Saturday, July 23, 2011

F O R - E V I L

In the news we have the saga of that whacked out guy in Norway who first set off a bomb in a high rise building and then went to a summer camp where children were playing care free. Some said that he's a Moslem who didn't know his geography and wanted to retaliate on Denmark for running that cartoon showing Bin Laden with a bomb. This guy for others was actually a Born Again fundamentalist Christian, a real Timothy Mc Vey type who just wanted vengence on all government. He will probably not get the death penalty. Charles Manson's victims all got the death penalty but Manson can live a leisurely life in his cell with his internet and his fan letters, very much alive. John Lennon is dead. Mark David Chapman is very much alive. I was tempted to call this piece "Death Heals All Wounds", but that might be misconstrewed. It's a fact however that a wound will heal a lot more quickly if it's been treated with disinfectants and the like. Some people we don't have to worry about. Tom Bradley is dead, who single handedly set back black and police relations by decades. Jim Jones is dead. Gene Scott is dead. He's somebody you don't have to spend a second thinking or wondering about his church and its affects on people. I think it was Dennis Prager who said (if I'm wrong I apologise) that one thing about a True friend is that he loves the same things that you love and hates the same things you hate. You know, Thom Hartman says that if corporations are going to be accorded the status of human beings "created in the image of God" or what not, then they ought to undergo the Corporate Death Penalty, should their sins be grievious enough. You can't very well say "Well it's too bad all those people died like that but a corporation did it, and so what can you do. By the way, I'm not exactly one of those people who believes the retarded and the insane should be given a pass merely because of their "infirmity". You know something, I'm glad that John Lennon uses the word "crippled" in the song "Crippled Inside" rather than the word "Disabeled". That word implies to me a deliberate sabotage. It's like disabeling a burgelar alarm, or knifing a dog's vocal chords out so it can't bark, or de-clawing a cat so that it can't defend itself. Much wrong with the legal system today is that the oppressed are almost prohibited by law from fighting back. So consumers continue to get screwed, and people suffer and die all the time from very preventable Industrial Accidents. Just between you and me I find a lot of John Lennon's evaluations rather inexplicable. Is he referring to himself as "Crippled Inside"? Lord knows he's made enough self-depricating observations about himself in his song lyrics. And what did he mean when he said "Wern't the 'seventies awful. Aren't you glad you got through them?" The seventies to my generation is that holy grail of decades we all long to go back to. On the other hand Lennon sounds almost giddy in songs like "Living on Borrowed Time". I wish someone would let me in on the joke. One lyric I identify with and always have is the one that goes "You know that your cat has nine lives, nine lives to itself. You've only got one and a dog's life ain't fun". I saw myself as a dog and all the Christians as people who got away with blowing oppertunity after oppertunity and making mistake after mistake and somehow always manage to land on their feet. There have been a few times in my Christian walk where I felt like God's own pet black dog, who's regularly walked on a choker chain. I think only one time did John Lennon speak of "uncertainty about the future". He seemed strangely silent about the president race we had just undergone in 1980. But too often the addage is true that the evil men do lives after them. Especially when they are very much not dead. In Jesus Christ, Superstar - - Jesus dies, but Judas lives on with his prattle of remarks out to stumble the next would be believer. A lot of people argue that the U N is as good as dead because we appoint people from killer Islamic nations to committee posts on Human Rights comissions. We pay the bills and the rest of the world reviles us, and we let them. Somewhere I can't help but think some sort of "attitude adjustment" is warrented. Neil Savedra may care nothing of yours or my legal rights, but he's the first to make sure Satan is accorded with all his legal rights. So is there a place of "letting go of a grudge" so to speak. Sure there is. After the Evil that is the cause of the problem is eliminated. I believe this is what Dylan meant with the words in Masters of War that go "And I'll stand over your grave and make sure that you're dead". Well you know that Chuck Smith has no problem with "troublesome people" suddenly "disappearing", and hell - if he can say it, I can. Why it's "God's answer to a troublesome relation" isn't it? I mean, who are we to argue with God? It's my desire that God come to think more like me, and discover what an improvement it is, and then we'd all have a better world.


Many people look at the idea of sin as being really complicated. However, to parody Jesus, "In the beginning it wasn't so". There was a singular prohibition, "Don't eat the apple tree". Odd as it seems God did not prescribe a regimin of self flagulation or pray and fasting and pennance, nor did he advise Adam and Eve against "excessive lust while having sex" as Dante and others would warn against. The singular "Don't" is to not go near that one locus of Sin. So how does this apply to the karmic funnel I mention in my prophecy book and in many postings? Well we also have to look at the one "DO". In the Bible, metaphorically speaking, the singular "DO" is to come to Jesus and seek his salvation. They call it "One Way". What of those souls who have already progressed way down the funnel and are in danger of going "down the chute" and undergo psychic death? What is their singular "DO"? That simply is to get away from that Black Hole sucking you in. To quote George Harrison out of context "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there". So what does this mean? It's a simple fact of geometry that traveling in any straight line will take you away from sin's trap. Of course to the sinner with his circular warped perception if you're a straight shooter with him, he will take it as a curve ball, when the warped perception is entirely on his part. Any way to get away from the center is a good one. It also stands to reason that once you move far enough away from the center, your options and choices become much more plentiful. You have a lot more "space" to work with.


You know, all that Congress had to do to take a major step tword getting the US government out of it's deficet cycle last year was to do absolutely Nothing. That's right. The Bush tax cuts were already scheduled to expire. If congress had done nothing they would have expired. So the republicans by their OWN actions functioned as enablers of Evil, in this case, the deficet. Now they are still enabeling the deficet by rejecting all agreements. Dr. Phil has often times spoken of the evil of "Enabelers". Jesus was an enabeler of evel when he said "Do not resist one who is evil". This could just as easily translate, "Do not resist the evil one". How ironic that Ron Hubbard's morality is superior to Jesus' in this point. He says the prime directive of all life forms is to "Survive". Certainly this is one principle the Catholic Church has followed scrupulously. Indeed President Obama has enabeled evil. After the rebuff of Friday evening I would have imagined that the next move on the President's part would be very unwelcome to the Republicans and one they wouldn't like a bit. They said that if Hillary Clinton ever got into office you know should be politically vindictive to her enemies. Well, political vindictiveness is looking pretty darn good to me right about now. Couldn't the president tap funds to secretly fund primary opponets in next year's election or fund their democratic challengers? Could not the President say "OK, if we default then as executive I decide which payments will be made and what money is spent. And guess who's going to wind up on the short end of this? All you people from the red states. For that matter couldn't the President do what Bill Clinton advised and unilaterally declare the debt borrowing limit to be unconstitutional and simply not obey it. As Andrew Jackson once said "Congress made the law. Now let's see them enforce it." What about all these "signing statements" President Bush is famous for. Couldn't the President sign virtually anything congress put up and then issue one of these signing statements? The President also is enabeling these people with his Marsha Clark limp wristed approach to his political opponets, rather than speak as anyone who has actual authority. In all these ways the President has enabled evil just like the drug taking and child molesting stories talked about on the Dr. Phil show. At the same time the good that would be done is disabeled. People like Neil Savedra won't "let people be Christians" but he has to shackle them to death with a bunch of ifs, whereasses, and wherefores. Those who would work for Abolition in the nineteenth century were often disabeled by the morays of the day. The fact that karma is "singular" may puzzle some people. But in the expanding universe "soap bubble" theory- - Time is Singular even though it stretches out in all directions in a 3 D panorama. There is a little theory I have developed. If the fabric of the Ether is indeed stretching, mightn't that imply that the speed of Light over the milenia is in fact slowly Increasing? You see as you look back in an "event horizon" to celestial bodies of the past- - it could be argued that a smaller space is perceived as the same ammount of ground. It's all that map projection thing. The closser you get either to the North Pole, or the start of the Big Bang, the more space shrinks, and that which we perceive as straight are actually bending. To accomodate this phenomina - -it may be that even a reading of the speed of Light might differ a bit is taken a hundred million years ago. It's just a thought. A man bound in sin has few options if he's going to extracate himself. A man free of sin has many productive options. Right now our President is being boxed in by his enemies so that his options are going from few to none.


Tertulian was the first theologian to coin the word "Trinity" to describe God. He proposed the idea that a singular energy force would in fact have three distinct personalities. I call that a mental illness myself. Particularly if they pass the time arguing with each other. Tertulian was the first theologian to come out squarely against the possability of reincarnation. Yet there are seemingly six books of the Bible that Tertulian never quoted from. And I'm not entirely sure that the ones he did quote from were specified by name. Tertulian never quoted from James, Jude, 3rd. John, Philemon (about a freed slave), 2nd. Peter and Hebrews. The latter is of note because there are doctrines found in Hebrews found nowhere else in the Bible. Also odd that this is early in the third century and the use of certain Biblical books seems to at best be - - not well established. Hebrews alone specifically refers to these as the "Last days". Hebrews alone speaks of entertaining strangers because "In this process, many have been known to entertain Angels". Hebrews alone speaks of the "Cloud of witnesses" or Martyra, cheering us on as we make our way through life. Hebrews alone seems to put the kabosh on allowing the idea of reincarnation. Only Hebrews speaks of being "Judged" immediately upon death. When Tertulian broached the idea of the Trinity, the majority of the Christian churches did not take kindly to the idea but accused him of Hericy. Only his buddies in Rome seemed to like the idea. But I will say this of Tertulian that I can't say of every theologian in that he has a legal, logical mind and appears to speak and write clearly.

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