Monday, February 04, 2013

Can We Talk?

Jimmy Lee Dykes, that Viet Nam vetteran who went off the rails last week and killed a bus driver and abducted a six year old autistic child, is now dead.  Apparently among his crimes was to kill an annoying dog with a lead pipe.  He took the kid down into his underground bunker, because he's one of these survivalist types.  Well the FBI grew increasingly concerned about the lad's welfare today and so they swooped in and killed the guy and rescued the kid.  Good work.  That's one less troubling news story that will be darkening our newspaper headlines.  But Randy Rhodes has been illuminating us to other truths today - some of which I was not as clearly aware of as I thought.  For instance the mental illness ban on owning guns, the "no shoot list", like the "no fly list" is slated to be judiciously compiled by actual reports of an individuals violent or suspect behavior and not just including anyone who is receiving Suplemental Security Income or SSI checks, as I am.  Not that I'd trust anyone around here with a gun.  Indeed if guns weren't banned around here I would be strongly suggesting a rule that they are.  Kind of like alcohol.  There are enough problems around here without it.  The kid was rescued at 3:13 in the afternoon, I'm assuming that's Alabama time.  Randi Rhodes also mentions that the NRA's former backing the idea that no felon should own a gun is not entirely autruistic.  Since as you know there are a lot of eighteen year old drug offenders in the slammer, who will have a felon drug conviction on their record for life.  And too high a percentage of these are Black.  It could well be argued that someone arrested forty years ago on a drug charge, might not be the first guy you'd go after as a class of people to exclude firearms posession from.  Of course if you hunted with an AK 47 or other assault rifel, the other hunters might not like you- - you'd scare away the ducks or other prey you were after because chances are you're a bad shot and would be firing off a lot of rounds "just because you can".  A lot of people do things "just because they can".  Elvis Presley once referred to guns as "the great equalizer".  Maybe Elvis should have just learned to fight better, the way he does in the movies.  Guns can embolden people to do things and act more agressively than they otherwise would because they have that Ace in the Hole.  If all else fails they can always whip out a gun and settle the argument right on the spot.  It was owning a gun that made George Zimmerman the confidence or chutzbah or whatever to pursue Trayvon Martin, first in his car and then on foot.  And when Martin, who has every right under the "stand your ground" law of Florida, opts to defend himself he's on the losing end of a one sided gun fight.  Randi says that guns can impact people with road rage encouraging them to be more agressive than they otherwise would.  Of course John Wayne in "The Shootist" advised Ron Howard never to mix guns with alcohol.  That would be the only thing worse.

Of course- - these people as I have been hinting at-   -  -  physically See no Future for America but are hoping some cosmic hand is going to come and not only Save them but also Vindicate them and vindicate all of their Hatred and Prejudice along with it.  Here is a parable - with a geometic rationalle for it, which I will withhold for now.  Try and figure it out.  Once upon a time the US had a rising national debt.  But there came a time when each successive deficet was less than the previous one.  The right still complained.  Then the day came when we had a balanced budget.  The Right still complained of the insurmountable National Debt.  Then the debt came down.  It wasn't coming down fast enoughl the right said.  Then the debt became coming down faster as the federal budget surplusses became larger and larger.  As we approached no Debt at all the right said "We should run surplusses for a rainy day.  But alas there came about another Tea Party debate.  Others, eager to out flank them in the right said "My opponet is wishy washy on this issue.  I maintain that we should ALREADY as of last week, have had a surplus.  Not to be out done another candidate chortled, "Well I say- - we should have had a Surplus and no debt as of five years ago.  And for this Sin, the current administration should be turned out.  "Is any of this registering"?  It's shades of the border security debate - when the immigration is a net Zero.  It seems these people may have given up on the idea of winning any more political campaigns.  Citizens United was like a new disease, a new virus released on the people.  They fell for it once- - but they are becoming imune to it now, thanks in part as I say, to the media's wising up.  So now they just want to sell you stuff.  They want you to buy a plot of land out in the country and build a "safe room" or bunker or whatever- - preferably with holes to shoot guns through.  They will be there with their dried food, and their water purification filter, and their radiation pills in case the worse happens and their 'survival sees" which - - - the rest of us just call "seeds".  It's kind of like your desktop computer or your analog TV.  Someone ten years ago might get confused by the linquistics - - and then they go "Oh- - you mean just an ordenary TV".  Yeah - - kind of like Freedom Fries because we were supposedly down on the French in 1991 for Gulf War I.  Of course Randi Rhodes bluntly tells the truth by saying that Citizen's United - - the Supreme Court Ruling - - in another words is just officially legalizing Bribery, just as Roe vs Wade legalized Abortion - - without benefit of any state legislature acting.  In fact if I'm not wrong- - local governments are actually barred from refusing any and all Corporate contributions or passing prohibitive laws.  These people don't hate big government - - just as long as THEY are running it.  That's what lobbyists are for.  It's strictly Pay to Play.  They don't have to spend hours on the phone any more nickle and diming people, one rich donor just writes out a fat check and they're SET for the next year or so anyhow.

Can We Talk?  Those of you who just read the top blog (as of this writing) in "Psychic Balance" no doubt wonder whether or not I'll turn out to be a four flusher and not back up all the stuff I was alluding to in that long paragraph.  Well, I'd like to explain some of that stuff now.  Let's take the concept of "The God Factor".  Is this an allusion to the fact that if God hadn't willed it- - the Civil Right's act of 1964 would have never gotten passed, or that Osama Bin Laden would never have been caught no matter the extensive interrogation and piecing together of Clues?  No, this is not what I'm saying.  Remember in Witness for the Prosecution where Charles Laughlin is proud of himself for his brilliant defense of his client, and Marlena Dietrich comes on the scene, lacking the good sense to keep her mouth shut (as I would have done).  She said "You think you were brilliant - - but let me tell you, you didn't do it alone.  You had Help".  Yeah's it's THAT kind of "Help".  Are you listening, Larry Elder?  There is another word that may have hung you all up and that was the word AND.  There is nothing mysterious here.  People will take seven dollars even if it's from one five and two ones, or one guy gives them three and the other guy gives them four- - as long as they get seven.  In Algetra this is know as a straight line equation (with a negative slope)  It's pretty basic.  I told you that when people compute price if they used my theory they'd use the perimeter and Area theory to set the most profitable price for their product.  The bottom line here is that the closer to a square you have encompassed- - you maximize the price.  In Romulan there is a word called Verticales, pronounced "Var-tee-cal-les".  It just means either "upright" or "perpendicular" but it also means "On the level" and used a lot in construction.  In sixth grade geometry I was forever mystified that all the coordenates were in ninety degree angles.  In fact- - - assuming 3 D sketch uses the "double trig formula" thing I assume that will work in 3 D because I have an adage "In three D you are always safe with ninety degree angles".  Though I have never Proved this.  So why am I taking so much time on this?  Well, what if the piece of property you are giving the directional "coordenates" to is in Santa Monica, say along Bundy Drive.  Suppose it's a four by two hundred foot stretch along the road of ivey- - with a certain ammount of marijuana mixed in I hope the cops don't suspect.  You see Santa Monica runs at 45 degree angles.  So the trouble with coordenates is they presuppose cardinal directions.  But suppose their is a formula that worked in ANY direction- - no matter HOW you rotated a single directional axis in Sketch?  That would be better.  There IS such a formula, and first semester Analytical geometry students know it.  (look it up)  In fact I have a BASIC program (s) written seven years ago where I "teach this concept to the computer" of keeping the Same measurements to a square or shape and simply turning the shape to any direction. But again - - bottom line is truely the Bottom Line.  It's the Total or Agrigate or Net Earnings or what have you.  Vaya Con El Dinero.  If you've got money in stocks- - it doesn't matter how much money your "Average' stock earns.  The median stock in your portfolio- - may have a figure Farm from the actual ammount of earnings- -  say you own twelve stocks.  If you take your Agragate and divide it by twelve- the figure may be way different. Just remember that Agrigate means "Bottom Line - - How much have I got?  How much did I Make?"

HERE IS SOMETHING ELSE YOU WONDERED ABOUT  I said that "Being White" yourself or "White like Me" was NOT thee most important thing in hiring someone, if you're a biggot.  It's what Whitness represents.  It's the DIFFERENCE between White and Black that counts.  Since this DIFFERENCE is the MOST important thing in a southerner's life- - it matters little whether all the people he would seek to hire are twice as qualified and will work for one third less pay than they would have five years ago.  Some people don't even do things in their Own best interests, studies have shown.    In fact the Asshole from El Paso once overtly told me "God is not a Utilitarian".  Well - duh - - no kidding!  Personally I often darkly suspect God just "Loves a good soap opera".  Granny and Jed Clampett once remarked seeing a medical soap opera "Who would want to watch all that heartache and suffering?"  God would, that's who.  But aside from the Difference between White over Black- - the other thing is- as we said- - Wanting a job should count FOR you not AGAINST you.  These people don't see it that way.  It's their Christian training but if someone is willing to Sacrifice for something you dangle in front of them- - - you think they are "needy" or "desperate' or something and won't hire them.  In fact giving good Reasons why you should be Hired only works against you in these people's minds.  Because the DIFFERENCE between how much YOU want the Job and what THEY already prejudicially think OF you - - is just too great, and the Greater this difference is- - the less likely it is you'll get the job.  Capish?  Like, if I know Italian that might work against me in Dallas or something.

The fun's not over yet- - next Jesus Christ himself goes under the microscope.  I want to make sure I include all the "bits" I planned, and if I forget one, I'll add it in later.  We told you in the last blog how an Event - - can have an ongoing lasting effect on an entity.  And the thing is it may be 'Nobody's Fault (except God's) but that makes no difference.  And you can't really pretend it didn't happen because it did.  This is the Neil Savedra doctrine.  And failure to respond to or remedy the situation will only continue to exaserbate the problem.  It's not the sort of thing you can "pray away".  It's like being next door to a Nuclear reactor- - and over the past few months he radiation readings you've taken have only gotten worse.  And you reason to yourself "If things could just go back to the way they were four months ago when only the tiniest bit of rdiation was leaking- - then I would be Happy".  But alas, life isn't like this.  Getting back to this whole "difference" thing- - it shows up most plainly when Judy responded to my talking about a Book I read by a Pastor who believes in Universal Christian Salvation, and Judy's first response was "What would be the point?"  Just think how abberated her response was.  You mean- - I'm going to be saved from Hell - - and find eternal bliss in Heaven- - but if my next door neighbor Homer is going to- - then Lord I just don't want to do it".  Silly, huh?  Here's an even better example.  I'm an out of work crop picker but I arrive at the jobs place right at sunrise and a guy comes along to pay me minimum wage for twelve hours work- - more than I've been getting.  But then suppose someone who knows the future shows up and says "Oh - - you don't want that job.  What if he hires another after you for more pay?"  First of all I don't KNOW that.  Secondly if I get paid nine dollars an hour for twelve hours of work that $108.00 - which is a pretty piece of change for a person in my socio-economic status.  I'll take it.  But Judy only sees - - Differences.  If you can't say you are BETTER THAN  - - whoever - -  it doesn't matter about your OWN status- - - just as long as the Other Guy doesn't work out better than ME.  Just as I have someone to look DOWN on - - that's where I draw MY status!  You know- - some of you are out there spinning your wheels in brain trying to make sense of what you're reading.  Hopefully - - the wheels may not be Engaged yet - - but at least I've got the wheels spinning the right direction - - along the correct directional plane.  That word Engage is a funny word.  You Engage the ignition - - you Engage the Enemy in Combat- - or you play at an Engagement for a fee to a bunch of adoring fans.  You can Engage in business or a medical practice, or that other M word we won't talk about.  Of course Neil Svedra knows all about engagement.  He's practice at the art of self promotion.  Why - - he's so much like Jesus- if Jesus really returned he'd use Neil as a role model.  I have a question.  If Jesus is so gosh darned smart- - envoking the Dana Doctrine here - - then why did he make a show of healing individual People.  Why didn't he just go to the medical community and tell them about modern health practices and sanitation and introduce them to penecillon and all of the meracle drugs of Today.  No, Jesus would rather stage the Super Bowl of Healings complete with neon lights.  People jumping out of wheel chairs and "pulling the cancer out of my body" and people still as blind as bats - - telling everybody they can now - See.  Lest you think I'm kidding there is a doctrine in our church called "The sacrifice of Praise".  This is- - God's so dumb that if you bullshit him enough and tell Him he's wonderful- - after a while he'll be taken in by it and really Will - do something for you.  You know - - there is a world on the other side of the Ether - - or is it Aether?  I've read it both ways.  Some may ask "Is their universal repulsion over there the way there is universal attraction among matter this side of the Ether veil?"  Remember back on that other blog we talked about Calibration - - or Measurement.  If you measure something in degrees- - then you don't for instance- - calibrate as a Ratio, for instance.  Part of it is just that the Human Brain - - isn't quite capable of conceptualizing that "other world" in geometric terms.  Others say the "rectilinear cortex of our own brains turns Upside Down images Right side Up.  So it's "learned' perception, so we can function.  If Geometry is different over there- - We will find a way of Coping with it- to make sense of what we are Experiancing in unfermiliar environs.  I wanted to talk about the word "Sequestering".  Some may think I mean Juries.  I could be, but not really.  "Sequestering" is a concept well fermiliar to anyone who'se used Paintbrush in Windows.  Sequestering things creates its own Reality.  )Selah) The idea of things that are routinely Sequestered on one side of the veil- - is seen as utterly normal and axiomatic to them- - and the non sequestering on the Other Side seems- - completely strange.  It's like cognatitive dissanence.  Like Dr. Daniel Jonas coming into Clowie's apartment today and seeing the baby all smiley and happy and engaged in play.  Daniel being a doctor has seen enough kids to know cognative dissanence was in opperation here.  A kid who had been bawling his head off for an hour straight- - first of all would be physically exhausted- - and not "engaged" and smiling.  Also he may be flushed- perhaps even feverish- - with puffy eyes and remnents of tears.  It's like me and that Mike guy.  Often I am stunned by something he says and don't respond.  I'm not going deaf.  I heard perfectly well what he said.  But there is this element of cognative dissinence- - what he's saying doesn't square with what's going on.  It's like someone is engaged in some game or contest and does some really "outside the box" move.  We need to be aware of these things when we listen to various people making their Pitch.  You should even apply that standard to Me.

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