Monday, July 18, 2011


"Extremism in pursuit of mental clarity is no vice"

"Moderation in defense against madness is no virtue"


Sometimes it’s good to engage in a few mental exercises just to make sure your head is screwed on straight. You’ve heard the Jack Benny skit where a gunman comes up to Jack and points a gun at him and says “Your money or your life”. And Jack Benny stands there with a puzzled expression and his arms folded. And the gangster says again more insistently “Your money or your Life!” and Jack says “I’m thinking it over!”. Now here is another example. I decided to go out on the street and pay $150.00 for good cocaine for my own use. Then I get back to my apartment where my roommate says he’s feeling tired and strung out and tells me he has to be at work by midnight to start the graveyard shift at the warehouse. So I agree to take $150.00 from him and go back to the same dealer to buy some more cocaine at the same price. While the transaction is taking place his voice comes from a megaphone across the street at the stadium where a hockey game is about to begin. “This is just s notice to inform everybody that the value of the dollars in Marcus’ Arelius’ pocket has just gone down by thirty percent in the last half hour”. I shout back “You mean you’re getting 30% more for your scalped tickets than you did a half hour ago! Better be sure the cops don’t catch you”. Here is an example reminiscent of a Christian evangelist. Jethro comes up to his Uncle Jed and says “Don’t worry, If you put your money in my bank you’ll end up with a million dollars” and Jed says “Jethro, I’ve got fifty million now”. Many times people don’t realize what they had before they ever met that evangelist. They were happy with their lives, and never gave a thought about going to hell or damnation, or trying to please some nosey overseer from the local church. Larry Geller once said of Elvis after a few years of knowing him, “Elvis you seem happier and more at peace now”. Well, Elvis in those years bloated up to a heavy weight and his acting ability and box office pulling power plummeted. Now here is another scene. I’m chosen to do the opening line of a group poem on “The blessings of materiality”. So my opening line was “There’s nothing like opening a cold can of beer on a hot day”. I guess the idea there is that there is nothing like a cold can of beer. But the next line that was offered, and included was “or a can of soda that hasn’t been shaken”. A more stupid line could not be imagined, since I just got through saying there was nothing like a cold can of beer. Another really bad line in the poem was someone added “The catfish are jumping in the creek” and someone added “If you’re lucky, you can catch yourself a treat with the help of a worm”. I mean if they are really that plentiful you don’t have to be lucky to catch one. Another strange pairing of lines was “children are playing by a lake” and someone added “friendship brings about immortality”. I gotta say I was really scratching my head at that one. But what the hell, most of the people in the room were formal mental patients- - or whatever. The moral of this next one is “know the rules of the game”. In 1958 someone is selling “Used Car Futures”. So you are betting what percentage the car will drop in two years. Both used Edsel stock and used Roles Royce shares sell at the same price- - - and “the line” on both stocks is 30%. I want to buy the Roles futures but they are all out and I say to my friend “I’ll make you an even trade of two thousand in shares. You give me your Roles shares and I give you my Edsel shares. He says to me “You’re a fool. $2,000 will buy me a whole car and maybe two but you can’t even buy a part of one car with your shares”. Of course the terms of the deal, “the line” is 30%. Anything less than that and the buyer wins, and more than that the buyer loses. Who will walk away with the most money?

Well, would it come as a surprise to you to learn that George Washington has gone “Tea Party”. But George Washington’s blog had all these debt things with the twirling numbers just like your typical WND website. Among the quotes that was considered so starteling is that Ron Paul proclaimed that the value of the US dollar has gone down almost fifty percent in the past couple years. In who’s eyes? Inflation is close to zero, and shows no sign of rising unless congress does something stupid. And more alarmist of the Tea Party ilk said that “The Fed Chairman plans another round of dollar remonitarization”. Oh gee, that sounds scarey! People are freaked by the funniest things. The other time we “re-monitized” the economy had some semblance of a growth spurt, and when it stopped, the economy sank, just like the Viagra wearing off. The ignorance of the American people continues to amaze me. STILL the majority of the American people fear a raising of the national debt limit MORE than they do a default on our debt. The latest figures are 49% against the raise in limit and 46% favoring it. So I guess the tea baggers say “Well, we’ve heard from the people. I guess we’ll just stand our ground like the tar heels do in North Carolina”. Of course there is a four trillion dollar deal that the tea party turned down. The six trillion dollar deal is still on the table. But the poison pill here is this package features a CUT in revenues which will actually INCREASE the debt over the years. At this point I’d go for almost ANY deal that would not CUT the revenue. I hope that deal is still doable. We’re getting desperate. Time is running out. Now a republican has a NINE trillion federal programs cut deal. He says “This plan is well planned out, and all these cuts are necessary”. People shouldn’t place their faith in gold. As the hard core right says “You can’t EAT gold”. My advice to anybody who owns gold now is to sell it and take your profits. Don’t get greedy. Isn’t a hundred and fifty percent profit on your investment enough for you? You know, don’t you that prices come down a lot more quickly than they go up. My economic track record in these postings is pretty good over the years. In May of 2007 I said that “the stock market will continue to rise for about another six months and then it will peak”. I was pretty close. I missed the peak by a month. People want things of enduring value. And you know which writings of mine lose their “value” the quickest? The ones that try to somehow try and make rational sense of Christianity. People have this albitros of beliefs they don’t even know they have. So rather than place your bets on trying to improve this world, they bet that it will come to an end. I don’t care what they say in the news tonight, get smart and sell your gold while it can be sold. Dylan’s words ring true, “Instead of learning to Live they are learning to Die”. I don’t need to LEARN how to die. That will come naturally of its own accord. Hopefully the day is coming, and soon, we will look back on all this tea party nonesence as some sort of bad dream, where it’s hard to believe it even happened. But as A C says, “but it really did happen”.

One would think that Rupert Murdoch was pretty much all washed up. But Pat Buchannon disagrees. Sometimes Pat Buchannon in the Mc Laughlin group identifies with the strangest things. He says “Not that many people care about something so petty as wire tapping and mentally traumatizing victims. They are just going after Murdoch because he’s a liberal, just like they went after Nixon in Watergate”. That line is almost worthy of Captain Queeg. Nobody believes what this British tabloid did was a triffeling thing. Lives were ruined and they exceeded all bounds of ethics. There have been numerous resignations not just at the newspaper, but on the police department. The police chief resigned the other day and now some underling has resigned, who was the head of some crime investigation division. It seems that cops would be bribed into given inside information to “news of the world” and also the newspaper could be relied on to suppress certain arrest records of certain people. It seems the newspaper may have threatened various Officers into either going along with the newspaper or there would appear a real smear article about an officer or group of officers in the next addition of the newspaper. I’ll make no secret of the fact that the sooner irresponsible journalism is put out of commission, the better. I’ll shed no tears over any of Rupert Murdoch’s venues. I hear the Wall Street Journal is a much more shallow piece of journalism now with only a fraction of the investigative reporting they used to have on corporate malfeasance. Now someone has been found dead, who was one of the initial whistle blowers. This whole case isn’t going away – not by a long shot. Events are breaking so fast and furious it’s hard to keep on top of them all - - and I’ll do another update on this sometime.

The drought in Texas and Oklahoma is only getting worse. Lakes and ponds are evaporating completely. Now the lakes that remain are being taken over by blue-green algae because of the heat and the lack of oxygen in the water. The whole system has grown in size and they said it covered forty states. Not only will it move east. But we in southern California are seeing predictions of added heat and “monsoonal” humidity, because a high pressure system is “backing in - - “ to our area.

Let’s talk a little more about John Lennon - - - and Me. “Are you still claiming to have talked to John Lennon and he to you?” OK fine. Let’s back up a few years where I said that an “important essence” of John Lennon - - disappeared after early 1968. And he never got that back – not on his solo albums, not nowhere. But what do you do when “the goose that laid the golden eggs” dies? And your band mates want to do one more album, and you don’t want to be bothered? This the individual we refer to as "Candidate Z". Like I said I have never met "Candidate Z". I would like to. We have certain things in common including a fascenation with Death. I also alledge that Lennon “had help” from a DIFFERENT source writing about four songs on the White Album, namely Bungalo Bill, Happiness is a Warm Gun, Sexy Sadie, and Cry Baby Cry. Suppose I can identify THAT personage as someone whom I actually “Knew”. I wanted to do a whole essay on everything I know about THIS personage. But neither was that one ME. So what do I say was ME? Well - - John Lennon still “didn’t have his mojo back” even on Abbey Road, with the possible exception of "Polytheme Pam" where I do a good job of imotating Candidate Z. (by the way Candidate Z was still alive when "Don't Let Me Down" was recorded- so maybe) But we can agree that Abbey Road features a very different type of John Lennon song than ANYTHING John did as a solo artist. In my humble opinion. ‘Well, Marcus, lets face it you have a LOT to be humble about!” Maybe. So like what did I have to work with if I was John? Well there is a backlog of some compositions that were already written by “Candidate Z” who is now deseast. So you ask “What gave Lennon the idea that YOU were someone he’d care to know to begin with?” I guess you’ve got me stumped there, except for the fact that OTHER entity, a fourteen year old blonde, blue eyed female - - ("gosh it's hard to get good help nowadays!") was getting to know me, and she knew I liked "I'm am the Walrus" and "Strawberry Fields" - - you know, those "dark" songs. By the way here's another Clue for you all. You know that Queen song "Spread Your Wings" that talks about "Sammy" as in Samuel of the Bible? This has always been a part of ZAC loore. And "Candidate Z" was never Samuel. The whole thing there was that Samuel was from Gilgal and that could be translated as "Rolling Stones". Candidate Z didn't have a religious bone in his body. In fact one "weakness" of Candidate Z's personality is that he never did ANYTHING he didn't want to do. That's a good trick if you can pull it off. There are certain Dead people I've never met but would like to, for instance Bon Scott of ACDC. I know what planet he's on (Sirius B) but have never met him. I knew somebody who knew Keith Relph of the Yardbirds but never met him, either. And I never have met George Harrison, at least after he died. All I know was in my ONE contact with Neil Aspinoll - he said he was with George Harrison and apparently Harrison never hangs out with John Lennon. Well- - maybe this paragraph didn’t come off as planned. All I’m saying as I haven’t altogether abandoned the whole astral-projection thing. I think it’s medication time.

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