Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Wild Thing

You know there weapons on the democrat arsenal, and I'm speaking of the US Senate, that they haven't made full use of, at least up to now, such as the 'nuclear option" where the filibuster can have an end run done around it.  We need to continue to hold up the gun lobby and the NRA up to open mockery remind the American public that 92% of us want increased firearms regulation.  They should do perhaps an Amendment 4 A where we have the "Right to feel Secure in our posessions and dependants sending them off to school or sending our wives off shopping at the Mall, and to not be in constant fear she will be gunned down.  As you know the closing words said to Cops each morning after their briefing is "Stay Safe".  Certainly we want to know that when we go off to work that our wives and kids will be safe and that we will see them at the end of the day.  I would however confess just a bit of "legalistic hesitency" about going up against anything with the word "Rights" init.  Because Rights are things that CANNOT be negotiated away.  We have an absolute right to them.  There are certain consumer Rights that cannot be weedled out of us by a shifty and fast talking salesman or credit department.  I think Rights are a good thing-- - and so, by the way, did our Founding Fathers.

Of course in playing the "What the Hell am I talking about' game- - I have enough credencials to almost run unchallenged as President of that Organization, in the same way nobody wants to challenge Hillary Clinton for the democratic nomination for President.  And John Kerry jokingly remarked, "I'm here to find out whether a man can be the Secretary of State any more in this country.  We had MS Rice - - and Madalane Allbright, and then Hillary Clinton, who has been 'President of the World" for the past four years.  Of course we have track five on that mystery "first album" that Burt Lombard played on - - that kind of is very appropiate in this era of gun madness discussion.  Of course once the group changed Labels in America - - they fared a hell of a lot better in their album sales.  Of course they transferred to a record company with the best engineering this side of a Steely Dan album (who are on MCA if you're asking).  They can take a hillbilly hay-seed or a San Francisco group stoned out of their minds on magic mushrooms and God knows what else - - and make them sound pretty darned good.  They say behind every good man is a good woman.  Well in many cases, behind every good rock star is a record company capable of presenting them in their best light and make them "presentable" and making sure that no engineering or recording glitches don't show up on their records.  Then when the group appears Live and sounds like Crap - the record executive can sit back and say "You know- this group would be lost without us".

This is ten o clock and they have not started changing the linens this week.  The cart is not in the halls.  Last week Nora wasn’t here and a fill-in did it.  I just changed the calendar officially to February.  They said that Ash Wednesday was 47 days before Easter.  Usually Ash Wednesday is somewhere near a new moon and it turns out to fall on February 13th, which is forty days prior to Palm’s Sunday and not Easter, and so far as I know it has always been this way.  I in fact at one point was confused why Catholics were not allowed to officially break their fast on Palms Sunday, to commemorate Jesus coming in Triumph (supposedly) into Jerusalem.  But now they are saying was “recently extended a week”, which I cannot find support for, because “people need a day off now and then”.  It doesn’t work that way.  Satan doesn’t “take days off”, if you know what I mean.  The other big news is that some states have laws against women parachuting on Sundays.  Others have laws that dictate that women can only wear blue jeans or pants “when riding either a bicycle or a horse”.  And this Mexican lady on KTLK used to be a probation officer.  (judging from some stuff she’s said I think if I were a male prisoner I’d ask for someone else to be assigned to my case)  Anyhow she takes exception to Grandpa coming over and giving his sixteen year old grandson money for condoms when he’d never give his daughter money for birth control pills.  And like Laura’s son - - this freak is such a Mama’s boy that he’s one of those who tells his mother “Everything”.  And Catholic schools have laws- - regulations that stipulate that females have to sign a “no cursing pledge” but they don’t require the same from the males.  These are probably following the Mark Bove doctrine that women are to be “submissive vessles” and that men will look upon these women and learn and reform their ways “by example”.  The whole bit about “a good example’ would work with someone like me, but people with Aspurger’s sydrone never pick up on key social cues or conformity to a norm.

Today has been overcast.  I got up at the usual ten or so minutes to six.  The carpet was dry, which is good.  The short shower curtain still ought to be replaced.  I had Stephanie Miller on and made coffee, opening up the second of the three cans I purchased.  We had Raison Bran for breakfast followed in time by hashed browns with catsup,  scrambled eggs with stuff in them, and also toast with butter and jelly.  Loretta says we are having beans and franks for lunch.  Of course I did not type in Word yesterday.  But there was an awful lot of typing going on.  The second and third posting comprises the last file in varied shades of green.  Six pages.  I made a few refinements on posting number three directly in Edit.  There is that whole ‘You had help” argument, and no way could I have organized and done all that stuff just by “resolving” at the start of the day I was going to do three mentally challenging postings this day.   I wanted a back up besides the cloud for postings two and three – just to make sure I had it.  Today I’m wearing all dark blue- - and I waited to put on this shirt to coordinate with the jeans.

Sunday night it was the MVP and other awards- - amidst the confetti in the stadium.  I was right to call it the “rattiest stadium in the league” because even last fall there were voiced concerns about the stadium’s electrical system.  There was a little Homer Simpson and a Bob’s Burgers rerun and a Family Guy rerun.  I slept well, but now the covers and the bed pad keep sliding off my bed.  The mattress needs to be turned.  Let the staff do it.  Yesterday it was Stephanie and we had oatmeal for breakfast.  I told John (if he was paying attention) that maybe they scrubbed Cheerios for the line-up because we receive sufficient anti cholesterol oats from our hot cereal.  I think we had a waffle and a half with our eggs.  The postings obviously consumed a lot of time yesterday.  Sunday evening I wrote in my personal files but didn’t post till the next morning.  We had a grilled ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, and pretty good soup, and potato salad and melon pieces.  I don’t remember about seconds.  I had Randy Rhodes on and watched the soap opera.  Christine is a lot smarter than Clowie when it comes to pulling off scams on men and everybody else.  Nick is one of those “beady eyed” people you don’t trust and he in my opinion is not “dealing with Will’s feelings” sufficiently well, and I think there is going to be trouble down the line.  But I’m not necessarily suggesting he become an asshole about it.  I think a bunch of the involved family members ought to sit down for a pow-wow.

Rege Presley died- - who was the lead singer on “Wild Thing”.  I was just thinking of that group a few days ago – perhaps my I heart Radio station is partial to the Troggs.  They have guardians who were originally from the 51 Star - - but then migrated to Denelus II sometime in the late sixties, but I’m not entirely certain of the time, or whether Wild Thing was already out yet.  Of course some say it’s analogus to “moving out because the “niggers’ are moving in.  Actually there were your basic Chicago blues people (from England) there, plus the migration from Aldeberan IX, which obviously happened AFTER 1966.  It used to be that the “Colors” planet” (I have also identified that star in Orion) was the domain of just Deep Purple and Steve Miller and I think Spirit.  But then those other “colors” moved in.  Of course we told you a while back about the Romulan translation problem I had with Black Bart concerning the designation of “Secret Planet” for Denelus II.  The word is “private” but not secret.  There is nothing at all “mysterious’ about what goes on on that planet.  They just “don’t like crowds” or something.

I hear carts rolling down the aisle.  Coffee was announced.  Anyhow - - I had Randy on a fair amount.  Sarah is here.  We had meat balls over pasta with tomato sauce and broccoli and I said this on the previous file.  We’ll move on.  It was the usual ABC news and Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  I’m better at that now – sharper – than I was a few years ago, getting back my old form.  Perhaps it’s due to reduced medication.  Then it was “Bones” and some program after that involving a mystery murder case.  I wasn’t following that closely.  One thing that Cro Magnon man was able to do that Neanderthol Man was not- - is to conceptualize, to think abstractly, and to generalize from the specific to the general.  These are valuable traits man needs for his positive evolution.  We need them now.  I’m not saying there are too many Neanderthols in the tea party.  You can judge for yourself.  There are times I too get frustrated because I don’t think there are enough “clues’ or puzzle pieces – to even have a possibility of completing the puzzle.  With the SUDOKU game, I take less long, all right.  I take less time to realize the whole thing is beyond me.  But sometimes, like the Janis Joplin song, we need to “Try - - Just a little bit Harder”.  We need to stretch those brain muscles and get ourselves out of our comfort zones.

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