Tuesday, October 25, 2011


These Wall Street protests were not organized. Unlike the tea party where the people, mainly retired old people, who were brought into a site in air conditioned buses and given fake "home made" signs and given a list of "talking points" from the Koch Brothers, the protests on the left were a far more massive but spontanous uprising that just happened, and the people had not organized their points to pitch. The addage is true that a lie has traveled half way around the world before the truth has gotten its boots on. So now these people are being pepper sprayed and evicted for illegal camping, like they were in Oakland last night. It doesn't matter whether these people were beaten by the cops. This only whets the blood lust of the right further. The fact that these people aren't bringing guns to political rallies or speaking of "second amendment solutions' or putting out campaign litrature with gun sites drawn on them- - -doesn't matter to the right. I hate to say it but Ghandi is wrong because these people on the right "can't be shamed into seeing the truth". These people on the right can't be shamed because as Thom Hartman might say they are basically sociopaths, who lack the "compassion gene" that causes most people to be decent human beings to one another. But the fact that these protesters don't have a bill of particulars or a list of demands is what I would call a failure of stretegy, and something which Sol Allinsky would be disappointed with them for. As Thom Hartman says these progressives need to attend town halls and infiltrate the party. In other words, as Queen says, they need to "fight from the inside" to get things done. And they aren't doing this.

Today President Obama has taken things into his own hands by Executive action, for which he has the power as President to accomplish and screw congress. They will be left in the dust and the voters will remember who did what for them come election day. Taking executive action drives point home like nothing else can just how useless a "Do Nothing Congress" and why these people don't merit being returned to office next year. They say Congress has about the lowest approval rate of any group. Somehow people like Judy forget this. First I want to correct these incorrect notions about Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae that are the result of lies being circulated about by people like Mitt Romney. Freddy and Fanny did NOT cause the real estate bubble. On the contrary they were forbidden by law from making the very sub prime loans that proved to be the problem. You had to pay 20% down at a standard interest rate. Since the real estate market dropped 23% it would be almost an impossability for Freddy and Fanny loans to be underwater. But then again since hard times came upon us many of people did not make the payments on even these kosher loans. And Freddy and Fanny suffered from thin capitalization, which somehow itself is probably the doing of Republicans. They did not have cash reserves. But they did not CAUSE the crisis as Romney and others have repeated so many times. They say if you tell a lie often enough people will accept it as the truth. So right now Freddy and Fanny are MORE and not less vital to the real estate recovery since they are two lending institutions that are kosher, and people can turn to them if the republicans don't yank funding. Here is where the President stepped in. He ordered that lending institutions be compelled to renegotiate mortgages at rates people can pay, and give people the right to refinance and "shop around" anywhere to get the best deal. It's funny how republicans are suddenly against "shopping around for the best deal" in this area or for drugs either. I would imagine people like Judy and other hard right republicans are blowing steam out their ears about now they realize that the President has just done an end run around them. So now the market will recover. I think the whole debt crisis will subside in time, too, which should lift stock prices. By the way, these people like Judy who fawn over Wall Street and count me as a foe- - these Wall Street people would be the first to suffer under any policy instituted by a President Perry to for instance tighten money to raise interest rates. Judy and other republicans now say that we have an interest rate "crisis' because interest rates are too LOW and they need to be raised. But if they are the Wall Streeters used to all their free money from the government will be the first to suffer when the market goes south. These so called "small businessmen" won't be a bit happy with THAT development I can assure you and they will long for the days when Obama was still president. Of course another "Crisis' they got wrong was this so called "down grading" crisis from tripple A to double A plus. Lisa Simpson might not mind that as a letter grade but many conservatives have taken offense to it. But of course yields on T bills actually went DOWN after this so called witching hour as T Bill prices rose. If the republicans are famous for nothing else it's twisting facts around 180 degrees and "spinning" a positive event into a negative one, just as they have "spun" the death of Qadafy into a negative event fearing the return of Sheria law in Libya or something. I have kept repeating people should invest in stocks now. This is so when the market is way up eight months from now people won't be able to say "Well if you saw it coming why didn't you say anything?" A robust economy, needless to say, will be a Republican's worst nightmare come next summer, no matter which of the seven dwarfs they pick as their standard bearer.

Sometimes in soap land questions linger. For instance what if the riff between Brady Black and his father John Black? Why does he seen to not even care what happens to him or even go to visit him? Then we have Carrie Reed. She wants to know "Just why did you check out of our hotel room that we were living in?" I'd like to know that, too. I must have missed that day. And I can't believe that EVERY hotel in a major city is suddenly completely occupied. And Maggie would like to know just who the hell is that clinic proprietor loyal to? Is she loyal to a client who lied and comitted fraud, and probably vulnerable to police action? Or is she loyal to the victim of the crime. Believe me in my own life I've seen people with really strange loyalties and leanings. Finally I'd like to know just who that mysterious brunette Elvis Di Mira was with at the party and was she the mystery woman he was going to dump Nicole to get married to? They kind of give us a little taste and then drop the whole matter like it never existed.

These people like Judy, and Rick Perry and Mitt Romney say there is some "price we have to pay for our sins" or something- - out of sold Old Testament vision of a vengeaful god whose first concern is satisfying the blood lust of conservatives- - and they say that we need to "get on with the recession - - so we can get through it". And also that we have to "allow the economy to restructure itself". I'm not sure I know what that is but I have the feeling none of us regular Americans are going to like it. We've all seen a taste of their world already. Let's get something straight. It's the Federal Reserves job to regulate interest rates and to alliviate unemployment should it occur. Is Ben Vernanke were not doing what he is now doing, he would not be following his charter. So of course interest rates will be lower than than they might be at other times but this is a good thing. Because since we have a Federal deficet it means that we will have to pay a lot less back on loans than we otherwise would. For instance as a percentage of GDP interest rates were a lot higher when Ronald Reagan was running up whopping deficets. Also it is not our side but theirs with the mantra of "deficets don"t matter". People like Larry Elder and others on the right said this till your ears rang. Democrats have ALWAYS worried about deficets. So much of the right is disingenuous. For instance we are told "Well the President had his chance and unemployment has stayed high" and so we are to infer this is why the tea party was born. When in fact the tea party was born in April of 2009 a month or so after the stimulus had just passed and had virtually no time to work. In other words they had made their "decision" on the matter before the fact. But they are going to tell the voters otherwise. I personally have trouble making this mental leap from people out of work thinking they can be helped if multi millionaires got 20% profit a year rather than a mere 15% But still we are lectured about "God's laws" and "cause and effect" and "paying for the consequences of our sins". So they are kind of preparing us for when President Romney takes over. At least Romney only wants to eliminate capital gains for people earning under $200,000. For this he has been criticized. "Why, he's worse than Obama" they say. I'll tell you who deserves the worst F grade of all in the debates and that is the audience. They dug up these people from the bowels of Hell. You know last time the Republicans voted and picked the most liberal guy of the pack running and that was Mc Cain. Ant others complained. But Mc Cain still lost. This time the bulk of the pack is more radical right than four years ago- and they think by getting a whack job like Rick Perry in there they can win. I think they are grossly misperceiving the judgement of the American People. I really don't think they can even sustain another few months of this right wing madness we have all been subjected to for the past two & a half years. I think this tea pot is showing definite signs of running out of steam. And for that the American people will be the winners.

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