Thursday, January 26, 2012


Akmedenijab is wanting to talk Peace again.  It seems the world wide sanctions have been more effective than I personally imagined.  It seems all the money in western bank accounts has been frozen.  And nobody is buying their oil so they have to sell it to China and getting the oil to China is the same as Canada’s problem getting it there.  It’s no easy feat.  Iran’s currency exchange value has dropped 40% hiking the price of badly needed imports for the people.  But there are other historic facts you ought to know.  First of all this is not the first time Iran has wanted to make peace.  According to Thom Hartman (I’ve heard the story nowhere else) back after 9 – 11 the leader of Iran contacted President Bush that they could cooperate to try and capture Bin Laden.  President Bush refused.  But more to the point.  Bob Ney (?) was the only other congressman who was jailed from the Jack Abramoff affair other than Jack himself.  The Bush administration went after Congressman Ney because he spoke Farsi, the language of Iran.  And Ney had learned that Akmedinajab wanted to talk Peace and was even willing to consider recognizing Israel.  If President Obama is able to somehow pull off a peace deal with Iran that would certainly defuse the impact of people like Michelle Bachman, who want to declare World War III the first day upon assuming office.
Governor Jan Brewer wagged her finger in President Obama’s face as he got off the plane to highlight some point on which she disagreed with him.  Of course the photo was quickly picked up on the internet.  They say that Brewer did it to boost her book sales.  Others on call in shows have pointed out that Arizona has in general had a really wasted bunch of immediate previous governors.  Many conservatives regard it as a badge of honor to disgrace the President of the United States, which is pathetic.
They say that magic mushrooms of Phylociben- - in small doses, can be used to treat depression because it decreases certain “depression hormones” produced in the brain of depressed people, according to Hartman.  I just happened to think that perhaps some who came to Jesus around 1970 were still searching for that “feeling of connectedness” that they claim Phylociben produces.   Could it be that religion is just a trick of brain chemistry to begin with?  Dobson says “Your feelings will lie to you”.  The normal rejoinder to this or “the rest of the sentence” is “We want you to adopt OUR feelings”.  But there is another rejoinder I haven’t pursued.  If someone like me for instances knows in his gut that “things just aren’t the same” as with other Christians.  You know you just aren’t “fitting in”.  They will tell you to ignore this feeling NOT because they themselves don’t judge their OWN relation with God by THEIR feelings, but rather they Want don’t your problem to be “fixed”.  Because you’re “not one of them” and so they will do nothing to do anything that might “enable you” to fit in better.  These people "thought" of the word "Enabeler" in disparaging terms before Dr. Phil overtly used this term.  Pete Richards reading over some Bible Study notes to a friend once remarked "I don't like people to the group coming and trying to "fix" Marcus"  (spring 1980)  The implication here was obvious.  But in truth there are only two grand truths of Calvary Chapel religion.  One is “You’re a Christian if you feel like you know Christ” and the other is “You shall be judged by the Blessings you get from God, which increase your bragging capital”.  I have no doubt that aside from the “Andromeda connection” we have discussed in later sixties music- - there was a Cosmic Awareness and artistic instinct of music from this era that is virtually unparrelled.  Of course you know, don’t you that if you tell Chuck Smith or Neil Savedra of some “work of God” in your life and you are NOT a member of their group, they will do everything in their power to try and Talk You Down- - and discourage you.  (Selah)
President Obama made a convincing argument for letting illegal aliens stay here is they came here at a young age with their parents.  I still have my doubts, but it does make sense that if they get a degree in something- - not to just go home and share their new technology back in their native country.  The President picked up on Rick Perry’s “boots on the ground” remark by saying we now have more Boots on the Ground at the border than we have ever had and that illegal border crossings are way down now.
Mitch Daniels of Indiana has sign that state’s “Right to Work” law, or as Thom Hartman calls it, the “right to work for less” law.  In the past I’ve had no real problem with Taft Hartley.  I’ve gotten in arguments countless times with Stewart Sutcliffe on this issue of unions.  (“You argue with dead people?”)  The issue is that 22 states of this land are “right to work” laws and these states are mainly in the South.  In these states Unionism is virtually dead.  Here’s why.  Suppose everyone wanted to elect a President that wanted to raise taxes and he won by 55% of the vote.  It would not be legal for me to decide “well I’m just not going to pay those higher taxes because I didn’t vote for the man”.  Yet this is the case with right to work.  You hold a vote at a business, and preferably it’s a secret vote to guard against mob intimidation.  You vote to Unionize your shop.  And so the Union comes and gets you better working conditions and higher wages.  And then you decide, “Well, I’m just not going to pay union dues”.  Stewart says this is wrong.  Harry Truman in his veto message of 1947 of Taft-Hartley said that this measure would be “divisive in the work place” and it doesn’t take too much imagination to see that happening. Ronald Reagan in an often repeated 1948 Democratic Party campaign spot, says that Standard Oil’s profits were up 70% in the year of 1948 and yet worker’s wages didn’t move as the Republicans had promised in 1946 when they promised to “bring more competition into the business world”.   Of course Mitch Daniels allegedly only was able to balance the State budget from raiding the unemployment fund for workers.  I wonder how many other Republican “economic miracle workers” have resorted to the same tactics to balance their own budgets?  It seems as if Governor Scott Walker may be guilty of outright criminal activities.  We had 35% unionization before Taft-Hartley.  By the time Ronald Reagan became President it was down to 25%.  Right now 93% of workers in the private sector are not unionized.  But as Stu Baby points out “You take away that remaining nine percent and all sorts of things will happen”.  They say that work place accidents are 53% higher in right to work for less states.  Wages are lower and one and all agree that union dues are well worth it, even if they are automatically taken out of your pay check.  Gordon Gecko’s motto was “Greed is good”.  Steve Jobs obviously followed that credo when he decided to have the I phone and I pad made in China where the workers get paid 84 cents an hour.  At that rate they still will earn more money per week than these “jobs programs” at places like Founders where your work hours at $3.00 an hour are quite limited.  But Steve Jobs had a moral decision to make and he flunked the test.  He would either sell a little more “product” at a lower price and higher profit, or else do the right thing and not feed the Chinese exploitation machine and give American workers a break, and sell the devices for what they actually cost to make.  Somebody said this decision along costs America 800,000 jobs.  (?)  Of course back fifty years ago in magazines and publications we were told of this golden “Jetson’s” type era where you would work a 25 hour day and have lots of leisure time because robots and computers would do all the hard lifting, so to speak, freeing up human beings for less repetitive and more expansive and creative employment.  That didn’t happen.  But it’s downright silly for those on the right to ignore the fact that we’re never going to get certain jobs back and no tax race panacea will cure it.   Ronald Reagan taking credit for the economic recovery of 1983 is like the rooster taking credit for the sun coming up.  These things run in well established economic cycles and Paul Volker is to blame for both recession and the recovery to follow, and those who refuse to accept this basic fact are fools.  And yet this vaunted “recovery” seems to be the ONLY thing the right wants us to even remember the Reagan Administration for.
A British scientific study concluded that fried foods do NOT cause increase incidences of heart attacks, provided you use the right kind of oil, such as sunflower oil.  I’m uncertain whether this specification applies to ANY unsaturated vegetable oil  But I have always regarded this “fat” and cholesterol scare as something just for book writers to make money and for legislators to stick their noses in our private business.  I believe every American has the right to make his or her own decisions in life and to chart his own destiny.  Thomas Jefferson said “Government which governs best is one that governs least.  And Abraham Lincoln is even alleged to have made the statement “Government should do only those things for the people that they cannot do for themselves”.
Newt Gingrich right now is in a dead heat with Romney in Florida, which, if past experience is any guide, that means he will win over Romney by at least fifteen percent.  It seems this paying taxes issue is the one issue of the left, which actually has gained “traction” with the center and right.  However Mitt Romney is the one who still leads the President in polls by 47% to 45% or something, which I find mystifying.  However even Newt Gingrich seems to be turning a little green around the gills lately as certain things have lately cropped up.  For instance there is the Nancy Pelosi “secrets” thing.  I would imagine there are untold files of data on Gingrich at her disposal that the public does not know the contents of.  Mitt Romney warned Newt today that “If there is anything harmful that she has, you better come forth with it now, or else Nancy will bring it up at a time when it will be most harmful to the campaign”.  The trouble with Newt is that he is an arrogant fool, and that will be his undoing.  There is one source that stated that Gingrich said in an interview that “I think having affairs makes you normal so you campaign better because the people hate identifying with someone whose perfect all the time”.  And now Gingrich has officially retracted his claim made in Thursday’s debate that ABC rejected “all sorts of friends at the time who knew the truth about me and Maryanne”.  It seems that “all sorts of contemporaries” amounts to his two daughters by a previous wife, who would naturally have a bias against Maryanne.  Now of course Newt Gingrich wants to have a US permanent colony on the Moon by the end of his second term in 2021.  This sounds like something I might say in a campaign, and as such I can’t fault him for it.  Newt said in another interview that a 30% capital gains tax would crash the stock market.  I have said till I’m blue in the face that the opposite is true.  If capital gains went to zero that THIS would crash the Markets.  I pointed out that even Mitt Romney knows better than to take such a drastic disinvestment incentive economic step.  There is no question but that Romney knows a lot more about economics than Gingrich, if he chooses to use that knowledge constructively.  But Newt has other problems with people like Anne Colter and the Drudge report.  That bunch has turned against Gingrich now saying he is not a real conservative; not “one of them”.  This is the kiss of death.  They have accused Newt of disparaging Ronald Reagan.  Tonight is another debate and this one I’m going to watch.  People say that Newt looked a little uneasy and shifty-eyed in the previous debate.  None of us know just when the next Newt Gingrich “flame-out’ moment is coming.  All we know is that’s not a question of whether, but when.  (Selah)

I have learned just this afternoon that I will be getting my new computer this Saturday around lunch time.  I don't imagine it will impact any of my postings but they will continue as always.  What I need to do now is come up with a fitting profile photograph of myself.  I'm thinking of using that multi-faced one.

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