Thursday, February 07, 2013

Ex LAPD Officer Goes on a Killing Rampage

This rogue Black ex LAPD officer, 33 year old Chris Dorner, has become an all day affair.  He killed a couple in Laguna Hills on Sunday and the guy was an LAPD officer, and then shot two Riverside cops as they sat in their car a little after one o clock this morning, ambush style.  One survived and will be OK, and the other died.  This guy has been getting around and is roomered to have stolen a boat from an old man in San Diego.  Now they are looking for him in Big Bear where he is expect to escape their dragnet after darkness descends.   But the LAPD was so concerned this guy would kill that they set up protection squads, and already innocent people who resembled Dorner have been wounded.  Chris Dorner joined the Navy in 2002 and had an admirable military record and got lots of awards.  After three years or so he joined the LAPD in 2005 but he was fired in September of 2008.  Dorner accuses the LAPD of firing him because he was a whistle blower.  He alledges that as a rookie cop in 2007 they chased a suspect that was kicked twice in the chest and once in the face by the training officer and that the officers fired him for “making a false report” and yet never lobbed legal charges to this effect.  The suspect had a lasting injury.  Dorner wrote a “rambling’ six thousand word Manifesto that David Cruise had read through and promises to dealve more into detail at a later date.  One caller took exception to going into the officer’s mental state at all.  This is an ongoing news story.  But it seems that he is fully prepared to die in a shoot out, and doesn’t expect that he’ll be taken alive.  He was last seen in a Nisan pick up and is "armed and dangerous" so do not confront him if you spot him but dial 911.  Some have stated that Dorner claimed that “The LAPD hasn’t had any real reforms since the days of Rodney King”.  Dorner has said he doesn’t want any monetary bribe to stop his rampage but states that the killings will continue until  the LAPD publicly states that they were at fault for his 2008 firing.  Just between you and me, I don’t see what the LAPD will lose by admitting that.  They can then gun him down five seconds later, if they want to.  This saga isn’t over yet, but I sense a TV movie of the week coming out of all of this.  It will make one hell of a theatrical presentation.

Today starting at about noon our time CIA chief John Brennon testified before congress.  He said that all Drone attacks were after "due consideration" and that only a minority of those killed by our Drones are innocent "collateral damage".  Brennon had recomended against a plan to capture Bin Laden during the Clinton Administration and he informed CIA chief George Tennant of this.  He claims he was against water boarding but then said that it had produced useful information.  Republicans are accusing him of "being against enhanced interrogation of suspects, but not at all opposed to just killing them sumarily with a Drone.  That Aliki guy whom the underwear bomber was comissioned by - - and also who organized Al Qaeda activities in Yemen, was taken out with a Drone.  I don't think this story is going anywhere.  I think Drones are seen as the ideal way to conduct War in the future.  So war now is reduced to the level of a video game.  At least you don't have to worry about convoys of soldiers being blown up by a road side I E D, or improvised explosive device.

Governor Christy is in the news again because he had another famous flair of temper when some ex Clinton White House female aid – mouth off about his weight saying she was “concerned that if he ran for President he wouldn’t survive his term with the poor shape he’s in”.  Governor Christy took exception sayint she doesn’t know WHAT kind of shape she is in and that it’s basically none of her business.  And I agree.  It’s normal for people to gain weight throughout their life, and it’s unusual  for people to remain at exactly the same weight.  I weighed myself right after lunch and I weighed 155 which is only a minute gain from the last time.  But it’s arguably ten pounds heavier than I was the day I graduated from High School, but I have no clear record then.  I just know that once I got into weight training at Cypress in the spring 1969 a few weeks in I weighed myself and was in the low 150’s and that figure was UP from previous numbers.  But I don’t look that good.  My arms, and even my legs look just too skinny now.  I think the only difference between trans-fact and your usual “cholesterol” is that trans-fats are an artificially produced state, like with margarine and as such aren’t “natural” like you get with dairy and eggs.  It’s like those ads about “hydrogenated vegetable oil”.   Or in molecular lingo- - all of the carbon receptors are occupied with hydrogen atoms. 

They found the bones if King Richard III last week, who lived in the fifteenth century and they say was the last English King to actually die in battle.  They have now done a 3 D reconstruction of his face from the bones, and everything, though he was recognizable on sight anyhow because there are of course numerous paintings of the King.  He had skuliossis of the spine.  Shaksphere gave him a bad write up in his Play, but I've heard expects that claim he got a bad rap by Shakesphere.  He was succeded by Henry VII, who was a much better King than his sucessor King Henry VIII.

People need to get over their seemingly "primal fears" of inadvertantly "learning something new".  This is what my blogs are all about.  My readership numbers are sharply up, for whatever reason.  Maybe my postings are being read by math people.  We don't have any weird stuff for you today.  There's enough of that on the news.  I think my problem with the science and metaphysics stuff is that I need to come up with better ways of making it all sound relevent, giving you a reason to even follow it.  For a stretch this morning I was watching the research and development hearings on C-Span, because on a per capita basis we only spend a fraction of what we spent in 1970 and how R & D should be protected from “sequestration” if we care about the jobs of tomorrow.  There is “basic research” and “applied research” and finally product development.  But some say that this “linear approach” is too slow and we have to speed things up.  There was much talk of immigration law reform and not sending foreign exchange students back to their own countries once they get their post graduate degrees.  There were three guests.  One was from Texas Instruments, another was a lady particle physicist, and another guy with a degree in mechanical engineering, which he admits is “old school” vintage 1963.

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