Sunday, May 05, 2013

Some Forty Year Anniversaries

Forty years ago to this very date (or more commonly, yesterday) was the fortieth anniversary of the stallion Secretariet winning the Kentucky Derby in the record time of 1:59 or something.  This record stands and has never been equaled.  This is quite a feat because as you know in sports we human beings engage in, records fall all the time as a matter of course as better training and nutrition (and in some cases- drug) items are implemented.  But Secretariet’s record stands.  And Secretariet went on to win the Preakness and the Triple Crown at the Belmont.  As you know generally a horse doesn’t come into his full stride as a race horse till the fourth or fifth year.  The Kentucky Derby races exclusively three year olds, and the matter is worsened because is already a year old the minute he is born.  But despite all this Secretariet was retired after just these three races and put out to stud.  Who wan say what sort of other records might have fallen had Secretariet been allowed to have a full racing carrier like other horses.

Billy Gene King was on Face the Nation this morning in part of a tribute to this whole gay coming out thing.  Billy Jean King caught hell thirty years ago when she “came out” to the press.  People didn’t want to have anything to do with her.  As you know Billy Jean King first came to my attention as a tennis champion because in September of 1973 she challenged Bobby Riggs to a game.  And in the first round Riggs tried to belittle her by not even taking off his jacket, to show how easy she’d be to beat.  He soon had a change of heart and Billy Jean ended up winning the match - - and a blow was struck for feminists everywhere.  According to one poll however- - men still would rather not call themselves “freministrs” perhaps due in no small part to Rush Limbaugh’s term of the term “feminazi”.  Unless you’re talking about Margeret Sanger, who really was a feminazi, I’d hold your tongue if I were you.  Back at the beginning of 1973 of course was the advent of that Helen Reddy song, “I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore - - and I know too much to go back and pretend”, and all of that.  I guess my only wish that news that the United States has a Black President now met with as little resistance as the coming out of a major sports figure in one of the four big professional men’s sports.   In terms of gay marriage - - my opinion now is being hardened against that by the current plot of “Days of our Lives”.  Who’s to say that were that program not on, I’d just maybe be more amenable.

April 30th 1973 was the fortieth anniversary of Nixon’s firing of Halderman, Erlichman, Mitchell and Dean.  These were Nixon’s four closest confidents in the Watergate controversy. I remember riding to Cypress College to this “Psychic awareness class” or whatever they called it with my Mother.  We were taking this class together.  Actually there is another anniversary around April 23rd (and it’s before then) where I had self mobility, or should I add “legal” self mobility.  In those days, parents would make issues on a whole spectrum of areas which they had never made an issue of before, in a whole spectrum of areas I have no inclination to go into now.  I remember my Mom telling me when we were in the car, that there was talk of instituting “Double Daylight Saving’s Time” being instituted in California in a proposed bill.  In those days DLST didn’t even go into effect for Single DLST until the last weekend in April.  It was also around this time that I went to the library as part of a study project at Cypress.  I was in a government class and our little group was in charge of doing a comprehensive report on School Bussing.  In those days cross racial bussing was considered “Desegregation”.   I know it had to be early May because it was still light at the Cypress library when we were there.  We were looking at microfilm of old newspapers.  Then on May 17th we have the Sam Irvin Watergate Committee.  And let me tell you that six of the seven senators on that committee were actively hostile to Nixon with only Germey of Florida was vaguely neutral.  Sam Irvin would get downright preachy.  And Howard Baker of Tennessee would want to know “What did the President know, and when did he know it”, which is a phrase which has echoed through the ages.  This event of going after and taking down a President was unprecedented not only in my lifetime, but also the lifetime of my parents.  It was tword the end of this semester that I was introduced in Eastern religion class to the I Ching, or Chinese book of changes.

So I raised the question on my last blog posting of “Is Al Qaeda really all that dangerous to the security of the United States anymore?”  One thing is clear, and that is our troops encountered more losses last week, than in a long time in the Afghan “theater”.  To my way of thinking we have no business fighting in Afghanistan another month considering our purpose there has either been achieved, or is unachievable.  We captured Bin Laden and probably made a new enemy of Pakistan in the process.  Afghanistan is a positively nutty place to chose to fight a war because it’s in about as far flung corner of the world as you can get.  And they say that the “fighting season” is only just a few weeks old, which bodes for bad times ahead.  Thanks to Obama a whole string of “Number Twos’ in Afghanistan have been killed, including one US Citizen who got droned- - who was only suspected of crimes and was primarily just a propagandist- - like Ted Nugent or Glen Beck.  That Reverend Wallace guy on Stephanie Miller’s program last week said that “We should surprise our enemies with friendship”.  I think we should announce that we are going to arm the rebels in Syria.  Some say “But what if the weapons we give them fall into the wrong hands?”  I think it’s a fairly well documented fact that without US meddeling to begin with Al Qaeda wouldn’t exist- - so basically - - That Ship Has Sailed.  It’s a little late in the way to worry about “the possibility of US weapons falling into hostile hands”.   Obviously Israel isn’t afraid to take Assad down.  Israel sees the clear and present danger of this man.  But apparently we don’t.  In fact the Mc Laughlin group stated that President Obama should never have talked about “red lines” especially “when it would be crazy to actually make good on his threats about Syria”.  So they say.  Of course in Romulan, if you care Al Qaeda, (spelled Al Qaida there) means either “The one left standing” or “The one who remains” or a bit more loosely, “The enduring one”.  As you can see if names mean anything then Romulans are inclined to be rather more kindly disposed twords Al Qaeda than they otherwise might.  Now Israel has conducted an air strike a second night.  Apparently Israel is rearranging their defenses to a more strategic stance.  And the Syrian government has made all of the oblitigory threats.  And one more thing - I really hate to bring this up but we are responsible for the deaths of 120,000 in Iraq, and I dare say the majority of those are Sunis rather than Shiites.  How to you think This affects the perception of the United States by Al Qaeda?   I don't know whether they would be "surprised" if we actually were to make common cause with them on the matter of taking down Assad.  It doesn't matter.  If they are to be more positively disposed to the United States because of our action, this is icing on the cake.  But that's not why we are doing it.  We are doing it because we don't want another despotic world dictator wanna-be in that part of the world- - and as a side note a little "message' sent to both Putin, and Akmadenijab.   So many things are going on now in the world that get very little play in the news, such as the trial involving the death of Michael Jackson.  The impending internet tax is one of the most significant changes in the way the internet conducts business in twenty years, yet is garnering little notice.  The bird flu in China is something “people tend to forget about”.

People speculate on physics on “the other side of the ether”.  We have said that rather than being “negative space” it is in reality “lighter than zero” space, because we on this side – have this skewed view as to just what “zero” is.   People living in Regina, Canada may think they know how cold “zero” is and muse “ah – I can take that”.  But they are mistaken.  Because “zero” on the ordinary thermometer is by no means actually “zero” in absolute terms, and there IS an absolute zero, and as our theory goes there is “absolute” masslessness” to coin a new term.  Some people into particle subatomic physics may note that most of these subatomic particles have “partners’ or polar opposites.  Such a view may lead one to believe that there is a whole negative space world, with negative mass and negative energy and the whole shebang.  But they also tell you there is a bit of “a-symmotry” between the “other side” and this side.  For instance we have said that “Energy” per say “has no charge”.  (That’s another pun like the saying of ours that “Red Shift means  - - Retarded”.  One of those “convienient’ literal truths)  We would all like Free energy but of course that’s not what we’re referring to.  Einstein tells us that energy has - - wait for it - - Positive Mass.  This is to say that when the binding force or “Strong Force” as the experts call it (literally, that’s it name) - - anyhow - - Energy caused by this fission of the Atom is released - - and Lots of it.  You know that.  But on the “other side” doing exactly the same thing to matter there would expend - - “lots and lots of energy”.  Also here we say that people “see” when light hits the eye.  But what would a world be like if as the superstition of old holds that “there is this ray coming from the Eye that enables you to see” kind of like Superman’s X Ray vision.  We already told you that refraction of light laws would be reversed with the more dense (?) of what we would call substances- - actually De-Creasing rather than Increasing the level of refraction.   But if there is a “You” on this “other side” (what we have referred to as the Super Self) then is there any physical synchronicity between these two polar halves.  You see we still don’t know what the “physics” of what we call the Human Will is.  We know it exists but we don’t know HOW it exists or HOW this thing we can’t measure under any sort of known lab conditions this side of the void- - can have such a powerful effect on all of Creation.   Consider this one as far as word definitions go.  We know that hyperbolas - - are entities that are Affected by things - - but they go on and on.  Circles are things that “sequester” things such as time and space.  As John Lennon said in a song “Who are You - - nobody knows but You”.  Your “soul” in this realm is thus “sequestered”.  What if this sequestering phenomenon is absent in that other world?   Lennon coined another phrase of “sharing each other’s Minds”, and for those of you who have seen “Beneathe the planet of the apes” you know that telepathic communication is a fear, even if possible, would just be too psychologically taxing for we humans to endure.  But am I then agreeing with Wayne Dyre that "our Minds control our Destinies"?  No.  Because there are more "other people out there" and only one of each of us.  If they want to they can out vote us Any Time.  Dyre makes the same logical mistake the Born Again Christians make in thinking that "circumstances" don't make nine tenths of the battle as surely as "binding force of the atom" makes up ninety percent of its Mass.  In other words - - for those who say "Circumstances don't matter"  - - well - - They Lied!  (Selah)   People in the words of Newton "are standing on the shoulders of that Giant we call - Circumstance.  (Selah)  Hyperbolas are “aware” and affected by other Things.  But the circle is a thing which Captures things.  One sublime truth Bhudda taught - - and Jesus too (and one I have been loathe to accept) , actually - - is that if you Want - - or are Attracted to something - - the more you Want or are Attracted to it - - is the more, not the power you have over IT, but rather, the more power IT has over You!  When a Despot "wants" something - - he Sheds all Other Aspects of his Humanity - - that is not a part of Wanting that Thing.  (Selah)  Once you “Circle” something- - in purely astro-physics terms - - you don’t Own and Control It - - - but rather IT wholly Owns and Controls You.  (Selah)

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