Friday, November 02, 2012

Top Twenty Lies of Willard "Mitt" Romney

You can have your Romney he's veneer and he only lies
You can have his wealth but it will rot before your eyes
Romney's verbal agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on
And before you even know it, he'll be a long time gone

Being a loser is no disgrace for an honorable man
Being a winner is no virtue for a scoundral

"When a man lies, he murders a part of himself"   This quote is not original with Jim Morrison, though he has expressed a fondness for it.

"Were you lying then - - or are you lying now, or are you not just a chronic and habitual - - LIAR"   -Charles Laughlin

In three days we pick the next President of the United States.  Nothing except the Constitution, the future of the free world, and our own lives as we have known them, hangs on our response.

When the demon is at your door - -
In the morning it won't be there - No More
Any major dude - - - will tell you

To know Mitt Romney is to despise him
(message from MRMOJORISIN last night)

"You Didn't Build This" campaign quote taken out of context and used in a Romney ad

"If we continue to talk about the economy we'll lose" quote taken out of context and used in a Romney ad

"The private sector is doing just fine" campaign ad with comparrison between the growing private sector and the disasterous public government sector that's loosing the jobs

"President Obama" eliminated the work requirement for Welfare recipients - - statement used in Romney ad.

Mitt Romney said, "Under my Health Care plan, you will not be denied insurance coverage because of a pre existant condition, so stop making an issue of this, all you worry warts out there and trying to scare old people into voting for Obama".

"Catch, release, vote" as Obama's alledged new plan to deal with illegal immigrants according to Rush Limbaugh

"Obama's policies have made this economy worse", when there is Absolutely No evidence of this.  There isn't one statistic you can site to support this.  And there is another goat goes with it saying that "The double dip recession is coming".

"Since President Obama is secretly a Moslem sympathiser- - he almost relishes the idea of blaming the death of that Libyan ambassador on an anti Islamic film, because of course President Obama identified so closely with Moslem goals and asperations

President Obama WANTS high oil and energy prices to cripple our capitalist economy and that's why he's capped all the wells in the Gulf, so he can drive up the price and make us all ride bicycles to work.

"President Obama promised in speeches that the unemployment rate would never rise above eight percent"  The trouble is they have never been able to produce one tape of anybody saying this

"President Obama had a veto proof congress for two years and he still couldn't pass immigration reform and so all you minorities should be Mad because the President broke a promise to you"

"President Obama admitted he wants to redistribute the wealth of the country and is virelently opposed to the idea of private citizens ever becoming successful".  President Obama wants to divide Americans and has instigated "class warfare' as a "conspiracy" to keep the poor from trusting the rich.

"President Obama got poor grades in college but there is a massive move afoot to cover up this fact and this is why nobody has ever been allowed to view his college transcripts".

"President Obama deliberately orchestrated security leaks in his own administration because the new information is designed to make his foreign policy look more macho than it otherwise would"

"President Obama stole 719 billion dollars of your Medicare and therefore you won't get the proper care if you have to go to the hospital because hospitals will stop taking medicare patients"

"In four years we will see double digit interest rates because President Obama's hand picked Federal Reserve chairman has a goal of sabotaging the economy so that the people will rise up as one and demand a socialist revolution".

"President Obama plans to conthiscate all of your guns after he's reelected putting all of the guns in the United States, Mexico, and Canada under control of the United Nations"

"President Obama is shipping Chrysler jobs to China" when the truth is that Mitt Romney is a master of shiping jobs off to China and Mitt Romney personally profited from the GM and Chrysler bail out, which he claimed to be against.

"President Obama will institute Death Pannels" after health care goes into effect".  The truth of the matter is this 'Pannel" is expressly forbidden to make ANY recomendation of Patient coverage or procedure.

"Mitt Romney is a completely moral fellow without a spiteful bone in his body, because Mitt Romney is a Christian, and all Christians are moral, fair people.  So if anybody tells a story where people have suffered under Mitt Romney's actions or policies, it is a lie from the pit of Hell

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