Saturday, May 04, 2013

National Internet Sales Tax is Almost a Certainty in Near Future

The Dow Jones Industrials just brushed the landmark fifteen thousand level, in terms of the dollar value of the average as presently computed.  What this means of course is that Individual Retirement Accounts and 104 K and all of that will be worth a lot more except for the 13% of those sorry saps that got out of the market at the bottom.  But for those with the stones to ride this recession out, they are sitting pretty right now with ample retirement or sending their kids to college or whatever.  Of course with all this new capital in circulation banks will be more inclined to lend, and most importantly it will spur commerce, which means that businesses will be seeking to add jobs.  It goes without saying that the Mc Laughlin group didn’t touch this issue with a ten foot pole.  The problem is that in some people's lives like myself, I'm in the tightest monetary straight jacket I have ever been in - with no prospects of improvement.  The president's popularity has slipped in the past few months.  And  other presidential polls are troubling.  Chris Matthews showed a poll where in fact people trust the Republicans in congress on the gun issue - - even at this late date - - by a few percentage points more than they do the democrats.  It's argued that in the question that got a ninety percent "yet" response, that perhaps the question was posed in a biased manner so as to skew the results.  Another issue that will make Ted Cruise' day is this whole immigration bill issue.  The people here are just slightly in favor of "an immigration bill of some sort" but once again- as we saw on the Mc Laughlin group- - there is still a wide-spread belief that this bill is am amnesty bill and will lead to an explosion of illegal border crossings like what happened after President Reagan signed the 1986 alien amnesty bill.

Israel has bombed Syria anti aircraft guns or whatever a couple of times and once just last week.  They assused Iran and Syria of funding Hez Ballah, which of course is a Shiite Islamic group.   But according to the Mc Laughlin group - - - Neither Assad, nor Iran nor Iran is near the threat that some of these anti-Assad rebels are.  Personally I wish Israel would step up the bombing in Syria, both for their own security, and also for the benefit of all those innocent civilians being gunned down or gassed by Assad.    In terms of the domestic bombings - - Tamerlin’s wife’s computer had “Inspire Magazine”, which is an Al Qaeda publication on her computer.  I don’t know whether it was the English, Arab, or perhaps Dagistani edition.  There is a cemetery that volunteered to bury Tamerlan in Wooster, Massachusetts but now all of the neighbors are complaining.  But the funeral director just reminded them, “Look - - he did bad things but he’s dead and can’t hurt anybody any more.  We’re just burying a body”.   Others from a multitude of regions - see it differently.   I think our national hate affair isn’t going anywhere soon.  But the fact that there are so many groups out there- - perhaps worse ones we know nothing about yet- - - won’t stop from Al Qaeda being a lingering buzz word in speeches, just as the word “Communist” used to be for so many decades.  

The Mc Laughlin group tonight had a regular trifecta of issues on which I was in disagreement with about everything that was said.  First of all the group as a whole is all for a new tax, an internet tax.  Every single internat tax will be overseen by a new Senate law that is on the verge of passing and from there it goes to the house.  Apparently the President is virtually assured of signing such a law.  Every last person in the Mc Laughlin group favored this law which would make people from to e-bay to all the rest of them charge for federal, state, and local sales taxes.  Only Pat Buchannon had the presence of mind to remind them all that all the businesses would just headquarter themselves in Delaware or somewhere where they have no tax and rules are lax.  It’s the strangest of ironies that the “New New Taxes” pledge all the Republicans so resolutely signed, is now about to be completely tossed out the window.  I guess there is something these rich Republicans despize more than taxes, and that is they like sticking it to the little guy, particularly since the majority of internet users are of the liberal perswasion.  Then we have Obama’s trip to Mexico and Costa Rica.  The group as a whole seems to think the trip was a waste of time and that the new President of Mexico is a jerk- - and the US should give them the finger in general and not care what they think.  I cannot for the life of me glean why the group thinks this way but they do.  Finally it seems when it comes to intervention in the Syrian War- - that the group as a whole is against it.  And John Mc Laughlin, unbiased person that he is, kicked off the segment with ten reasons why it would be a disaster for the US to intervene on the side of the Syrian rebels.  Most of these so called “reasons” are down right silly- - and about as nonsensical as reasons why a seven year old might give his Mom why he shouldn’t be made to clean his room.  But the brunette has the presence of mind to finally say “But we will be intervening”

This is Saturday May 4, 2013 and apparently it’s both nude gardening day in Seattle (gloves optional) and also “Free Comic Book Day” apparently celebrated world wide as of eleven years ago.  Go figure.  Last night I was out on the patio talking with Bruce whom I actually learned something.  He told me how the ancients figured the value of Pi without an actual physical circle to get out a tape measure and measure.  You do it by means of a series of increasingly smaller triangles.  The first triangle, of course, which trisects the thing will bring you to three.  But the next will be in increments of six, and Bruce says you just keep doing increasingly smaller and smaller pieces.  Of course the 4 to 1 tangent ratio is half that of the 2 to 1 however the sine and cosine figures which you’ll need – will be different.  Janet then spoke up and offered me a bag of Famous Amos small chocolate chip cookies and an iced capichino, which was good because it was helpful in cooling me down.  Last evening was more torrid than was the previous night, and when I went to bed I used just a sheet and was perfectly content with just a sheet till about four thirty in the morning.  Last night it was “Nikita” and then “Supernatural”, which had an involved plot-line involving angel hierarchy.  I watched the thing through till ten.  As it got past nine- I finally made that pot of coffee I had waiting.  [material left out here]   Janet was forthcoming with a cigarette for me and Nancy Beagle.  I went to her room to pay for it noting that I had a quarter to do so, and she just gave me another one.  She also loaded me up on three apple-cinnamon granola bars, and iced cranberry juice, and two bags of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies.  I gave one bag to Bill and consumed the other around ten after Nora left.  I reran last night’s coffee grounds through again adding one new spoon- - and gave bill a cup.  I missed Obama’s speech and in fact didn’t have KNX radio on at all them.  I listened again to that Revrend Wallace guy Stephanie Miller had on.  Though I remembered it from when he was on earlier in the week it gave me an opportunity to more deeply contemplate the implications of the things he was saying.  He’s just nieve about the things that are expressly “Evil”.


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