Friday, October 21, 2011

Last night the US Senate voted down a jobs bill package to support the rehiring of Policemen, Firemen, and School teachers in big cities where there had been governmental cuts. To support the program there was a half of one percent surtax on millionaires. The Senate voted it down 50 – 50 and the bill needed sixty percent of those present in order to obtain passage. This vote is no surprise to me since I said even if the President chopped up his bill into “bite sized pieces” the tea party crowd had indicated they intended to reject the bill- - all of it. We know this because they want to hike the payroll tax back up to 6.2% on the grounds that, as Mitt Romney explains, “Corporations won’t hire new workers on the basis of a temporary two year fix”. Sometimes I wonder why you never see congress now on C-Span, not that I’ve checked lately. What are they all doing these days- jacking off? The house is off all this week and the Senate couldn’t get to the airport fast enough and they will be off all next week, which doesn’t leave much time when they all get back to ratify that “continuing budget bill”. Personally I have heard very little direct debate on these recent bills. I don’t see how they all don’t trip over their words trying to justify the utterly irrational and absurd stances they take on issues. And while we are on the subject of C-Span, it doesn’t make good theater in my opinion to see Congressmen debating to an almost empty house. As to why they are gone so much don’t give me this line about how they have to spend time with their “constituency”. We all know that’s just a code word for lobbyist, by which they get very rich.

The Tea Party has always taken pride in its intransigence and “standing on principles”. For the original tea party that was “No taxation without representation”. But if anything the tea party is over-represented both politically, and in the media. As Ron Paul said, “America has always been a land of individuality. The right of each and every person to make up his own mind is a valued one. But now individual stalwartness is not enough. Now the tea party has gone farther. On the Stephanie Miller show earlier this morning they announced that the tea party was sending letters to small businessman encouraging them not to hire new workers because “we don’t want to do anything that would tend to support this Socialist in power”. I’d like to know where all these hoards of socialists are that are just “waiting in the wings proned to take over the US economy”. It’s like now they are becoming more blatent as to their desires, not that people like Senator Mitch Mc Connel didn’t make it plain before. How they are “out sourcing” their negativity. I saw this in my own life. I’ll leave names out but everybody knows. A couple years ago I needed money and sought to borrow ten dollars from a friend. I got his mother, of all things, on the line and she said “Of course he’ll give hou the money”. I talked to this friend later and at first he wasn’t sure, but then called me back and said he could not loan me the money” even though his spendable income is far in excess of mine. Someone had gotten to him. You see Mitt Romney doing these flip flops on things like global warming. Michelle Bachman has a real problem on her hands, talk about negativity. In the latest debate she was emphatic in saying that our support of the Libyan rebels was wrong. Not only doesn’t she want US boots on the ground, but she’s against our helping others who want to help the Libyan people. Now Qadafy is dead. Apparently the Republicans are not particularly happy about it. After all people like Larry Elder not so many years ago were trumpeting Bush’s big peace initiate with Qadafy – post Lockerbee bombing, and we all know why. Because President Bush was so hard up for foreign oil he’d do anything to get it. It just struck me that if they were to hold a contest as to who was more patriotic, Jesus Christ as a Jew or President Obama as an American, who do you think would win the contest? How patriotic can you be when you won’t pay a few extra hundred dollars a year to hire needed Law Enforcement, and you’re a millionaire? We used to have an expression you don’t hear much now, and that is “Y Pluribus Unim”. Meaning approximately – in many – strength. Now apparently Wolf Blitzer or one of his friends came out with the statement that they should only allow people to vote in this country if you’re a land owner. What do you suppose our returning troops would think of that one? The Libya conflict is over. When it comes to the Iraq War? We are done there. The troops are coming home. Now, and only now, can we rightfully hang out that sign “Mission Accomplished”. I don’t know what’s going to happen next year. The election picture still doesn’t look good. In addition to the House, it looks very likely that we will lose the Senate, too. What I would like to see are some key off year elections that swing our way and give us kind of a Sign.

Thom Hartman reads the tea leaves a little differently than I do. For instance he says that anybody who calls himself a scientist and announces there is no God, then at that point he isn’t being scientific because he’s “making a truth about an absolute, and scientists don’t deal in absolutes”. That’s word play if I ever saw it. I myself in a Deist but I’m honest enough to admit that different intelligent people can come to a different conclusion with the same evidence. Nobody would say because you got a differing opinion from a doctor that one doctor or the other was “being religious”. Thom believes that Bill Clinton would have won by even more votes in 1992 had not Ross Perot been in the race. It is my opinion and that of most people, that Ross Perot’s presence threw the race over to Bill Clinton or else Bush would have won, and that Perot’s entry into the Presidential race was some vendetta against the Bush family. But now Mr. Tom is saying that the President is going to get Eric Holder to start prosecuting the people on Wall Street so that these trials will dominate the media in an election year, and hopefully turn the climate against Wall Street. Also the President aledgedly told Timothy Geitner to prepare a plan for the federal take-over of the Bank of America, but Geitner refused, and Obama let it go. Don’t let the right wing get a hold of this story. Given the climate in this country now- - things that made perfect sense before are regarded as risky now.

I’ve had a number of dreams I haven’t mentioned. Three nights ago I dreamed that Burt Lombard was a real, separate person. He was talking about Krishna consciousness and I was preaching something called “Burt consciousness”. There was some movie about his religion where some young couple was interviewed about taking a walk through some garden and how beautiful it was. I was thinking “Most religions don’t talk about physical things in nature. I think it was one Saturday morning I was late in getting up. And about 12:30 PM I decided to go to a department store that was owned by Burt’s religious company. I noticed that the sun was not even close to the meridian point, assuming my sense of direction was right. In the department store there were brands and things that most stores didn’t have. And all the clerks were telling me that this store had weathered the current recession well with little drop in business, and how long the big building has been in business. - - - The next night I dreamed I was going back to some college lecture room where I had just attended class. But when I got there the room was empty and the furniture had all been cleared out. And I talked to someone on my cell phone about something. (?) and just after I’m done some older woman was at the door and I said “Oh, the room is empty. And I said I was just leaving or something. Tim picket me up at the college to go somewhere else. Tim was dropping hints about things I wasn’t picking up on. Later on Mom or someone told me that Tim and Marie had recently adopted a young blonde haired boy. Mom said “It’s all because of that trip Tim made to Cleveland where his life was threatened and he got to thinking about his own future and his posterity”. - - - - - Last night I had some dream about a video the Beatles had done for one Single from their first album. Oddly the song was that final track on the “Three Dog Night” album with six tracks. (first album) And it was a black and white video where they were being chased around and sometimes got into this roller coaster thing that took them on a wild ride through a lot of obstacles just missing them. Later in the might I dreamed that St. Paul’s church was in a different building where the carpeted floor rose up very slightly twords the front like a theater. But now when you went in the Exit door to the front the carpet was so steep it was at a thirty degree angle or something and people said that the building had sunk “fifteen feet”. I said it wasn’t THAT much but it was several feet and cracks were showing up in the walls. In another scene I lived in a house with my parents with a floor plan I’d never seen before. And Mom showed me this closed with all these strange Halloween get-ups she wanted me to wear- - on an ordinary day. In the final scene Mom was moving my gold bookcase out of the room and I was protesting what the Hell was she doing?

Between dreams last night I woke up and it was around two and I went outside and had a cigarette. I didn’t have more because I was short. But I continued to wonder why I’ve been getting up nights now on an almost regular basis – and the past two nights I have had nothing hanging over my head that could possibly cause anxiety.

We live in a climate of outright lies. Most people don’t even know that after that “debt crisis” began last August – treasury yields went down as prices for them went up. So much for “runaway interest rates” the right has been saying forever. I told you to buy at a certain point and I never recinded that buy signal but affirmed it often. So many had “hopes” of a double dip recession. Well take a look at stock market activity the past month or so. Watch it continue. Last night I thought about it and thought that just maybe I could buy coffee and make money off it since I was now almost out. But I talked to Larry who only a day earlier had been hyper to buy as much coffee as he could. Today, after he told me about his ten dollars, and more money from the sale of his TV set, last night Larry told me he was out of money and would be for the foreseeable future. It’s kind of funny that so often, the more insistent a flake is about asserting an important point, the bigger the lie it turns out to be. Dennis Prager has stated that there is absolutely no evidence 2nd hand tobacco smoke is adverse to health. Dennis Prager proclaimed that only one and three smokers have their health adversely by cigarettes. Dennis Prager has emphatically stated that Head Start and other pre school programs do NOT work in the long run because the child loses every advantage in later years that he’d had earlier. George Bush was emphatic about the fact that ‘You can’t wire tap without a warrant and go through FISA court”. The whole Bush Administration stated that the proof of “weapons of mass destruction” was overwhelming. Cain has made certain emphatic statements about his 9% national sales tax. Some said “Man will never create life in a test tube”. Others have said there was “No evidence for global warming”. The Bible states “I have never seen the righteous begging bread”. Some have said “When the income tax was never instituted it was never intended to rise above 7%.” That’s highly dubious considering how high President Wilson had it five short years later. The lie has repeated “President Obama told us all if his stimulus plan were enacted the unemployment would not rise above eight percent”. This is a lie because I think unemployment was 8 ½ % or something when the plan was actually passed. Richard Powers proclaims loudly “I always pay my debts”. Anybody who knows him knows better. So when Christians make certain emphatic statements about the after life, well as Dr. Phil would say “The best predictor of future performance is past performance.

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