Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Black Snake Militia Plot Foiled by Feds

Randy Rhodes wants to know if FOX is going to cover this story.  Apparently there was a major conspiracy to over the government bust by the Feds of an outfit in Minisota called the “Black Snake Militia” or the BSM for short.  It’s a cult or whatever of 73 members that believes in the same old clap trap about how “The Government is the enemy” and apparently they were trying to blow up a Police Station or whatever.   Buford Buckey Rogers was arrested and when the Feds checked out his trailor there was a major cache of illegal weapons and over sixty bombs of several different types- - pipe bombs – bombs with nails in them- - and various explosives that were so unstable the authorities had to take it to a safe place to detonate it.  His father who has a classic hick accent- - was interviewed and says he and his son and all the others aren’t patrients.  It seems that Buford Buckey Rogers is an ex felon and therefore not allowed to have ANY weapons.  Randy Rhodes wonder is there is a new strain of insanity like bird flu, that is spreading all throughout the ranks of the right wing.  It seems that Senator Inhoff has introduced a bill or something that the Federal Government has to ask their permission to even buy ammunition because “The federal government under Obama has bought up all of the excess ammunition” when the truth of course is that these fringe groups buy out the amo shops in the first ten minutes so it’s sold out for us ordinary gun folk.  And all of the insane people were not even at the NRA on Saturday because the Texas legislature just passed some nullification bill against the Affordable Care Act- - as other southern states have apparently been doing.  So after a hundred and sixty years “The doctrine of Nullification is back”.  Yeah.  And of course the Texas legislature also passed a bill making concealed weapons permits a whole lot easier to obtain by cutting the required hours of gun training way back.  Go figure.

The AF officer in charge of sexual harassment was himself guilty of raping women.  As you know you give up your “civil” rights once in the military and so are at the caprice of their court system whether you either are prosecuted, or have someone prosecute on your behalf.  And so it’s the superior officer who has to register a complaint in any rape case.  And according to a lot of people Officers in the military are reluctant to do this but would rather just reassign one or both of the parties in question, or else somehow nail the rape Victim with some sort of hysteria or mental illness diagnosis and boot her out of the service with a General Discharge.  I know about these because that's what Dad got for the still somewhat mysterious circumstances surrounding his premature exiting of the service.

Amanda Berry and two other women were abducted by three brothers aged 54, 52, and 51 in Cleveland.   Amanda Berry was the one who managed to finally escape when she got the neighbor’s attention that she was trapped in the house and couldn’t get out and then called 911.   She and the other two women were medically checked out and pronounced reasonably healthy, if under-weight.  She had been held captive in a Cleveland neighborhood for ten years from 2003 to yesterday.  Three women were kidnapped separately over a period of years and yet were found living together in the same house yesterday.  The other two women were Michelle Knight , who was abducted at age twenty in 2001 and Gina de Jesus, who was abducted as she walked home from school in 2004.  Oddly enough the son of one of the abductors was doing a report for school where he noted the change for the adverse in the neighborhood after the 2004 abduction.  Amanda Berry posters were still all around town after ten years, because they never gave up hope.  Amanda Berry has a six year old daughter, which most likely was fathered I imagine this item will dominate the news for the next several days as everybody “weighs in” with their opinion on this event.

It was Law and Order SVU on KCOP.  It was another of these cases where the assault on women’s bodies comes from the legal establishment.  These NY cops botch their rape cases.  One woman was raped again by the same suspect, and this cop didn’t believe her report because “no woman is ever raped twice by the same suspect”.  But this woman was not only raped twice but three times by the same suspected over a period of weeks.  When it came time for her to testify in court she already had said “He’ll just get another piece of me at that time” and so she committed suicide rather than put herself through that.  They found her dead in the bathtub with blood everywhere.  So with that witness gone- - they want to instead violate another woman.  She reported being once.  But Law enforcement had this elaborate theory she’d been raped twice and even proposed a date, and it was the date she conceived her child she’d been trying to have by artificial means.  They were so obsessed with the notion that the rapist was the father of her child they demanded she submit to amneo sentesus, a risky procedure for the baby, or else be thrown in jail for “obstruction of justice”.  Oh yeah, jail is a really healthy place to raise a child, and for a woman already on the emotional ragged edge, who’s already been raped twice. This show violated my sensabilities on a whole lot of levels.  If there are so many victims of this one rapist- why not “go after’ one of the other victums?

 Yesterday at two I watched the Dr. Oz show and Dr. Oz talked about the five worst habits his fans have.  The first was yo yo dieting, which is apparently bad for the heart and raises both cholesterol and the chance of having a major heart attack if you do it five times or more.  Smoking, interestingly enough, was not on the list, but even minor drinking was.  It seems no woman should ever consume more than four four ounce glasses of wine per week.  And they say of course it would be a disaster if you consumed all - - sixteen ounces - - in one night.  Pretty much they want you to be a tea tottler except for special occasions.  The next one was being out in the sun too much.  This one has become an obsessive fettish as witnessed by all the palid, unhealthy bodies you see out and about.  Then we have not enough sleep.  Because five hours sleep night after night messes with your immune system and he had this demonstration of popping balloons.  And of course you know that sugar had to be on the list.  For this one he had a little pyrotechnics and showing how fireworks going off in your body systematically destroy it- - - as though sugar were like lead or mercury.   Speaking of lead- - then had a thing with Bones in the evening where this dancer’s hovering mother worked with lead in dyes for outfits because as you know lead in paint is useful.  They said “The victim had lead- - but what killed them was a broken neck, so that the killer was probably incompent to know how much lead it took”. 

Yesterday before three I turned on the computer and watched fifteen minutes of Glen Beck’s speech to the NRA, which was rambling and disassociative.  He began talking about “cold dead hands” and the human heart and generosity – and Ghandi and Martin Luther King and naked hippies.  If he really meant half of that stuff he said you’d have thought he had a liberal inclination or two in his nature.  But of course he doesn’t.  Politicians love to put on an act.  Governor Chris Christie tried to have us to believe he was a “liberated fat man” who didn’t care about his weight and didn’t let others push him around with their wagging fingers of intimidation.  I admired him for that.  But it’s all an act.  Even as he did this one TV show where he pulled a donut out of his pocket and ate it on the air- - he had just had lap band surgery and now they say that Christie is losing weight so he can be acceptable to the American people to run for President in 2016.  Christie got in trouble with PITA for just killing a spider before kids.  In other NRA speeches- - Ted Cruise is not the blithering idiot liberals have portrayed him as.  Actually there is a lot of rationality to the constitutional rhetoric Cruise was using.  The problem is that although his speech is dressed up to sound rational and “proper” deep down he’s really a fringe whacko.  Then they had Wayne La Pierre.  I didn’t listen to his entire speech but turned away when he asked for all the police officers to stand up.  There is a new slam-phrase in this gathering.  They have fixed on the term of “first responders” as something we citizens should be, rather than the police.  The police are only our “back-up” supposing I  guess, if we botch the taking down of the suspect, then the police will come to clean up the mess and sort it out.  I also caught a couple of minutes of Rick Perry and bagged a photo of him for my files.

It’s twelve to seven and they are talking about limozine party where the bride and her girlfriends were out for a night on the town crossing the San Mateo Bridge.  The problem seems to be that the flames and smoke were well evident and people were complaining of smoke.  The limozine was one over its limit of eight.  The driver was finally perswaded to stop and let them out but precious seconds were wasted and the limozine exploded or something and five of the party were killed outright.  But it seems as if there is enough evidence to bring the limo driver up on charges of neglegence, if not worse, because as far as I can glean from every report- - he was not forthcoming in assisting the women in exiting the limozine once danger was clearly apparent.  In fact from what the women say there were these "child proof locks' on the doors where they could not get out.  I tend to be a little like Stephanie Miller in that at times I am a tad clostraphobic.  I always like to make sure I never get myself in a situation where I can become locked in or otherwise physically trapped.  I don't think Most of us even contemplate some flook accident like this even happening.  Perhaps they ought to interview the maintenance guys- - if it was some kind of electrical fire.

They are showing these “I Ate the Bones!” commercials for KF C.  In what seems like another ABC news advertisement, Taco Bell will be unleashing their dollar menu blitz in a few days, in hopes of getting people in the door to buy pricier items.  But we are reminded that if you get too much of a reputation for selling bargain food, your reputation is tainted in the “elite” category you are on.  For instance the Olive Garden has to be careful with their “Buy one meal and take a whole other meal home” deal.  [material left out]  Last night it was the ABC game shows and then an exceedingly confrontational “Cops” where this woman minding her own business on a public street gets jumped by several police officers and is taken in for suspicion of being a prostitute.  At nine it was “Fringe”.  In the morning I got up after six and bought one cigarette from Richard, and later he lent me another before breakfast.  I had the “Today” show on.  We had hot cereal again for breakfast with the usual fried egg and dry toast served at nearly eight.  However Loretta gave me her (cold) toast with two butter pats I used.  Meet the Press was useful and informative.  “Face The Nation” doesn’t start till eight thirty now and it’s only a half hour ending at nine.  Bengazi seems to be back in the news.  Now there is an agreement that these UN and other Obama administration people misspoke when they said that the uprising last 9 – 11 was “strictly spontaneous” based on that anti Islamic film.  It was indeed a bad lapse in judgement on all of them that they’d all go out on a limb and say this considering the way the Romney campaign was so able to exploit in the debates and elsewhere.  Now congress is going to revisit this whole investigation.

And here is the brief "tip of the hat" to the Other Side.  Stu Baby reminded me that the little treaties on "averice" was spoken in error.  "The logic you used demeans yourself, and also unduly exaults those would mis-identify Wealth.  For some wealth would be a big bowl of pork and beans after you haven't eaten in days".  Stu went on to say "Do you think Mitt Romney suffered personally because he "consumed" all of those corporations and drove them Under and put all of their workers on the unemployment line?  Not on your life.  Clearly it comes down to mass and gravity."    The image came to me today about "suppose the Church was the bride of Christ".  If you want to engage in that form of Ezekiel type imigry - - then the Bride of Christ would be filthy rich and never misses a moment to flaunt her attributes to one and all.  She's be the one at the party with the four inch steletto heels and wearing all of the gold spangles and jewelery- - and the boostiees - - and all of the heavy eye make-up and in fact is so veiled a "painted lady" you can't really say for sure what she'd look like if she took it off.  And in fact she's be the one at the party where if her husband walked in the door she might recognize him on sight since it's been so long since she's even seen him, let alone talked.

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