Thursday, November 01, 2012

Pay Day - The Return of Good Times

"Only you know how to lay it down like it came from Above"
(I appreciate the vote of confidence) 

This is a late update on Friday November 2nd.  The unemployment figure is 7.9% which is still below the figure of "closer to nine percent than eight percent" that Mort of the Mc Laughlin group was predicting.  I expect to see a lot of desperate sputterings of the right wing today like from Rush about Michael Bloomburg's endorsement of the President.  One must keep in mind that none of the other tea party buddies who are Republican also rans, is compaigning with him.  This includes Governor Rick Perry, Richard Santorum, John Huntsman, and Newt Gingrich.  Where are they?? Most likely they don't want to be identified with a losing cause.  Stephanie Miller made ten "Romney suggestions" about how to deal with the storm on the east coast, and now we hear only Staten Island is still without power.  They are things like "During the storm be sure and use heavy duty rope to secure the dog on the roof of your car with" and "Don't worry,  Hurricane Sandy has to be over early, because she has to get home to fix dinner for her husband".  Did you know You Tube has the video of the entire Bangladesh concert in 1971.  It's amazing.  People pay money to see that.  I correct one word in the Spanish translation below para que yo dice mas que querro decir.  ("Huh??")

It’s after three and we just had the three o clock news on this happy Thursday November 1, 2012.  People are feeling more optimistic about the President’s chances now.  People are hoping against hope that the truth is seeping into even the thick heads of the so called “undecided voter” out there.  We can hope.  The President gave a great speech in Wisconsin today and I’d like to have a transcript of it because I would post it on line.  But perhaps people should just look for a video of the real thing, and I may do that.  It’s just a reminder of what an accomplishment we had under President Clinton we had with this economy, and how things fell apart under President Bush after the deficit inducing tax cuts for the rich.  Romney’s still unrevealed “plan” is still not “change we can believe in” except he wants vouchers for Medicare.  They are saying that 153,000 new jobs were added last month and that the estimated unemployment rate will come out at 7.4%.  If it were even down to 7.6% this would be wonderful.  Oscar is mopping the floor right now.  Of course Mort from Mc Laughlin is hoping against hope that the figure will be 8.1%.  He has over the months had to keep scaling back his dire predictions.  Randi says that the people in Missouri have a 6.9% unemployment right now, so why are they doing for Romney?   We are in rainbow as you can see and I believe the next file will be in dark green.  I plan to call this file “coalition” after the coalition that’s going to re elect President Obama on Tuesday.  Of course I think the President could be even more explicit about his vision of America for the next four years.  Randi Rhodes remarked “The 21st century seems like a wonderful place.  I’d like to visit it sometime but haven’t had a chance to”.  None of us have had a chance too.  The first twelve years of the decade we’re off to a bad start.  It was sixteen long years ago that President Clinton talked about that “bridge to the 21st century” and it’s sure taken us a long time to get there.  Hopefully after next Tuesday all of this tea party nonsense that’s plagued us these past four years, will all become yesterday’s news.  Hopefully.

Of course one conflagration didn't happen in a city in New Jersey where the sound of loud, hissing gas leaks could be heard throughout the town.  The gas was literally bubbling up through the water, just like Yellowstone.  They say that were the gas to be ignited it would go up in a localized flame, but the whole town would NOT catch fire.  Personally I wouldn't care to put it to a test.  Hoboken, NJ is still under water and cut off from help.  Keep all of these people in your prayers.  They say that power in many places won't be back for days, and whether the elections will be able to be held is in question.  Governor Christy of course is appreciative of all the President's help.  Just remember the Catholic maxim, "There but for the grace of God go you and I".  But you can't entirely dismiss Global Warming as a contributing cause, to have a hurricane this far north this late in the year.  But of course some would call such an accusation "too political".  It's a sad day when just speaking the Truth is considered "too political".

There is a plethora of videos – some silent movies - - of storm scenes back east, plus there is an extended NPR or something forty minute segment of news compilations.  All I can say is that George Washington’s blog, sure does a lot more postings than I do, and has garnered a fantastic amount of research, but nothing I personally care to download at this time.  And now it’s almost time for dinner.  Bill has left.  We’re scheduled to have chicken Alfredo.  The Lakers played Portland last night and I routed for Portland.  Bones and Jim Morrison (who contacted Bones saying he was for USC also) are routing for USC on Saturday, but Burt and I are routing for Oregon based on "karmic considerations". 

.  Moe Kelly was on, and his name is really O’Kelly, which presents a mailing problem for him appearing on voter registration records.  I went down for ten o clock coffee and got two cups from Dora.  Then I came back here.  UCLA will be instituting a “smoke free Campus” this spring of 2013.  Now the medical section is barred from tobacco, even outdoors.   But the beer cans and whiskey bottles still fill the trash cans and alcohol isn’t looked on as critically even though virtually all students are over eighteen, but a vast number of students are not yet of legal drinking age.  Nicities like that don’t seem to matter.  They say they are going to have the whole U C system “smoke free” by 2014.  Moe Kelly was against this campus-wide ban, and so I am I, but his studio companion, plus virtually all of the bank of callers waiting, are all for the ban.  I guess he’s appealing to the wrong crowd.  Both of these heavy shirts have shrunken sleeves in length now.  I would rather this wasn’t so, but I’m not going to stop wearing these shirts due to exposed wrists.

And now I’m going to attempt a quote of Beatle lyrics in Spanish, which appears on the late nite Latino station for the “missing” Hard Days Night album song.  Here is the long sentence fragment,

 “Entonces si me quierres – justamente como te falta – sabes que hacer”. 
Best of George Harrison
Produced by Burt Lombard and Guy Owens

First movement - Disk One
Sour Milk Sea (demo White Album outtake)
I Me Mine (Let It Be film outtake as played on KLOS)
All Things Must Pass (Anthology version)
Apple Scruffs (demo version with less reverb)
It’s Johnny’s Birthday (from ATMP)
I Dig Love (album original)
Living in the Material World (album original)
Second movement
Deep Blue (1971 single)
Bangle Desh (1971 single)
Beware of Darkness (album original)
If Not For You (album original)
Sue Me Sue You Blues (album original)
Wah-wah (album original)
Let It Down (album original
Third movement -Disk Two
The Art of Dying (album original)
Simply Shady (from “Dark Horse”)
Run of the Mill (album original)
The Light that has Lighted the World
The Lord Loves the one that Loves the Lord
Don’t Let Me Wait Too Long
Isn’t It A Pity?
Final movement
Ring Out the Old Ring In The New
Dark Horse
Far East Man
Try Some – Buy Some
This Guitar Can’t Keep from Crying
Cracker Box Palace  (“Heil Zachery!”)
This Song

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