Thursday, October 20, 2011


President Qadafy of Libya is dead. I first heard about it this morning when I turned on the Stephanie Miller show. They weren’t positive with the early reports and so I didn’t want to jump the gun. There are conflicting reports on how he died. The first report I heard is that Qadafy was cornered hiding out in a storm drain and then shot twice in the stomach and died a few minutes later. Then they took his body and drove around with his body on top of a platform through the town of Cert where he was killed. But later reports say that Qadafi was being transferred in some sort of convoy and NATO forces bombed the area and had troops on the ground and when Qadafy was apprehended he put up a big fuss and kept saying “Don’t shoot me” but he was shot in cross fire between people on our side, the liberators, and Qadafy lloyalists. At any rate Qadafy is dead at age 69 after ruling Libya with an iron hand for 42 years, or since 1969. This is about seven months after the people of his country began an uprising. So now NATO has officially announced that the war is over and our side won. Pat Buchannon is no doubt in mourning today. The President keeps piling up the bodies of the enemy leaders he’s killed. The tea party crowd is going to find it hard to ignore this one. The President in the speech said there would be tough days for Libya ahead, and many alarmists have warned that Libya has a lot of different warring tribes. So remember this date, October 20, 2011, as one for the history books.

We are an over-medicated society. They say the use of anti depressants has gone up 400% in just the past decade or since George Bush has been in office and we have suffered under his economic malaise. People need “something” to get through the day as they ponder the bleak prospects for their lives. Students who have graduated college with either a masters or batchelor’s degree have to be worried about their growing mountain of student debt, and no job. So it’s a new class of impoverished in America. I remember my social studies teacher in seventh grade going on and on about how ‘yes you spend a lot of money going to college, but the dividends for earning power the rest of your life pay back that cost many times over.” Well apparently no more. They said that antidepressant rates in Utah were number one in the nation. I believe they also said use of hyperactive medications for children such as Ritilan and Adderol are also the highest in the state of Utah, since apparently being a Mormon is no picnic. People were saying last summer that the reason why there wasn’t rioting in the streets of America over the economic situation is that we are all too doped up on antidepressants to care. Of course I’ve been in Salt Lake City and it’s a nice place. The drinking fountains there run continuously all the time. And it’s not as if an alcoholic would feel completely cut off from his supplies in Utah. They do sell alcohol there. I guess the $64,000 question is whether in general children of conservative tea party parents medicate their kids more to insure that they will perform better in school. Of course now we have these stories like our troops in Iraq were given soda pop with aspertane in it and it was out in the sun and turned to formaldehyde before they drank it. Apparently Donald Rumsfeld used his contacts to change FDA regulations to routinely allow unsafe medications on the market. Which brings us to Dr. Conrad Murray. You know I believe doctors get away with gross negligence all the time. There was one instance after another of hospital negligence when Dad died four years ago. Why we didn’t sue is a mystery. But the medical profession counts on most people not suing. But if you are going to “take out” the King of Pop, you know you will have angry fans on your hands. Dr. Murray better hope that the revocation of his medical license is all he suffers. Today in testimony Dr. Murray stated that he gave Michael Jackson 25 mg of propothol. But now they say that even if Jackson had administered himself 50 mg or even more than that by injecting himself, that it would still not account for the huge amount of propothol found in Jackson’s blood. Experts say that Jackson would have had to have been on a continuous drop of propothol to have such a high post mortum ammouint. And of course oral ingestion would have been impossible because the drug would be matabalized by the liver.

Sometimes soap operas can get silly and manufacture instant crises over nothing. I put today’s episode in evidence. First of all you know John Black has been charged of serious financial crimes. Ever so strangely, John Black’s entire staff of high priced power attorneys just resigned without explanation. So John had to hire Carrie. Certainly it was no surprise when Carrie told her husband, Austin, that she would have to go out of town for a few days and as long as a week, to work on this case. One could envision many such trips for such a complex case. But Austin turns paranoid. And then he gets into this “hand holding session” with his sister in law, Samantha. So right away you’re in the realm of running around canisters of propane with a lit blow torch. Of course Sammy and Austin used to date and have been intimate. And then Sammy intreats Austin to come and move in with her for the next few days till his wife gets back, and after a while Austin agrees. At the same time Austin now becomes pointlessly paranoid about a cop named Raphael passing messages to his wife, Carrie. Raphael is Samantha’s husband and he is trying to prove John Black is innocent because he says the evidence seems too pat and “set up” as well as far to easy to gather, and John isn’t that dumb. So now Raphael and his boss at the police station Roman, also father of Samantha, get into it. And Roman fires Raphael and makes him turn in his badge and gun because he violated police protocol. I hardly see how searching for the truth can be a crime. So now Austin, baggage in hand comes waltzing over to Sammy’s apartment and Raphael is there just having been fired. And when he sees Austin he punches him in the mouth, “That’s for getting me fired”.

As for myself I am grateful that things are going well in my life now. In the past few things I have accomplished a lot of things that had been hanging over my head. There is good news out there. We people on Supplemental Security Income are getting a $38,00 monthly increase on payment. This is the first increase we have gotten in three years. They’ve been saying some monthly inflation rates have been as high as seven percent annualized. And they say the economy is showing definite signs of picking up, and people are beginning to let loose of their purse strings and retail sails are up. Also the state of California must be doing at least a little better because Dental coverage will be restored to Medi-Cal, which we have not had in several years. We should all be grateful for the positive things and people in our lives and appreciate them. We should view our friends as irreplaceable resources. I haven’t prayed for Dana with his many health problems. But given God’s track record on prayer - - OK we won’t go there. I feel only slightly guilty about not visiting him. I owe him the whole idea of getting a coffee maker. And I owe it to Dr. Levy of actually buying the coffee maker for me, and no, I still have not paid him back. I dare not oppose Dr. Levy too actively politically, since he is in a position of authority, and I don’t have the support of most my piers. From time to time I make a list of various ways in which I’d like to improve myself, or learn some new academic subject or hobby. But by nature I’m actually a rather lazy person. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. I realize I shouldn’t be smoking because pretty soon it’s going to be virtually illegal to smoke any place. And I don’t want to be buying cigarettes still when they start putting out those gross medical photos on the packs. I don’t really have the luxury of spending my meager money for that when there are other things that would be more positive for me to spend it on. I need to get involved in more on line activities such as chat rooms.

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