Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Gun Clone Wars

In the news we have this new contraversey about whether or not it should be legal to "print guns" in one of these 3 D printers that uses the powder that forms into a working plastic object we've discussed before.  I don't know how they can even do it.  I'm not even sure an all plastic gun would work that well.  Wouldn't it melt or warp out or scorch or something?  But assuming they are serious then these guns would pose a mennace in getting them past metal detectors in any security zone.  Oddly I have the funny feeling that this is one issue where the Gun Lobby as we know it is doing to do a thumbs down and these staunch "second amendment defending" hard line republicans will be all for this law.  And there is one reason why.  It's because the gun manufacturers won't profit from the polliferation of These particular weapons.  So I'm saying maybe I would vote For this law to ban such gun "replication" but I'd make the others sweat before I announced what my vote would be.

They are talking about the irregularities of the Bengazi tragedy and the truth is trickling out and the Obama administration is hopefully trying to get the egg off their faces on this one.  Hopefully it won’t cost Hillary her big shot at the Presidency three years from now.  People’s memories are short anyhow.  But if we are going to be consistent about President Bush and the first Secretary Rice, at least when she was up for confirmation, we need to not fear “getting to the bottom of this thing” wherever it happens to lead.  Here again the President made himself such a convienient target for the Romney campaign last fall by his inept handling of this thing - - which possibly contains more than a grain of truth that perhaps the President just wanted to not face up to the fact that there was any Islamic threat remaining because he felt political pressure to do so.

So many people engage in dysfunctional behavior.  Take the soap opera example from Tuesday's program.  Christine has been offered her heart’s desire.  Her fiancee arranged it so she could adopt children immediately fast tracking the whole process and bypassing the red tape, probably with the expense of a whole lot of bribe money.  She’s won, and yet her greed will keep her from having the ready-made family with adopted kids she’s so longed for.  Christine knows how to tell a really touching story about "How she came to Salem" to "set things right" and all she wants is to be accepted and forgiven for her past sins.  But it's clear from listening to her talk for any length of time that - - what she says - - just as what Neil Savedra pretends to be saying - - is pure bullshit.  I've known people like that.  They will beat you over the head with the idea that you "owe" them "forgiveness".  But I say again that forgiveness is something that is not achieved at the point of a gun.  (few things are)  If someone has really repented - - and think about this one - - it shouldn't Matter - - whether they receive brownie points for it or not.  (Selah)  Why are some people so dedicated to revenge that it hurts them personally to go through with it?  Marco Rubio has said that "You know this immigration bill isn't amnesty because it would actually be EASIER for these aliens to return to their homeland and go through the legal system - - rather than Stay here and have it take fifteen years or whatever.  But people on the right are so darned Bullheaded- - NO ammount of factual information will sway them.  They are more "committed to a position" than whether or not that current position even Makes Sense - given the current circumstances.  Samantha has a gun because Kate gave it to her, and she seems oblivious to “that being a problem”.  Does Samantha plan on using it on Nick.  We know how cool and proficient she is in bumping off people with a gun and then going about covering up the crime with the routine nature of taking out the garbage.  Think about that.

People have reasons for how they fancy the "after life".  Many believe that since they are Christians and therefore the exalted of God- - that some personal "slight' against them, should be amplified in some cosmic Echo Chamber of Hell for All Eternity.  That's how Important they see themselves as.  They will often quote the scripture of "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you".  Others view the "other world" as some place that is a mirror reflection of this world, kind of line Alice and Through the Looking Glass.  This view has its appeal but it presupposes some physical "plane" that is the demarcation or dividing line.  There are those as we previously said, who believe in a whole "negative everything" world.  This would entail negative space and negative mass.  The whole idea is that when these two come together we get iniihelation.  One would suppose if the two sides went to war there would be the "Matter Destruction Wars".  Who is to say what might or what might not be left after such a horrific conflict?  But as I noted in my readings- - scientists - have spoken of an "a symitry" between what we Think is the other world, and this one.  We have stated in our recent writings (the past several months) that rather than speak of "hyperspace"  (made famous in Asteroids and the Star Wars movies) that what I THOUGHT was "hyperspace" was merely the ordenary universe outside a certain Event Horizon.  The reality of the situation is much more complex.  The demarcation line is NOT "the speed of light" with the non existant "tachions' comprizing the other world.  The demarcation line is not some "cosmic mirror".  The demarcation line is not even the abstraction of "zero" in Math.  But rather the demarcation line is the very nature of what I refer to as the Ether- - and scientists now call the Higgs Bozon or the "God" particle.  The demarcation is one of mass, alright  - but an illusionary zero and not an actual zero.  Given this fact - - - there is no easy way to explain all of the "confounding of physics as we know it" that will be present in this realm.  But we have discussed these things in a pretty recent posting.  I'm merely typing this paragraph for the benefit of those who may not have read that more detailed one.  And by the way today May 8th is the 68th anniversary of V E or Victory in Europe Day in 1945.  In a sense they were "the greatest generation" because they had the oppertunity and indeed necessity to do something which was so profound that indeed the Human Race might never have the opportunity to do again.

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