Wednesday, February 06, 2013

E G S T H -Except For Me and My Monkey

John Brennon - one of Obama's newly appointed cabinet members is about to hopefully shed new but long awaited light on the whole Drone attack situation.  And Lance Armstrong is now telling everybody he's going to "come clean" before the Comittee on the subject of his and others blood doping and other cheating.  Personally I'm not a bit surprised by this move.  Like a cornered rat he knows he has to do something if he's going to survive a lifetime ban on amature athletics.  But like a cornered rat - - that's when they turn and attack and I expect Armstrong's appearance before the Committee to be shades of Oliver North - that other pathological liar, and I expect like everything else he's done, that it will be completely self serving.  Hey, what do you think of that guy last night on NCIS tangling with the government.  He was some hot shot punk or know it all, who had this irrational feeling that "the government can't touch me".  He was proved sadly wrong, and in the end it took elaborate measures, but he got outsmarted by the government.  I don't know what questions Congress will be asking in "The Drone hearings".  I guess we can go easy on the bug spray for now.  But Drone incursions into Pakistan and Yemen and other places in the Islamic world have risen 700% or seven fold.  I think they said there were over three hundred Drone attacks in the Afghan "theater" alone.  The local population has learned to know the specific sound a Drone makes, and to dread the time.  The previous posting dealves into the ethics of Drone attacks.  But nobody takes on the government and pervails.  This is the great lesson of the Masada movie.  That movie is edited in such a way that you're almost routing for the Oppressors because they are hard working and ingenious and insightful.  Whereas the "victims" are lazy and smug and don't believe they'll ever be affected.  Live and learn.

Well- -  Sweet Melisa's baked goods ran into a little trouble today.  Because in a case of mistaken identity a woman running an internet business of baked goods and specialty items like wedding cakes - - she has a lezbian sister and she was beseiged with all sorts of hate E mail.  Because of this Bible thumping guy in Oregon says he's honoring God and reads his Bible and wouldn't bake a cake for a lezbian couple because it's morally wrong.  He's probably one of these guys who thinks the ecology crisis is a hoax, and to retaliate turns the heat in his home up to 85 degrees and sits around on weekends in his bra and panties hammering out hateful blogs on subjects he knows nothing about.  Even Jews with their strict laws on the Sabath - - will find ways around it - - letting non Jews "do the needed work" so they don't have to violate the Law themselves.  At least that's what I've been told.  To me business is neutral.  I am neither endorsing nor condemning homosexuality because one engages me in a contract for services.  This woman after the contraversey was all settled is now doing three times the business she did before- or something.

Randi Rhodes seems to personally be giving her stamp of approval on this idea of turning over "safe usage of your firearm" to the insurance companies.  Let them screen you for any mental illness problems - - and like California driving laws - - you can't opporate a firearm without gun liability insurance.  To my way of thinking - I'm not quite ready to go there just yet.  I don't even like seat belt or helmet laws.  Randi Rhodes had a caller today who's at least philosophically consistent.  He's against gun laws- - but he appears to be against laws on everything else, too.  There are anti drug laws - - you can't buy Oxyconten over the counter, but that still doesn't stop people from abusing the drug.  Of course Republicans in general seem to have really confused notions about Cause and Effect.  For instance John Boehner stated in a speech today that government spending on job programs is a bad idea.  Period.  The reason for his assertion is "because if government spending on jobs programs did any good- - then the economy would be roaring along at full throttle.  The phalocy of his reasoning can be found in any cancer ward.  What do cancer patients do?  They take pain medication.  A much higher percentage of cancer patients take pain medication than the general population.  Therefore NOT taking pain medication is the Remedy for NOT having cancer.  That reasoning makes just about as much sense.  Someone else pointed out that not all Criminals or people who violate the law have a bit neon sign on them saying "I am a Criminal"  "I Am the Bad Guy".  Only in Disney movies.  And don't get me started on that.  No.  Criminals spend the vast majority of their time as law abiding citizens.  But we have laws so just in case they screw up - - we'll nab them.  That we don't nab all of them is no cause not to have laws.  If you have a cockroach problem - - you know you need to take radical measures.  And often you find that half way measures aren't sufficient.  But if any roaches survive failed attempts of yours, you don't just throw in the towel and say "there will always be cockroaches" the same way that the gun lobby says "there will always be people who break the law using a gun" or for that matter Jesus Christ saying "The poor you will always have with you".  I bet the tea party eats that scripture right up.

In the song "Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey" John Lennon sings "Your inside is out and your outside is in".  Wouldn't that be just peachy.  Or as Bob Dylan put it aptly in a song "On that dreadful (last judgement) day - People are going to know Exactly What You Are.  (Selah)  Some say that full disclosure is bad and that we have "a right to privacy".  I'm not going to debate that again.  You can argue it either way, actually.  Personally I see both sides.  It's my belief that with Christians "I have the right to Hide - - - Nothing".  I don't owe a Priest squat as to secrets between me and my bride.  That's between me and her to work out, and if we have the matter settled between us satisfactorally, it's none of your Damn Business, and I have every right to lie about it".   But I can see the other side of the coin also.  There is something for full disclosure.  Denis Prager once said he's for eliminating all campaign laws, "Provided that we have full disclosure as to who gave what".  But you know what the tea party Right is saying now about "full disclosure".  They're dead set against it.  And they have the unmittigated gall to compare it to the Civil Rights era where "those poor oppressed Blacks were harrassed by the government for being associated with certain leftist groups".  Mitt Romney knew well how to cry crockadile tears for those poor unemployed Blacks in the ghetto, when in truth, I doubt that Mitt Romney has a compassionate bone in his Body.  If there were really full disclosure - we wouldn't have to mess with ANY of this bullshit.  It would all be revealed just by Looking at you.  Suppose to know someone's overt intents, all you had to do was gaze upon them and all would be Revealed.  It would be a whole different world, wouldn't it?  I told you that in the other world - - rather than be IN a body looking OUT - - we are "all around" looking IN - - into the formulated intents of others but not yet exicuted into action.  If they had optics over there, near and far signted lenses would be reversed.  The nerd kid could swap glasses with his stalky Uncle whose arms are "suddenly too short to hold a book out to read".  Cute.  By the way - - - on this side of the Void - - I see no reason for a cosmic speed limit.  It is only to the extent that Matter contains Energy that there will be any "cosmic drag" or more properly "ether drag" at all.  And if you've looked up the ratio between the masses of Matter and Energy- - - OK let me put it this way.  Do you know what the ratio in weight alias mass is, between a Proton and an Electron?  An electron - - which travels at the speed of light - - has only a small fraction of the Mass that a Proton has - - which is theoretically stationary.  Just ponder that one.  The thing is that electricity would have the ABILITY to travel Faster than it does- - IF it only contained Matter that's not entirely energy.  But we told you that leptons are all bark and no bite, or whatever.  They are all energy and - - no inherent mass aside from that which is derived from their kenetic energy- - which unlike Newtonian math takes on an almost anthropomorphic manifestation under Einstein.

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