Monday, February 04, 2013

Burt's Notes (Mathworld - Revisited)

The Rev. Harry Green once did a bit of a scriptural rewrite saying, “Woe unto those who nurse anger”.  Rather than refute this I would like to say that even the medical community has to take the Oath that dictates “Do no harm”.  Therefore I say unto you that is a Registered Nurse needs a license to practice, by the same logic, he who would wield a gun need to be registered.

“Well what do you know – I didn’t screw up!”  

This happy ejaculation was uttered by one of the dead friends of mine I’m in contact with (obviously while he was still alive)  He had just gotten through performing track eight of Burt’s first album with a certain Vocalist.  It’s the track about My wishing God would do something that he logically CAN”T – and if I have to invoke the Neil Savedra doctrine (note to reader, understand what this means) do say this- then I will.  Theologians in the late eighteenth century falsely believe (in my humble opinions) that this is something God has already done.  But I too would like to declare, and I think I can, with regard to that treaties on the previous posting, “Well, what do you know- I didn’t screw up!”

It has been written of Old, “Forget the Dead you’ve left behind they will not follow you”.  But I say unto you the Dead can and do wield enormous Power over the Living.  (Selah)

And now I would like to open scripture and quote from the book of “ME” 3:16.  “And I beheld the LORD and he said “Come and I will take you to a high mountain”.  And I was taken to a high mountain.  And the Lord said, “Look and tell me what you see”.  And in order not to offend I did say “What I see is You.  Everything is You”.  The Lord said “Yes, but tell me what Else you see?”  And I looked and beheld God’s - - - Abberrations- - and behold they were more than any man could number”.  And the Lord replied “You have gained great Wisdom, my child”

Behold when I was young I saw no reason why I could not grow up to become one of the first astronauts to go to the Moon.  But as I grew and some say – “grew out of certain ways” and matured, I seemingly “gave up childish ways”.  And my hopes for ever going to the moon were decimated by “the events of this Present world”.  It came to pass that whenever I would mention my dreams- I encountered great discouragement.  In time I learned that the less I made mention of my going to the Moon, the Less discouragement I got.  But there came a time when I was 25 when many rock stars no longer want to be Alive (to get my Ian Hunter plug in) that I joined the Air Force and enrolled in a program and the event seemed to turn my life around.  And I was headed off for my first launch Stewart Sutcliffe approached me and said “I can prove with mathematical formula certitude that this Event of your joining the Military had absolutely Nothing to do with the success you are about to Experience this day.  And I did marvle at his wisdom, trying to understand.

There was a time when Time itself was not straight.  There was time when the very Foundation of the Earth was not a “fate accomplee” as they say, for the Cement was not even Dry.

People need to think in terms of the probability of things NOT happening in order to calculate the most opportune moment when certain things WILL happen, like hitting your lucky number in the roulette wheel.  This algorithm is not difficult- - but a fool will “Let the Deal Go Down” one too many times for their own good.  I tell you – learn from their sad example.

Behold Bones teaches there was a moment when Creation as we know it occurred, and it can be predicted with mathematical certitude.  If you believe in God- - you need to thank Him and Him Alone for Creation to manifest itself from what would otherwise be a sea of nothingness and chaos.  Behold there was an time when Events were able to overpower and bully Time- - but Time like the Cro Magnum man over the Neanderthol, rose up and achieved Supremecy.

Track two of Burt’s first album- - has lyrics I quoted from to Roy Masters.  He no doubt said “I bet you think this song’s about you”.  I said, “No - - it’s YOU who believe this song is about me.  Behold in the darkest days of Tea Party supremecy - - all the desciples of Thom Hartman, Randy Rhodes and Stephanie Miller had to feel like the individual depicted in this song.

Track six, Burt’s first album- - - this is a song about the Antichrist.  Guy Owens and I are both in agreement about this.  They’ve made more than one movie about this latter day “Aesops type Fable, that is too real to ignore.  It’s the glairing red  Stop; sign at the enterence of Chuck Smith’s church which for some strange reason - - only people on the Left can read- - or even See.

Track one of album six of said Vocalist and the fourth one with Burt with this Vocalist - - I believe is about the Rapture, and also the inspiration for Mc Cartney's "Venus and Mars" album.  Some may object saying "The album you speak of was not even OUT till three months AFTER Venus and Mars was released.  To which I say "WATCH THAT DECOY" - - - I feel a double play coming.  The album Before Burt joined the band, this Vocalist's Second- - - check out the B side released by a record company that the Artist had never even Signed with.  It's a track to which we've already made reference.

Track one of album number one with Burt on it - - is "chunky" and with rather dead accoustics, and as Frank Zappa would say "This track is not Standard Blues Changes".  The Vocalist - - once even admitted that Burt wrote this song- - at a Santa Monica concert in March of 1972.

Track Four - - of Album number Four with Burt on it- - is a track that demands "Listen to me".  He looked a lot like Mike Bloomfield in his soul- - and he was gunned down by the Pigs last summer.

If you have ever listened to the Vocalist's FIRST album (not the most available of merchandise in this country - - then I say unto you that You are a True Believer.  Of course which would you rather be, a True Believer or a Believer of the Truth?  This gramatical distinction might be a relivent distinction to make- - - the next time a Used Gospel Salesman approaches you and says "Try Some - Buy Some"

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