Friday, February 08, 2013

Big Snowstorm Hits East Coast

Well I wasn't even going to post today but since there is so much news I might as well achnolege it.  I might just weigh in about one gun on Dorner's list who has never struck me as funny at all and that's Bill Cosby.  He's very un-funny if you ask me, kind of like Dr. Levy is un-funny.  Frankly I'd rather listen to listen to John Boehner's attempts at humor, frankly.  As you people may know, I'm not exactly the guy who passes out complements to celebreties like candy the way so many people do.  Perhaps it's due to the critical household I was raised in.  I do believe that intelligence is an underrated comodity.  I've still got a lot of metaphysical stuff up my sleeve, but you people aren't ready for it yet.  Too often intelligent people are either labeled as Nerds, or social misfits, or else psychopathic killers.  And the rest are just "boring".  What a convienient word, "boring" for something you're too dense to grasp.  It's like that old adage that "when it comes to criticism, consider the Source".  (Selah)  Now here's the rest of the posting - written while my brain was in relative neutral.

This is Friday evening and Jeopardy is on.  Last night Jeopardy failed to have a winner since not one player finished in the money.  Then it was Wheel of Fortune and I got om computer and did research in Base E.  That hyperbola chart is not unique to Base E.  Nor is the idea of dipping down to negative infinity as x approaches 0.  (and you are correct in supposing that 0 is then used as an attempted divisor)  Also the idea that the log of one number appears an inverse log in the opposite number's base - - is not unique to Base E.  (That's all I'm saying on this today)  At eight it was the Vaipire Diaries and it nine it was Beauty and the Beast.  I went to bed at nine thirty and woke numerous times during the night and being cold had a lot to do with it.  I put Bill Gunderson's blanket (or sarape or whatever)  on the bed and even that red SA towel over that and I about got warm.  Blame the thin spread that was JUST put on.  I was glad to take a shower to get warm.  I turned on Stephanie Miller.  As the day progressed it became obvious that it was going to be raining for a significant length of time – like two thirds of the day.  I was coming down with a cold and tonight I got a haircut from Federico fighting off a cough, post nazel drip, and sneasing.  There were no yellow chairs to sit in so I sat on one of those walker things.  Bill was next after me.  There is a big snow storm hitting the east coast tonight and it’s compared in New England to “The Big Blizzard of 1978.   I think I remember that one - from my incarnation as Jess Ryder in southern Maine.  We’ve had snow all around the area today and both of the major mountain passes are closed down-  - going to Las Vegas and Bakersfield.  It’s not ideal conditions while looking for that cop killer who is still at large.  I had Stephanie Miller on in the morning.

I got on computer and did an Excel program I saved on the subject of Base E.  I arrived at the conclusion that they’ve had Base E all wrong these years.  It’s actually 2.665 – and I’ve done extensive cross-experimentation to prove this.  Moe Kelly was saying since that cop killer threatened Bill Handel and John and Ken, “it’s personal” because they work in the building right there.  All I can say is “Please, Moe, I don’t need to know who you spend in time in bed with”.   John Kovel is living proof that anal sex Can produce a child.  But most of the time Moe Kelly was saying that regardless of Dorner’s complaints- - when you pick up a gun and go on a shooting rampage all over Southern California - - you lose your moral standing.   I have my own reflection on this statement in the next paragraph.

Now I’d like to get back to Moe’s remark about how non violence increases your “moral credibility”.  Perhaps.  But I’m also a fan of Teddy Roosevelt’s adage of “speak softly – and carry a bit stick”.  Take Nick on Days of Our Lives.  He doesn’t have to pick a fight with Will Horton to make his point.  He can be just as civil as can be- and for now it’s in his interest to be civil, because this is a case where Will can’t later claim that Nick was combative and “so therefore we never got to talk about needed issues”.  But just as Sammy told Will to “protect himself’ with legal measures, so Nick has been proactive in “protecting his interests”.  So he bugged the conversation between Will and Lucas about whether or not Will was being blackmailed for shooting E J.  Lucas was near panicked about the idea that some dreaded unknown has found Will out and is planning to do him in.  Will thoughtfully provided the information not only that there is a lot of evidence that he in fact did commit the crome, but also where it could be gotten a hold of.  Meanwhile Clowie and that cockroach girlfriend of hers were made asses of today.  Why do people claim to love you and yet don't love the things you love, because You love them - - if you can follow that.  Clowie and some of these women are like a religious Cult.  They dread every minute that they are out of your presence, because their greatest fear is that when you're NOT around them you'll reflect and realize the Truth about them.  Also this whole idea you can ucerp someone else's will bothers me.  Dr. Phil had a saying I hated.  He says "Everybody knows, First you arrive at a decision - - and then maybe you'll Discuss the decision with the other party, once you feel it's sufficiently set in concrete.  Because Jennifer protected herself by not informing Clowie where she and Daniel would be dating tonight.  If you ask a question that’s none of your business, you aren’t entitled to a truthful answer.  Especially when the twin bitches are only disappointed because they didn’t get to execute their nasty trick on Jennifer.

I had David Cruise on.  He talked about how smart Dorner was and perhaps leading them on wild goose chases- - first making cops think he was going to take a boat from San Diego to cross the border into Mexico, and then by allowing the cops to find his burned out truck in Big Bear, and now 24 hours later on no further evidence, the cops are still trudging around in the snow looking for him.  If they had dogs out in this weather they wouldn’t find a scent anyhow because it would be covered up by new fallen snow.   As to that couple who was shot, we had that wrong.  It was in Irvine.  It was a basketball coach and his fiancée, who was the daughter of a Police Captain.  Also it wasn’t an Asian mother and daughter that got shot wrongly, but a Latino mother and daughter.  It was a woman in her seventies and a daughter in her forties, driving a different model of truck, and not Black and not even male, and the wrong ages besides.  But the LAPD shot up a whole neighborhood in Torrance, thus evoking bad feelings about the Police in that neighborhood.  I imagine there will be multiple court suits over the incident.  It is emphasized that Dorner is an intelligent man and has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.  David Cruise also says that the “U S A” slogan is used for racist purposes now days.  This doesn’t surprise me a bit.  Personally I have never particularly liked the chant.  I guess I associate it with Ronald Reagan or something.  There was also a story about how an old lady with health problems was denied the use of toilet paper while using the facilities at a CVS Drugs in downtown Santa Paula in Ventura County.    Why does a major company give itself a black eye like that?

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