Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Captive Women of Cleveland

We don’t know if the Cleveland police department is incompetent or not.  In the case of the Castro brothers and the three women - -you have three different calls to the police for some suspicious disturbance, and the police investigate and walk around the house and see nothing and leave.  Only one of the Castro brothers was charged in this case and that was just with four counts of false imprisonment or whatever.  I guess they don’t have a charge for “ten years of sheer torture”.  The moral of the whole Cleveland is that “stuff happens- - and a lot of the time it Keeps going on that way a really long time, and you can’t do a thing about it”.   This Castro brother had a wife whom he beat and broke her nose twice, and raped, and did time for battery, but his three kids are messed up.  The son does these little college reports where he doesn’t have a clue about what his father is like.  The younger sister was actually the last individual to see Gina de Jesus alive- - and de Jesus gave her fifty cents to call her Mom, and so she didn’t have the money for bus fare, and was abducted not a half block from that very spot.  Meanwhile the older daughter had a child of her own- - and slit her own eleven month baby’s throat.  She’s doing 25 years for that now, and once tried to take her own life.  (Who stop her?)  But then there is this whole other case called the Antony soul case.   This guy beat, choked, and raped women.  He had previously spent fifteen years in prison.  When police entered this guy’s house there were nine bodies in there.  People complained of the horrible smell and he just said “It’s because my mother in law is living here”.  One woman escaped after seeing a severed head in a bucket and a headless body in the bathtub.   I don’t know.  I guess they need to do a whole TV series called “The Captive Women of Cleveland”.  Someone could get awfully rich on this idea.

Now the news is that the leading cause of sudden infant baby deaths is not from abuse or accidental poisoning, but merely from “wanting to make the baby comfortable” putting him to bed.  Parents snuggle with their babies and fall asleep and when they awake, they have a dead infant on their hands.  They say to always put the baby to bed on its back, and try to maintain a relatively Spartan environment in the crib, without excessive toys and blankets.  Because they claim that for very young infants they are “unable to get the heavy blanks off of them”.

Last weekend there were two frat parties around the USC campus.  One of them was Black and the other was white.  Apparently there were complaints of general noise in the area and the police were called.  They told the roudy white party to “go in and stay indoors and you’ll be safe”.  Then they turned their attention to the Black gathering where batons were swinging and the Black patrons saw some obvious racism, or “racial profiling’ as they politely call it now.  Mario took exception to what the cops did.  One other unfair thing was this label this Charles Russel guy got for saying to the press that “I knew there were problems in that Castro house (in Cleveland) when a pretty White woman runs for help into the arms of a Black man”.  The remark showed a general lack of fermiliarity in dealing with the public, but I would by no means fault him for it.  He was speaking what he knew.

There is a new Pew research center report that says that homicides by firearms are down fifty percent or something in the past thirty years.  This obviously flies in the face of the hand wringers who way that gun violence has exploded since gun laws were made more lax.  Just between you and me, I don’t like it when either side lies to me.  It looks as if the battle for gun restriction is lost for at least another four years till Hillary becomes President.  She is a more competent leader than Obama could ever be, and perhaps she can get things done.   James Fisher was going into more detail with Joe about the various guns he used while in the Army than I’d ever heard him say before.  It’s interesting how even mild mannered people have “a past”.  You have Viet Nam vets living right here that don’t exactly fit the stereotypical model.

Flash:  One normally exclusive homosexual reports, "I never felt I could be satisfied by a woman but I found that having sex with Samantha Brady was just like having sex with a guy.  She's just as crude, and tactless, and rough, and impulsive - all the things I love about sex.  She even gets off fanticizing about various crimes of murder she's contemplating, while having sex.  It's great!"

In terms of the soap opera E J stated that Samantha is one who “Loves fiercely”.  That’s way of putting it.  She’s as impulsive as a firecracker with a short fuse, and she one of the most practiced, accomplished liars I’ve ever come across, and also a first class hypocrite besides.  Even Samantha in her hyped up state with testicles the size of billiard balls, can’t believe that some cop is going to be more afraid of her than he’s going to be afraid of Stephano Di Mira.  The idea of risking a scene in public with one of Salem’s finest is downright suicidal.  But when Samantha sets her mind on something she throws caution to the wind.  She fixates on the one thing she wants and all else be damned.  About ten years ago, Jack and Jennifer had J J - - who was an infant they never showed on the show at all.  This "J J" was a pure phantom.  Now he's home from college just like everything is normal.  How queer it is that Brady, the groom in waiting, would find his bride to be in the secret room where his mother was tortured and almost killed- - with his father, John Black - - and some souveniers from a wedding fifteen years ago that never took place - - and you know neither will be able to explain why they are there.  All three score a hundred percent on the idiot scale here.

In so many ways we have made zero progress in science in some areas, such as alternative energy sources.  Solar cells seem to be no more efficient or practical than they were in the earliest days of satellites.  Space travel is still enomously inefficient because we still use these huge multi stage rockets that gobble up all sorts of fuel at enormous weight and cost, to launch a little itty bitty satellite or space craft the size of a bucket.  We are still at the whims of celestial mechinics, and thank God we are, because speeds haven’t increased zippidy-doo-dah in the past fifty years, and today’s interplanetary probes take just as long to reach their destinations as they did then.  Wind turbines still seem as impractical as they ever were.  And Judy as a doom and gloom prophet of “these things will never pan out” doesn’t seem far off the mark.  Ethanol development was a complete bust and actually COSTS energy- - and the bogus nature of this approach has been exposed.  Inter stellar even to close stars is still completely out of the question.  And even were we to by some miracle solve the fuel problem, the forces of G acceleration force would still pose “limitations”.  And remember whatever you do - - you have to go through this G’s process four times during your trip - - launch - - and when you arrive at your destination and also upon reentry to earth environment.  Few people would want to enlist for a trip even at the speed of light which would take twelve years- - one way!  Not to mention the utter improbability of scheduling for instance a “thirty year mission” when governments have trouble adopting a budget for just one year.  Uncle Bob was supposedly an expert on meteorology and yet most all of what I know about meteorology comes from these TV weathermen.  And George Fishbeck was the first one forty years ago to attempt to educate the public on the rudaments of weather forecasting.  And there is no need to tell you that research into the psychic phenomena field has gone nowhere in the past forty plus years.

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