Friday, January 27, 2012

updated Saturday morning

Do you agree with the proposition, "If God didn't exist, it would have been necessary for man to have invented him".

If necessity is the mother of invention, what is the Father of it?

If a triangle had four sides, how many faces would a tetraheden have?  (this question is answerable)

In the song "Yes, we have no bananas", how many bananas Don't they have?

"I do not say that you should NOT do the Project you have in mind"  So what am I saying?

The Bible says "There is a sin that is unto death (a Mortal sin)  I do not say that you should pray for the Salvation of such a person".  So am I saying you should pray for this or that person to go to Hell?

True or false: In any room, for instance one with a standing wave of 200 hertz, other "feedback" frequencies would occur at direct numeric multiples of 200.

What "anomalies" does one notice in the Answers in the "addition of velocities" equation of Einstein?  I'm looking for a rational answer to this question.l  Hint. Hint.  How does this relate to a "simpler" or at least alternate way of computing the formula.

And now an editorial response to a KNX radio feature on smoking bans.  - - -  My prospective employer wanted me to sign a contract saying he could have sex with my wife anytime he wanted to as a condition for employment there?  Since sex with my wife is neither illegal nor is it a "protected status" like race or religion - is this a valid contract?

James Dobson believes that all Morality is black and white and there are no "shades of gray" but any immoral act is equally as bad as any other.  Funding of Troops for WW II is a good thing.  Smoking is a bad thing.  Therefore since money is a "fungible comodity" and you never know which dollar will be the one used for free cigarettes for troops, no funding bill should be passed for Troops for WW II.  (right???)  Tell it to my Mom.

God is a perfect being; Jesus was a perfect being; Therefore Jesus was God.  (valid?)

No man has died and gone to heaven and come back and report on his experiences.  Jesus was a man.  Therefore - - - what can we conclude?

If A is greater than B -- OR -- B is greater than C --OR -- A is greater than C, can C ever be greater than B and B be greater than A?

If A to the third times B to the fourth equals C to the seventh,   If A = D and D = B - -Express the value of C in terms of A.  express the value of C in terms of B.

Jeopardy Math:  What is the number in a baker's dozen divided into the ASCII value of control Z- - stated as a ratio between the number of different sexes in a gay marriage?

Johnny is twice as old as Ricky.  If I sign an advertising contract with NBC for six times the length of a session of congress and it's also the total of Johnny and Ricky's ages, how old are Johnny and Ricky, respectively?

If God is a "fully actualized being" as theologians concur that he is, meaning God cannot increase his sense of purpose or "fulfillment" by any future act, then by this reasoning God had no logical motive to create the Universe and the earth, given the human definition of the term "logical".

You are stranded in a frictionless piece of ice holding a pet beagle with claws like a cat in your arms.  How do you move on the ice from your current position?

Where do you save more money?  Paying full price for an item with no sales tax or taking a ten percent discount on an item and paying a 10.25% sales tax?

Is it utilitarian philosophy properly exercised to piggy back on someone elses' wireless internet all the time?  (open ended question)

If a moral utilitarian chooses also to believe in determinism, then logically speaking, in his own mind, what profit has he gained by adding this to his belief system, over choosing to not adopt it?

Is a president who decides he'd rather be a one term president rather than compromise his principles making a moral decision if he honestly believes none of his rivals is qualified to be President?

If what is Real is always greater than what is imagined, then would it or would it not follow that the only thing more powerful that could possibly Exist, other than man imagining God, would be for God to actually exist, and therefore he does exist. (?)

Is it sound logical reasoning to believe in an afterlife on the grounds that it is utterly impossible to Imagine any situation where one ceases to exist?

In a major ninth chord, how many major bi tonal chords are there and how many minor bi tonal chords are contained as its componets?

In portions of the EM spectrum using FM transmission, there is one area that takes up more logarithmic "space" on the scale than any other having the highest ratio of low to high of exactly five to nine.  What is this band normally used for.  (check your old Ten Band radio)

Would it be an oxy-moronism to speak of a "Bound Radical"?

If you are on the phone conversation and right off your friend makes a statement that prompts you to say "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say" but after a half hour he makes the identical statement again and you respond "That's the smartest thing you've said in the whole conversation".  Is this inconsistent?

What is the smallest consecutive intiger ratio of bi-tonal sound frequencies you'd ever care to hear in a chord?

Do you, like me, believe there is far too Little of isolation of Variables on Christian testimonies?

Computers are limited by linear logic in that they are incapable of "connecting up all the dots" if some of them are missing.  This also prevents a whole lot of bad logical mistakes.  (Selah)

One guy answered every question on an IQ test correctly.  The nest day he walked into a room with a bunch of his former friends and acts all pompous.  They say to them "Who the hell do you think you are- - infallible or something?"  Mr. Data says "He believes his mental performance is superior to anybody' s - and he is correct".

Someone computed how much Mitt Romney did NOT keep in income but deducted the percent he paid in taxes compounded by the figure he gave to the Mormon Church.  Each figure separately is 15% of the gross and he calculated the total compounded figure as being 32.25%  Is He correct?

If God says he'll pay for your movie admission and gives you the money for it.  If you walk up to the ticket booth and give him all of the money God just gave you but the ticket taker says he can't accept it- - can this be taken as a "Faith Challenge" by God in your life, or is it to be constrewed as something much simpler?

Some of the news from Libya is troubling.  According to Hartman,  the nation of Libya has degenerated into sort of a Cambodian slaughter situation.  The new government is engaging in so much torture that doctors are going on strike refusing to treat the victims in protest. (?)  I would hate to think that people like Michelle Bachman were right all along and that the world was “meddeling in other’s affairs”.  Of course I didn’t say it at the time but Mal Evans and the Federation were always rather chilly tword the idea of Quadafi’s removal, saying “he wasn’t all that bad”.  I guess you just never know in that part of the world.  Hartman now says “It’s always bad when an outside force removes your national leader, rather than the People rising up and doing it themselves.  So perhaps we should have let nature take it’s course. Here is more info.  NATO planes aren’t dropping bombs on Libya anymore and Moammar Gadhafi, the infamously eccentric and cruel long-time dictator of the North African country, is dead and buried like a stray dog in an unmarked desert grave. But Libya’s no paradise now that it’s ruled—mostly—by the National Transitional Council, the political home of former anti-Gadhafi rebels. The group Médicins Sans Frontières raised serious concerns on Thursday when it pulled out of a Misrata prison, saying they’d been asked to treat prisoners showing clear signs of torture. Amnesty International, meanwhile, released a report about how detainees of the NTC government had recently died in custody, suggesting they had been brutally interrogated.  In Syria violence is increasing.  And the Arab League and the UN want to take steps against Assad and Syria, but they are facing a Russian veto of any action against Libya.  Of course Pat Buchannon whoosed out on the whole Georgia invasion question a couple of summers ago saying how “We don’t want to offend Russia”.  If Newt Gingrich wants our country to take proactive measures in Syria that’s good enough for me.  At least barring any “dark elements” among Syrian rebels.
According to Thom Hartman, “Colleges for Profit” aren’t doing as well as other colleges.  I’m not sure what that means.  Normally colleges get better with age and status and the donations that flow to them and the calabre of teachers they are then able to hire and the subsequent experience of those teachers.  But Hartman says that Obama wants to take away student loans for “colleges for profit” and somehow this is a subtle slap at the Republicans.  Criss Business Colleges, where I got my degree, was little more than a hole in the wall of a large “Industrial Mall” and I don’t question their academic credentials, but I would not be a bit surprised if they were no longer around.
The experts say they are “disappointed” with the 2.8% rise in the gross domentic product in the last quarter of 2011 and now say they were expecting over three percent, despite my knowing of that same 2.8% figure weeks ago.  Now they are saying that it’s because government itself has contracted expenditures more in the last quarter than at any time since the immediate spend-down after the Korean War.  So really it’s something we should be proud of, shouldn’t we?   It’s hard to follow this Florida race without a score card.  It now seems contrary to what we were saying just a post or two ago, that the tide has swong again in favor of Romney and against Newt.  Newt has, justly in my opinion, accused CNN and the “Republican establishment” of packing the crowd with Romney partisans.  Romney didn’t function that impressively, but crowd “ambience” colors people’s opinions.  When you have Bob Dole, Charlie Christ, Anne Colter, Matt Druge, and most damning of all Tom “The Hammer” Delay coming out against you in one day, you know you are having a bad day.  Gingrich lost all his fire.  Of course the blow from Tom Delay must have hit Gingrich especially hard (pardon the pun) because they were best friends, weren’t they- during the 1998 period when they worked together.  At any rate Santorum is through but he’s going to hang on a little longer.  It doesn’t matter that from what I have gathered Santorum performed the best of any of the four,  logic doesn’t count for much these days.  So this whole race may be over in four days.  Today is Friday and last night was the final debate for a long time before we go into that long February hiatus.  So next month I will probably doing a lot fewer posts on politics.

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