She counted thirteen. I took the bills and laid them down one by one- - fourteen. She insisted on counting them again and this time she got fourteen. I got a bit of change. Brenda was still out there from the first trip and I talked to her. Then came the waiting. Finally at 10:15 I lit up a cigarette, remembering I had them with me. My back was starting to get sore. We got there at quarter to nine and the van didn’t arrive till 10:25 when we finally boarded. Sarah made no apology for this. We went right home except we took a “short-cut” through that tract.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

President Obama held a news conference yesterday morning. He wants to go for the big package of four trillion. He doesn't regard John Boehner's "compromize" of a two trillion dollar deal as anything to grasp at. Obviously the President is right if the goal is to cut the deficet. Boehner should hail this wish of the President to make it four trillion. But clearly these republicans have another agenda, like to not have any deal at all so they can blame the President before partisan crowds. Otherwise I learned little. People on KTLK have been talking about this guy named Eric Cantor or something who sells U S treasury bills short, betting against the economic welfare of his own country. Some say he’s in a powerful enough position to make his hopes come true. The dream of these republicans is to crash the economy. I see no moral up side to anything the republicans are striving for. There really isn’t much to blog about that everybody isn't already aware of. Clearly there is no deal from Sunday night’s meeting with republican leaders at the White House, or any meeting that has (or will be?) held subsequently. Now they are saying they should have a deal by July 22nd but that’s not until a week from Friday. Most people’s minds are sealed tight allowing nothing in unless it comes from Rush Limbaugh or Larry Elder or FOX news, or one of the tea party members of congress. Some would say "but the rich pay a disproportionate percentage of income taxes". I guess that's all how you look at it. As Thom Hartman says "Nobody goes out to a job and "earns" four hundred million dollars a year". You can't call what Rush Limbaugh does a "gainful occupation". Certainly not in three hours on the air. But it's funny how possesive people can get about the money they swindled from other people. Clearly the republicans are "running the country" right now the same way Judge Ito "ran" the O J Simpson trial. Basically everything that happens is the call of the tea party right. People like the Koch brothers or Rupert Murdoch will give thumbs up or down on a particular idea and that's pretty much it. The decision has been made. (Selah)

Michelle Bachman’s husband runs a Christian anti-gay clinic, where they can “pray away the gayness”. Now we hear Justin’s son “Sonny” is gay. I hope he lets me have all the girls who have a crush on him. For some reason even though the average American buys the tea party line on most issues, the gay thing won’t work. They may be tea baggers but don’t take their abortions and their gay sex away from them. At least that’s what Larry Elder thinks. We hear all this clap trap about "How the American Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery" and then we hear that those enemies of capitalism are "imposing slavery" somehow on the tax payers. One guy on Thom Hartman today admitted he could not think of one person "who wants to make all the incomes of every American citizen equal". What they forget is for "the invisable hand of the free marked" as Adam Smith talked to work, it means there has to be some economic traffic cop to make sure everybody plays by certain rules. Thom Hartman says the underlying danger of Capitalism is monopoly. They want to and have thrown out the Shermon anti trust act. It would seen now the American people think what amounts to "insider trading" is "fair". Congressmen "bought and paid for" is "fair". Apparently cutting social security payments to cover the tax breaks of the ultra rich is "fair". The average American is more concerned about the troubles we’ll run into if we RAISE the debt limit. They are far less concerned about a national default and the economic ramifications if we DON’T raise the ceiling. This is how ignorant the people are. But again- - the interest at least NOW we pay on the debt is low. But it won’t STAY that way if we default. The American people are just too stupid to see that these republicans all want to CRASH the economy till they can get elected next year. They think we are so fickle that if things are BAD ENOUGH then somehow we’ll think Obama CAUSED it all and that the way to CURE it is to get rid of the current administration. It’s a pure fantasyland motion the tea baggers are pitching. Of course they aren’t the “ultra rich” any more, they are the “Job creators”. And now even the President is beginning to talk about these “Job creators” being “Insecure” and “Unsure” about the future all on account of the fact that the President keeps raising all of these taxes. And if we just had a republican in there all these “insecurities” would be gone and jobs would appear like magic. It’s shallow rhetoric for shallow people. Nobody has the balls to tell the American people they’re all a bunch of assholes.

Now they are worried about computer hardware and software programs being pre loaded with viruses from China that can somehow be "switched on" in the case of some national crisis. They say even the United States may buy missile guidance systems from China that have a back door "kill switch" that can paralyze the United States in the case of a nuclear attack, just as we and Israel did to Iran with their nuclear generators. He put on systems that routinely gave out false data that made their systems inopperative. So now the question is do they quarentine your I Pod at the airport terminal gate? Of course now they have gone beyond just inserting things in the rectal cavity. So even doing a vasoline inspection would be of no avail. Now they are surgically implanting explosives in the body cavities of people and sewing them back up. Even if a human would be hesitent to undergo this, how about an animal. How well do the airlines screen our pets? You might have a killer pooch on your hands. I can't help but think all of these issues are going to come to a head and maybe five years from now they'll declare some kind of a fasciest state where all civil liberties are suspended on an ongoing basis. By the year 2014 it will be a case of dealing with a collapsed economy where nobody will want to fly anyhow, so the problem, perversely may solve itself. They used to have a saying "Goldwater in 64, hot water in '65 and bread and water in 1966". I don't see any swelling tide of the American people rising to put a stop to any potential mass abridgement of our civil liberties. With each passing year it seems a mere five years before was "the good old days". The seeds of a national police state are being sown daily and now they are germanating and sprouting. There are no voices from the left saying that there could be any downside to ever increasing security paranoia.

Before we go any farther I’d like to check myself in that I think I violated one of my own moral precepts by referring to someone I’ve never met as an “asshole”. I don't think it's a good thing to parrot oppinions of others just "to make yourself look more important", although a lot of conservatives do. This individual whom we’re calling “Candidate Z” is the one whom we said was musically talented and innovative, and got vague writing credit for several songs merely on the strength of his innovative guitar playing. If I ever meet them after I’m dead (probably unlikely) I wouldn’t them throwing the previous posting in my face. You know I believe it’s OK to call people like Hitler evil, or Columbus the “rapist in chief” or other disparaging names because these things are historically well documented. But to buy into personal imuendo and impressions of others as gospel- - -might be a position that I should rethink. For that matter any dead people whom I have claimed to have met, and I have not in fact met them, would have the right to be offended at me. Actually I admire the talent of “Candidate Z” even though he’s been dead for over forty years.


Well, as Joan Rivers says, “Can we talk?” You know it’s time to speak frankly about things. Today in Dr. Levy’s class we talked about existentialism again. To me exestentialism should be debating "what is real and what is not. What is valuable and what is not". Should something you deeply believe the with certitude be counted as valid even if there seems to be no way you can "prove it" in the laboritory? But somehow this doesn't seem to be what exestentialists are really interested in. Today I pointed out a number of things I hope didn’t escape people. Number one is that it may be OK to have an “existential crisis” maybe two or three times in your life, but to have a “crisis” every day makes no sense. If you have a problem with your life then “fix it”. But some people don’t want solutions and they don’t give solutions, they just want to roomanate around in circles having conversations with themselves. Your being in the room with them is superfelus. Your remarks don’t matter because they are so adept at doing the whole conversation by themselves, yet they fool themselves into believing they are “helping you”. Also this bit about how “money can’t buy happiness” is a recurrent theme in their sayings. But there are tea party existentialists out there, believe it or not. I’m never sure how this “money can’t buy happiness” them squares with their policies on not raising ANY taxes even if it throws the country into a debt crisis. Of course there are any number surveys that show the rich really ARE happier than the poor. So if you’ve heard otherwise you’re being lied to. Exestentialists like to talk a lot about "finding meaning" in life. Do you think Rush Limbaugh ever contemplates his place in the Cosmos? Somehow I think not. Also Dr. Levy read a poem today about a chance to “buy” one of two kinds of life. Either get a life where you are “just good enough” or another life where you’re Florence Nightengale, Ghandi, and Che Guevara all rolled into one where you “aim to make a difference in the world”. In the poem there was a line about “Well, why can’t I buy some product in-between?” And Dr. Levy scoffs at this notion as “compromise”. This is the realm where the perfect becomes the enemy of the Good. You see it a lot in Calvary Christianity. What they fail to notice is that people like me were “continually not good enough” when they were in and among Christians. Increasingly I became an outsider. To me “being just good enough” would be a major step forward in acceptance. Take my Dad. (No, literally – take my Dad, please!) .Then there is this notion of “Digging down deep in yourself to find the answer”. Even among Christian counselors you hear this one. They don’t believe in God- - - really. If God is there- - who is gagging him so that he can’t speak. He’s free to express his opinion if he wants to. And you hear things like “You’ll find the answer in due course”. Well, I have found the answer. It’s all a bunch of bullshit. Then you have Dr. Levy’s vision of a “hide and seek” God, as if God were a girl who plays “hard to get” or something. According to this line of logic, Lucy isn’t yanking the football away from Charlie Brown all those times just to be mean, she’s doing it because “When you succeed the victory will be that much sweeter” or something. These existentialists to me seem major jerk-off artists. There is a major truth in life that “You’ll never run away from you”. Most existentialists are trying to “sell you something”. It may be a pointless addiction or obsession they themselves are plagued with, but they want you to have it, or more to the point they will want you to NEED it. They will tell you all the usual things people value like a good job or a quicker brand of oatmeal, aren't important. They usually want you to put your life on hold and listen to them and by the way if you don't then you just "aren't spiritual" or something. There is a Dylan line “You shouldn’t let other people get your kicks for you”. If you are a Christian as least as I lived it you seem to forever be in another person’s shadow, and THEY and not YOU decides what IS and what IS NOT important. (Selah)

I wanted to talk about “deconstructing a lot of these astro-projection myths”. I think I words boomeranged on me when I was talking about John Lennon a couple of postings ago. What I was saying is that- - it would be ludicrous for me to think I somehow would be able to astral-project myself into the world of the Beatles. Actually not only are people ignorant of other’s lives, they are often ignorant of their own. A scientist would say your only means of intelligent input and memory is your brain’s ability to process information and make logical sense of it all. To assume something more like “being surrounded by a chorus of heavenly angels cheering you on” is pretty darn fanciful. To say life goes beyond death is still something for which there seems to be absolutely scientific proof. People who seek Death as a remedy (they way Christians CLAIM is their goal) is merely running away from yourself. As I said in class today people not only literally sleep too much, like around here, but they also sleep-walk through their lives. They go to work and don’t really think but act on reflex all day long and day follows day in an unconscious blurr. This is how it is. You don’t remember each individual day because your brain doesn’t regard it as important. Only certain moments stick out and register in our brains with emotional tags to the memories. There may be that period where work piled up or there was an office crisis. It may be the day you got that promotion. It may be a day you happened to read something or learn an adage from a friend that opened up your mind. You actually learned something. We’d all like to go to heaven or “the sixth dimension” or what have you. So what is your mind doing during these long periods of “mental unconsciousness”? What’s happening to the mind when you day dream? If you really WERE off in some sixth-physical-dimensional realm like I have described, don’t you think it would be mentally stimulating? If you really DID or HAVE BEEN someplace “out of this world” don’t you think you’d have a whole lot to tell us? Don’t you think you’d be “changed?” I was going to write a long paragraph on my first four & a half months as a Christian from March 24th to early August of 1976. I may do that sometime but not today. But I wasn’t “taken over by another entity” either by Burt Lombard or the “Holy Spirit”. You can and I do trace it week by week that I was always me and reasoned like “Me” would. There was no “change” in me. I ACTED different because I thought I was EXPECTED to. It’s what you call the old “prime the pump” theory. If you prime the pump, then God will finally “kick in” and start pouring out that super-abonance of spiritual blessings like Chuck Smith always about. It never happened. “Helping God out” is really an insult to God, if you think about it. You know “Well God- - you’re still cogitating with that giant brain of yours- - but in the mean time I’m trying X and Y”. “Running ahead of God” is about as easy to do is running past a rock out-cropping in the desert. In terms of the whole “Burt” thing like I say the first time I used “Burt Lombard” was in an alias of a one page letter I wrote to “somebody in the media’ in late June of 1976. I figured I dared not use any other alias of the past because “I don’t do that sort of thing now that I’m a Christian”, so I used a NEW alias. If there is one thing religion DOES do if you don’t “sleep walk through life”. You are MORE and not LESS aware of all your problems because you are constantly thinking “I wonder how God would go about solving this one”. So you are doing all that existential evaluation stuff. But you’re also being busy lied to and propagandized to death on a regular basis, then this makes true thinking a lot harder.