Wednesday, October 19, 2011


You know from the topics discussed at these debates you would think they all believed that America’s biggest problem was that corporate profits were down. The rich weren’t making enough. Stock prices were down from when Obama took office, and due to the restrictive tax rates, C E O’s weren’t being paid enough. You would have no idea in Hell that America’s biggest problem was jobs. Because obviously if jobs were the problem then they would be talking about Jobs programs, wouldn’t they? They would be arguing about who had the best jobs plan. On the other hand I’m not even sure why they even use the High Unemployment figrees as a come-on because according to Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich there IS no “unemployment problem”. It’s just a matter of certain people getting off their asses and getting a job. So I don’t want to hear even the vaguest implication that these tea party people are “concerned’ about your employment prospects, because bu the issues they dwell on they clearly are not. Randy Rhodes “flushes out” a few sentiments that may have gone unnoticed. For instance the code words. Mitt Romney says that our problem is “we need to need the Real Estate market “hit bottom” and then some investors can them come in and buy up the real estate”. Romney would like to buy real estate at pennies on the dollar. He used some term on Obama such as Obama wants to “stall this thing out” or something. Here is the term. Obama wants to “slow walk” this crisis. He seemed irritate that the President would even think of intervening to help home owners with under water mortgages. Of course you’ve seen all these adds on the radio about how you too can “Flip houses”. Someone should give these people the bird. It is pointed out of course that these bank finenceres don’t actually Produce a thing that contributes to American industry. Even G E no longer gets its money from light bulbs, phones and refrigerators but instead fro its financial deals. In terms of old people saving up, they would virtually do better to stuff their money inside a mattress. Because let’s face it: Banks charge YOU to keep your money for you. Banks get free money yet some people hole mortgages in excess of seven percent. Of course Herman Cain is “the worst” as far as candidates. He’s pro tarp. He’s happy to let the federal government give free money to the banks, and then turn around and hoard it. Kane is perfectly willing to trust China about everything and let US industry be damned. And you know Cain’s opinion of the Wall Street protestors. I think this whole Ghandi fantasy of “shaming the government’ into action is a pipe dream. Someone has been smoking an illegal substance to come up with that one. Of course these Republicans fear financial reform the most. I say that Obama hasn’t done enough to be proactive about the Wall Street mess. The Republicans say he’s done too much already and don’t like Dodd-Frank, or whatever that financial bill passed last year that was very weak. And of course if they were even a little concerned about US business going overseas they would repeal that provision in the tax code that practically subsidizes the move, paying corporations big write offs to relocate their businesses elsewhere. Of course now you have these NAFTA trucks coming through from Mexico. These drivers don’t have to take a proficiency test or keep logs, or take a drug test as US truckers do. I don’t want to hear any more about electrified border fences, when we open the gates and let them drive trucks through.

You know, Eric Holder isn’t doing his job. Has it ever dawned on him that Grover Norquist may well be guilty of racketeering? He’s the guy who wants to shrink government down to a size where it can be dragged in and drowned in the bathrub. If you condered for a second how deep the government cuts we’d have to have to have governments either under Bachman or Cain, you realize these people are serious. But as you know Norquist is in the news because he’s the guy that republican congressmen sign a pledge to not to EVER raise ANY taxes or close ANY corporate loopholes. She his words have the force of law. As such Republican’s loyalty to the constitution plays second fiddle to their loyalty to the Norquist oath. But it doesn’t stop there. Some have suggested that Norquist paid these Republicans money to sign. But it’s more insidious than that. He actually tracks them down and investigates all of their political activities and associations. And if it turns out they are getting support from liberals then Norquist has a word with them and threatens them that their donation money will all dry up if they stray from their no tax pledge in their Voting patterns in Congress. This is old fashioned political strong-arming and we have laws against it now. This isn’t the ‘forties. It is no longer the season of smoke filled rooms and the fat guy chomping a cigar issuing orders and expecting them to be carried out. But AG Holder is too much of a weenie to do anything about it, just as he is chicken or something to take on Wall Street.

I don’t know what all these tea party members are like in their personal lives. Some of them may have rich, full lives full of family and friends. Some may be even gracious to strangers. My beef with Born Again Christianity is that I have SEEN these people close up and interacted with them. They have a philosophy which seems to Prohibit them from acting like civil human beings, or even holding a civil, rational conversation. They send you false signals and then hit you out of left field. They are highly manipulative. They always need to be in control. But I suspect a psychologist would say that deep down they are afraid that their “inadequacy” will be discovered if they don’t erect this elaborate edifice of Defenses around them. “Walls” are one thing but I suspect these people lived in a world of virtual border check points, secret pass words and guard towers, all armed to the teeth.

You know people in Science Fiction assume things that are not a reality for us, at least not yet. So you have things like “sub space” in Star Trek, where they have instantaneous radio communication over vast distances. And if you try and look up “negative space” in the Wickipedia you will get articles on Photography and composition of photographs. And if you look for the kind of “hyperspace” we all relate to in the Sci Fi venues- - then that’s just what you will get. “Hyperspace” will be defined as a creation of Science Fiction writers of various properties in such series as Star Wars and the video game Asteroids. And yet I have spoken of dimensions in this hyperspace realm. In my writings I have defined hyperspace is an area that has normal time but objects in it lack mass, and trying to measure hyperspace is impossible. It may be the “null space” fingered in a Next Generation episode. I spoke of their being six dimensions. Three are Karma related and these relate to karmic “gravity” or SIN, as well as “karmic space” which is a metaphore for “personal life options”. And there is a metaphore of upward and outward speed or thrust or effort or karmic exertion. There would be the three regular special dimensions, of course. I have explained a few times how these space dimensions, one or two of them, could even leak over into our world. I realize in doing this I allude to things that can’t be proved and many scientists say WILL never be proved and CAN never be proved. As such I guess I have arrived at the border of blind Belief. Just as in my BASIC programs involving randomness, I put parameters (limits) on that randomness. In other words there are areas where I will “allow” faith about certain things in my life. Me and “Comtted” Christians part company here. I don’t see why “Conditional’” FAITH should be a hindrance to our life.


First slice your semaphore pizza into eight pieces. Start counting from the bottom and work clockwise, a "piece" (eighth) at a time. Now you've learned eight Flag letters.


H -hot



# (numeric)

W -Without

Z- Zeros

G- Good

Now slice another Godfather pizza into quarters and do likewise. Look at the whole quarter. Start from the lower left. Now you have just learned four more Flag letters

B - Buy (or Best)

P - Peanut butter and

J - Jelly (sandwiches)

F - Fresh (food)

Now slice another Godfather pizza into quarters also but turn this one diagonally.

U N I X is what the top, then bottom, then left, then right quarters spell out. Now take another pizza and slice it also into quarters and turn diagonally.

Now with one hand in the six o clock position with the other hand thusly -focus on the dividing lines and not the pieces themselves.

C A G E is what is spelled out starting with the upper left diagonal and working your way counter clockwise around the pizza. Now you have learned sixteen letters. Here are two more.

R -horizontal line accross the pizza

D - Vertical line straighd down the middle of the pizza

L - diagonal line from lower left to upper right

Take another pizza and divide into eighths again. Count 3/8 segments off starting from the six o clock position and count clockwise and count off three paces "forward". Each time advance one segment so that you are always overlapping two segments from the previous letter.

C - Courting

K - Kings and

Q - Queens

Y - Yields (a)

V - Valuable

E - Endoursement

Five segment letters are the hardest. These are M and S for MS. Now look at the horizontal "horizon" line. (the "R") - the eight segment to the LEFT just Below the horizon line PLUS everything above it gives you Five segments for an M. For the S it's everything above the horizon PLUS the mirror eighth segment to the RIGHT just below the horizon gives you Five segments for the S, or put otherwise M S is just below the horizon.

Mirrored eighth segments

Time # (time is a #)

O - open W - Window (just above the horizon)

H Z (Hertz) - (just below the horizon)

A G (digging for evidence)

Mirrored horizontal quarters

Peanut butter & Jelly P & J

B and F (for Buy Fresh)

Peace Sign D & N (nuclear disarmlement)

R ("safe! - Run scores")

Mirrored Vertical Segment (diagonal)

U and N for United Nations

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