Monday, October 24, 2011


I did not post anything Saturday or Sunday or even today before now because of many factors. I was busy and I needed to sort out a lot of things in my mind that I still haven't entirely decided on, like everything that will be in this posting. Also I regarded Sunday as a bad day astrologically. Every single game I watched on Sunday went adversely to what I wanted including the Cowboys beating the Rams, apparently, that I didn't even seem. The Trojans did defeat Notre Dame 31 to 17 on Saturday night and I had that score wrong in my head, but that was a win. Saturday night I kind of opened my mouth and committed myself to something I didn't want to and was hoping for a way to extracate myself, and this occurred Sunday morning when I saw the Exit door and took it. The lead story had I typed this on Saturday afternoon would have been "Look Out - Newt Gingrich will be the next flavor of the month". Both my brother and sister in law are now taken with Newt's performance in the debates and how he keeps his cool under fire and is so knowledgeable in so areas. My brother reviewed with me his ten point plan to "Restore America" or whatever. Neither of them was ever taken with Rick Perry, and they definitely don't like Herman Cain either. Romney in my brother's estamation is too uptight and forced. And Santaurus won't abide by the debating time-limits and so lacks discipline. Ron Paul doesn't have enough charisma. So I'm predicting Newt as the next "flavor of the month" and the one who will be dominating the headlines in January of next year, when all this actually counts.

Of course this morning's conversation with Judy went rather badly, as far as I'm concerned. It's like two auto mechanics having an argument with each other over how to fix a car. The only problem is that one of them is sober and the other has just dropped LSD. When Judy talks about a "Christian America" she seems to appeal to an America that never existed and hopefully never will exist. In her America Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson can't be trusted because these were the two signers who "weren't godly". Judy mentioned the Supreme Court having too much power. One thing I've learned from talking with Judy, if there is an issue where you happen to agree with her on, she will then alter her position so that you CAN'T agree with it. I was quoting Thomas Jefferson on Marberry vs Madison, and Judy says "Well you know you can't trust Thomas Jefferson". It's like that Dylan song the goes "Jefferson, Lincoln and that Roosevelt guy- - they're all communists. There is only one loyal American and that is Norman Rockwell. I know he hates connunists because he picketed the movie "Exidus". According to Judy, England was not a Christian country. According to Judy nobody else in the world except us has a humanitarian bone in their body. Also according to Judy-- the President's recent jobs plan is awful and just another Socialist experiment like all the rest. Of course Judy is offended by "conthiscating money from multi millionaires" even if it is to hire police, firemen, and teachers, and to save the economy. In Judy's world low interest rates are actually a BAD thing and the Fed needs to "correct this problem". This is in the same vein, I suppose as George Bush saying the surplus left him was a problem because "we should give the money back to the rich people we stole it from". In Judy's world there is no such thing as any legal ethic that does not stem from Old Testament teaching. And at the same time, mind you she thinks this "Arab spring" is a bad idea, overthrowing all these dictators, because some people want to bring back Sheria law. In Judy's world the filthy rich community are as lilly pure as choir boys. When confronted by misdeeds I being up she says "Well you can't attack a whole segment. You aren't perfect, nobody is perfect". She went on to say how awful she thought it was that people were out on the street protesting Wall Street and banker abuses because they just "want to steal from the rich". I contrasted to her the spontanious nature of demonstrations on the left compared to the highly orchestrated Koch Brothers tea party protests on the right where people were brought in on air conditioned busses and had a set of talking points given them. Judy then went on to say "How can you attack your own mother? She has stocks and bonds". This of course would bring up a whole other issue of she wouldn't be so rich if parents had given all us kids tha things we needed that could have made out lives better when we were younger. I also didn't mention that they had their house refinanced by parents, and also they stood to inheret that money whereas I was cut out of their will. But my basic point was that Mom was not an embezzeler or a tax dodger and she didn't write derivities or sell contaminated loans. So her point was completely absurd. My brother seemed envious of the fact that I'm getting a $38.00 raise in supplemental security income and he hasn't gotten a raise in four years. Judy went further in hitting below the belt making remarks I don't think I"ll even repeat- - in terms of just how little she thinks of me as a person. A psychologist would have a field day with a text of her remarks. I mentioned my four point plan to bring back jobs back to America. (1) Institute a revenue raising terriff on foreign goods like we had in America from George Washington's time will World War II or so, and even later. (2) Mandate that the government "Buy American" in all of their own contracts. (3)Report China to the World Trade Organization for manipulating the price of their currency like Romney wanted to do the other night. (4) Eliminate the income tax write off for capital reinvestment goods where we practically pay Industries to move off shore. You guessed it. She found something wrong about each and every point making the most absurd excuses and rationalizations, all in defending these greedy ecconomic paracites she regards as lilly pure. My brother in his endorsement of Gingrich says "He even feels comforfortable speaking at Calvary Chapel before all those fundamentalist pastors". The bottom line being that Grincrich's two divorces and how they occurred are now no longer relivent. You know Nicole Sandler had this guy from the Stephanie Miller show, John Fugelsang, on his show last week and they were talking about what a "bad interviewer" he was because he "just wanted to have every day conversations with the person" such that the listener thought they were "eves dropping". Apparently George Harrison doesn't like to talk about John Lennon or the Beatles. John Fugelsang is the guy's name, and they also brought other news of the day. Sometimes with people on the far right it's just best to let them talk and talk because in the process they will verbally hang themselves several times over. (Selah)

I watched the Steve Jobs special last night on sixty minutes, and I'm afraid to say that my worst fears about Steve Jobs were realized. First of all he's a spiritual poser. He starts off this hippy and then goes to India and the thing he says that he "learned" there was intuition, but then returns and decides to become a businessman. He and Steve Wasniac form Apple but Wasniac gave out stock options from his half to his friends. Jobs had people he'd worked along side with for years but wouldn't give them nothing. Of course there was the Apple II and then Mackintosh and then Apple fires Steve Jobs for being a Jerk. But due to the fact that Steve was so greedy and wouldn't share the money- - he was able to buy Pixar, which is an option most people who've just gotten fired wouldn't have. Earlier when Jobs was working for Atari Steve would not bathe and so smelled and said "It is all part of the hippy, spiritual, wholistic pholosophy I have". Of course they said that Steve Wasniac wrote all the actual computer code for Apple and Steve just barked orders. Sometimes he would impose a deadline and the workers would say it was impossible to write that much Code by then. If I were those workers and say to Steve "Write your own damn Code". Then apparently Jobs did well as Pixar. Mal Evans told me Steve lost "points" for even buying that company. Anyhow in 1997 Steve returns to Apple and has all these big ideas you know about. It almost reminds me of that Simpson's episode where this outsider comes to the school and gets all the kids to "design the perfect toy", which they make a fortune marketing. Jobs was kind of the "Walt Disney" of the computer world. Anyhow you know about his cancer. Now finally he wants to get all spiritual again and appeal to Buddah and the Gods for a healing or something. But the gods gave him a thumbs down and said "Steve, you're just a poser. You aren't going to use us any more". And so when they did the opperation on his pancreas it was too late and Steve died at age 56, which is that number that kept recurring in my writings before the fact. I even saw a thing in Google "Celebrate Jimmy Mc Culloch's 56th. birthday". Maybe Steve was given a choice of being filthy rich and dying over twenty years before his time, or being not so rich but living to be 85. There is an old saying, "Bulls make money in the stock market; bears make money in the stock market; but hogs never do". A hog will say to himself "What? Me sell now- - why if I waited a day I could earn another couple dollars per share" and the next day the whole stock crashes. You know Pete Richards could have been the next Mark Spitz in 1972 with seven swimming tropheys, if he'd stuck with the sport. Pete would have earned a good living as a session drummer, but chose not to. Pete even took Theology to become a church pastor. But he chose not to do that, either. I'm kind of wondering where he "Stopped believing" at a certain point. So where is Pete today? Oh, he's complaining about the extra $38.00 I'll be getting from social security. I think Pete was kind of the "Brian Jones of Christianity". He wasn't a "team player" and thought the whole religious world revolved around him when he was younger and had more charisma. Everybody that worked with Steve Jobs hated him. As a manager he would have flunked out of "management school". People said of him that there was normal reality, and then there was "Steve reality". Just an hour ago I talked to a Steve Jobs apologist who said that "Steve had a sense of seeing a solution way ahead of where anybody else could see it". I said "That's a valuable trait for sure". It's good as far as it goes but it isn't everything you need to be a success in life, professionally or socially.

I want to find out more about what John Mc Cain said about the President’s accomplishment yesterday. The very idea of Rush Limbaugh resorting to some ass kissing metaphor is so disgusting and shows that Rush’s mind seems to be almost continuously in the gutter. I’ll be back. Rush Limbaugh’s remarks appear to be completely groundless. Mc Cain said that “the conflict would have been over months sooner if we had used our own air power”. Mc Cain also said it wasn’t a good day for Iraq, because we will be allowing insurgence groups to come back.

I’m back but expect the previous topic to continue there. Brian Jones makes a good psychological target to pick on because he has such a strong “paper trail”. A lot has been written about him. His first child was one he urged his girlfriend to abort, but she didn’t. (He loses a lot of “points” with me for that) The second child was kept by the married couple and short of DNA tests I don’t see how they could be so sure Brian was the father. The next three children were born in 1963, 1964, and 1965. The first was in 1959 and the second was 1961. They rostered all of the “other” instruments Brian played on Stones tracks besides guitar. They talked about “guitar weaving” with no defined roles between rhythm and lead. Brian also loses a lot of “points” in my book for not liking Andrew Loog Oldham. He was the guy who made the sound of the Stones “commercial” and suggested Mick play up his wild charisma image. If Brian loved the blues so much he would have just said, “fine- - well I was in the group for a while but we have come to a parting of the musical ways” and leave amicably. But that didn’t happen. I wish I could have said that with St. Paul’s but that didn’t happen, either. Andrew didn’t like Brian “from the beginning” and regarded him as aloof from the other band makes. He just wasn’t a team player. I regard team spirit as essential to a successful band. That's where the original paragraph ended. But I would like to throw in a "mia copa" here. You know Dick Chaney headed up Bush's vice presidential selection "task force' in 2000. But that didn't mean that Chaney himself had to pick himself as vice presidential nominee. I have said that there was an "other John Lennon" and isolate singing styles and inflections ect. from July 1963 at earliest up through mid February of 1968. But it doesn't necessarily have to be Me just because I'm bringing it up. I'm open to your suggestions of other candidates. I'm just saying that lyrically, musically, vocally ect. there is a "different persona" on certain songs I can "see", even if you can't.

Last night it was the Mc Laughlin group and they weren’t very informative today except to say that, as Mort puts it, “nobody cares about anything except the economy these days”. [added] None of the people was willing to give the President unqualified acolades for the demise of Qadafy. Buchannon came close and said the President deserved personal credit over and above England or France. But also said that were he President he never would have authorized the campaign to begin with. The idea of two wars ending in the same week "having a short shelf life" is something I can't fathom. Now that it finally IS "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq people like Mort would have us believe nobody cares. Just as we assume they don't care about their insurance companies not being able to arbitrarly drop them, or allowing their kids on their own policy. Are we to assume that the whole "Arab Spring" thing is a development of no consequence? People give Ronald Reagan for bringing down the Berlin wall when he wasn't even President at the time. You have this yo yo on KTLK telling people to sell their stocks at a loss and "give your money to me to manage" when I am predicting a major bull market in the next eight months. Mark my words. The unemployment rate is going to begin moving down and significantly, beginning next month. Without this "fig leaf" of a bad economy the Republicans would appear utterly naked, and they know it. [resume text] I assume that Notre Dame beat USC. Standard and Washington were playing on KABC and Stanford handily beat them. I went out at twenty to nine or so intending to stay only briefly since I wanted to see the end of the baseball game. The Cardinals beat the Texas rangers in a high scoring game like 14 to 6 or something about ten after nine. [key material deleted here] I got right to sleep but then woke up at midnight and had one cigarette then. Now I had three left. I lay in bed. Bill was snoring away peacefully and at two I got up again and had another cigarette. I wasn’t sure what was keeping me awake this time. [another key deletion] After this I finally got some shuteye and woke at 6:29. I did put on coffee before breakfast and Bill wanted a cup. I managed to save only a little till after breakfast. I had KNBC on briefly. This eighty or ninety degree or whatever heat wave so far has failed to materialize. There are a lot of thoughts I had last night that I will not post or even write down, as I had intended. I am right now content to let another day slide by, which would make two days in a row without posting.

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