Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Our Not-so-bad Economic Situation

At its very worst the National Debt was 77% of the anual Gross Domestic Product.  But by now it has fallen noticably and will continue to drop way down as the deficet, how shrinking, begins doing so at an increasingly rapid rate.  This will be the first deficet below a Trillion in five years.  As the economy improves over the next four years the increased revenue with added budget restrictions will decimate the deficet.  However due to these stringent economic measures- - unemployment is destined to remain above seven percent for all of 2013 and growth this year will continue little better than last years.  However by 2014 the growth rate of the economy is expected to be a three and a half percent.  They say the economy has been opporating at five percent below its "potential". From everything I personally know, the figure is more like fifteen percent.  However the rate of gross domestic product lost over the ten year period of 2007 to 2013 is enormous.  We have never seen a period of continued economic malaise in the past seventy years.  On C-Span right now I have more of this report cued up.  It goes on for over an hour and I'll take in as much as I can till I get water-logged.  There isn't the slightest indication of any impending "crisis" in April of this year, or any other time.  All we really need to do is to not get into any new wars and don't give the Wall Street bankers another three trillion and we'll do allright.  I imagine the slow but persistent improvement in economic news will be of ongoing distress to the tea party crowd.  We have laws in place now to prevent the very things that triggered the 2008 financial crisis, and no more bail outs for Wall Street will happen.  It's been my contention that the possability of Good News on the economy has been ignored by the media - or it was in the campaign year of 2012.  People are inventive.  People are resourceful.  People to make do with what they have and learn to be more efficient spenders.  To some degree "the new normal" hasn't been entirely a bad thing.  The only reason why phrases like "the new normal" scare Mitt Romney is that he doesn't want for second to have to ponder what he, personally might do, to benefit his Country.  (Selah) 

Bruce Davis has been approved for parole and the only thing standing in his way is Jerry Brown signing off on it.  Obviously this Manson Family killer is a dreaded force.  Bruce Davis was known as Cisco Budge in the movie and he was the one along with Manson responsible for the deaths of musician Gary Hinman and Donald Shorty Shea.  They tortured Hinman and apparently Manson held a gun on him while Bruce Davis sliced off his ear before killing him outright.  This occurred in July of 1969 several weeks before the Tate-LaBianca killings. In other troubling news-  it seems the reason why ARCO has the lowest gasoline prices in town is because they removed the leak detectors from their oil storage tanks.  So they never have to worry about the problem till they get sued in a class action law suit of people suffering from a polluted ground and water table and maybe their babies being born with three eyes or something.  Like British Petroleum, this sort of shit is “just another cost of doing business”.  Randy Rhodes was talking about what a money making racket the private prison system is.  Because they don’t want immigration laws “fixed” because it would cut way down on arrests and imprisonments and also they don’t want the drug laws changed because that would cut down on the prison population.   It seems as if we in this country today have lost our moral compass entirely.  There is no such thing anymore of either bribery or inherent conflict of interest.  I don’t know why the Obama administration doesn’t just “grow a pair” and get a little back bone for once and prosecute these jerk-offs.  What I continue to be puzzled by is all of these Gulf tourist commercials that British Petroleum is running.  Are they running these as part of a settlement with the government as a condition for not going to jail - - kind of like picking up trash along the highway?  Or are they somehow hoping to profit from these ads by making us all think now what a wonderful, ecological conscious oil company they have become.  David Cruise said the sort of deep water drilling they were doing was unproven technology - and it's kind of like driving a car at high speeds knowing the break cables have been cut but somehow hoping against hope you'll never have to apply the brakes.

This is three thirty and the phone company, AT&T called me just before the soap opera ended and I think I was scammed by them into paying six more dollars for my phone bill next month.  They told me they would “cut all of my expenses in half” and that I was a “special, customer who qualified for their program”.  However I’m paying nothing for long distance now and the phone company has been losing a lot of money on me for that.  It was kind of a long verification process with me and I wasn’t done till several minutes after two.  Of course if they persist in raising my bill I'll retaliate by canceling my internet service with A T & Y and going with Time-Warner, which everyone tells me has an excellent plan for $19.95 or about twenty dollars less than I'm paying now.  Dr. Levy asked me months ago why in the world I'm paying so much.

I was going to do more in terms of "the world on the other side" of the Ether.  But you know something?  We've already said enough.  You just need time to digest the material you already have.  Let me just say this once again.  The human brain makes sense out of the strangest things, and there is no reason why it couldn't accomplish the Same Thing (la mismo, in Romulan) And often there are ways of depicting things through charts and graphs that would be difficult to explain any other way.  But people need to know graph lingo - - a term known as projection.  How any idea is Projected - - is everything.  And just in case you are wondering - - nothing in the following paragraph came directly from John Lennon to me.

There is another musician death in the news.  A couple of days ago the lead singer for the Ohio Players died.  The Ohio Players is a proprietary Federation group - - but normally Federation people prefer groups with a tad less melinin in their skin.  I also learned that there has been lobbying groups for literally decades to get the Ohio Players into the ZAC Tarot deck, as number eleven, the Temperance card.  They would be replacing a "Three hit wonder" but this is another substitution which is highly unlikely.  In another "over there" story- - it was confirmed that I spent extensive time on the planet "Real" pronounced "Ray-oll".  This planet is armed to the teeth with defences.  Nobody will mess with them.  I was informed the Federation has been routing for the Houston Rockets against the lakers because this is one Houston franchise that - - is run by what we at the Federation refer to as "The Houston Group".  John Lennon replaced you-know-who who occupied my body prior to mid fall of 1967.  It seems as if John Lennon was looking for a suitable substitute for a fill in for Himself- - since we know "Pink" was starting to have real problems then.  But "after seeing how the other half lives" Lennon thought better- -  and went with Denise De Lovely, whom he took a liking to right off because they both had a certain sense of humor.  But in May of 1969 Denise was "just too busy being a teenager" to want to continue as Lennon so Lennon came to Me again because he wanted to put out  a single and he had words but no Tune and no real musical ideas but he knew he wanted to put out a Single.  So I had something up my sleeve I thought I could adapt for his purposes.

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