Wednesday, February 06, 2013

His Problem is - He Just Never Grew - -

The Utilitarian in my marvels at certain stories I see on TV.  Like when they talk about all the time per year that's just wasted in Freeway commutes- - like thirty minutes turns into ninety minutes or longer in various Washington DC commutes.  Just think of all the business hours wasted- - for all the gasoline being consumer just in an idling engine sitting in traffic that is not moving.  Obviously we need some sort of more efficient transport like a monorail to move that volume of people more quickly rather than just have one person trapped in a heavy steel cacoon for hours on end.  But Judy believes that federal aid to railroads is some "conspiracy" to manipulate our travel and living habits.  Of course if you say there is no more Saturday mail; Judy would say "Well this just proves my basic point that Government is Broken.  Government Doesn't Work".  Of course you can still go to the PO box and collect your mail on a Saturday because all the mailman has to do is fill each of the centrally located boxes without all that traveling around from house to house.  Still if something is more efficient- - you'll hear cries of "socialism" or "that sounds like Communist China or something".  Just think of all of the hours wasted in the agrigate just sitting and waiting for breakfast to be delivered around here, which has gotten so slow.  Even if Green Harbor hadn't closed down in August of 2005 I might well have quit going because Computer Programming was a more productive use of my time than the intermidable waiting periods they have there.  Sometimes it's more efficient for a small nation to just hire out a private Army - - or secure an agreement with a Foreign Power to provide your Defenses - - rather than burden your tax payers with your own program.  After all you don't want to take over the World like that other nation over there- - - uh - - the United States of America.  No.  You just want to live securely within your borders.  You want to own a gun for your own protection.  But you aren't planning on reenacting the plot of the movie "Red Dawn" with your weapon.  Some say that gay marriage is an abomonitation because there are never any Children produced by that Union.  I guess in this age of Over Population - - is that really a bad thing?  Why shouldn't the Military branches offer some sort of meditation or yoga or whatever - - to keep their troops mentally calm and collected and fixed on their mission?  People who are inherently "anti efficiency" will say "You shouldn't use an Eastern Religion to make them more efficient killing machines".  Others will say "Eastern religions has no place at all in our Christian military.  Religion isn't something you USE to live your OWN better life. Everybody knows religions purpose is the serve God or the Pope or whoever is in charge!"

There are times when I invision my blogs being more like George Washington’s blog.  But the thing is there is a derth of hard news- - and Washington’s loves to drown you in a minutia of details- - which often is not the point I wish to convey.  There has been news on the radio and let’s just hit these stories right now.  There is some new report saying that Drone flights are OK and ethically not a problem.  It seems that we have accepted the fact that the CIA can “take out” anybody they so desire, but that person isn’t eliminated from consideration merely be being an American Citizen.  That’s apparently no defense in War Time, and of course “we are always at war”.  The Obama administration is increasingly using Arguments put forth by the far right about how “Wars aren’t like they used to be and there are no “legitimate’ nations any more but merely Rebels that need to be eliminated, without benefit of court trial, even if they are Americans.  It is pointed out that Drones are a more efficient and arguably humane way to conduct a War than enlisting and engaging all these “boots on the ground” many of which return with PTSD or what have you.  Then they go into a Texas shooting gallery and shot a Navy Seal at point blank range, killing him and then cop a plea.  Of course hopefully ALL veterans won’t be tainted with the stigma of PTSD as “ruint’ individuals and therefore you shouldn’t hire them.  A lot of veterans return from the service just fine.  But back to what I was saying - - “modern warfare from now on will consist of things like drone attacks - - where there is no danger of lives being lost due to the enemy firing back”.  What troubles me are two things.  First of all there is collateral damage where innocent civilians are killed, all as part of some vendetta.  The next is this slippery slope line of reasoning.  We say that US citizens are denied habious corpus and a trial “Because of the mere seriousness of the charge” kind of like Mc Carthyism.  But how is that different from King Henry VIII issuing some edict against a certain kind of Herecy or something- - and “because of the seriousness of the charge- - the individual merits instant Death without the usual niceties of English common law as they existed back then.   But many admire President Obama for using drones because he is “being smarter’ now and “getting things done efficiently” and he “has gotten his mojo back”.  What struck me is that the more success this President has with Drones, the more likely he will come under attack from the Tea Party right- - BECAUSE of the mere fact that this Black President has success in foreign policy.  Sometimes people don’t want you to do something because they fear it actually WILL work.  I told you about a method I had of discussing family disputes in the fall of 1968 that maybe I got from Dr. Cotter my psychiatrist.  We tried it exactly once- - and it was quite successful.  The mere success of it insured it would never be used again.  We are talking about the deficet and the national debt.  To get the deficet under control we'll have to follow through on defense cuts so they "do their part" along with all the others including the poor.  Even though we don't NEED to spend the money on defence we have been - - the mere Prospect of Success of deficet reduction makes the Tea party want to remain true to their pledge to "make Obama a one term President, even though that ship has already Sailed.  That's how desperate the right wing is.  They are still fighting the last election the same way southerners are still fighting the Civil War.  Some have gone so far as to suggest that straight people are Against- - - gay marriage BECAUSE they darkly suspect that these marriages will be MORE successful than heterosexual marriages in terms of divorce rate.  I have heard strong evidence to the contrary from people like Dennis Prager, who says - - - wait a minute.  Am I listening to myself?  Dennis Preger.  I’m listening to anything HE says???   Personally I don’t have a problem with either multiple punctuations or all raised capitals.  But it seems to set some people off. 

Now they are saying that alcohol like vodka mixed with diet sodas, will get you drunker than the same amount of vodka mixed with sugar.  So we have an identical amount of alcohol and an identical amount of liquid, and the only variable is the presence or absence of sugar.  I guess I have my doubts diet drinks will get you drunker.  By the mere reason that if it were true they would have discovered that a long time ago like forty years ago.  There was something in the news about how one in seven individuals are “borderline sociopaths” because they are unable to relate to anybody else’s feelings besides their own.  I know what Judy would say to this.  She would say “Of course the government is inventing new mental illness to taint the people with because this is the governments way of controlling the population and weeding out people who may have “discovered the truth about how the government is conspiring against us”.  As a liberal I’m always growing and learning.  But I see people like Dr. Levy.  They’re kind of one trick ponies.  They come up with all this pie in the sky rhetoric about whatever.  And it’s like the next time you see them (with weeks off or whatever) it’s like the previous week’s conversation never took place and they are saying the same whole thing over again- - like a Christian evangelical sermon or something.  These people “don’t grow”.  I guess I find people who don’t grow a discouragement.   But I guess you don’t have fears of speaking before the public even if you don’t know what you’re talking about- - just as long as your audience never discovers that fact.  On the subject of economics- - there is this “comparative crap” just like they used to do with “comparative religions’ like Justin Martyr comparing Greek thought to ancient Judaism.  The whole line of dialog is cherry picking reality to the max with bogus examples.  But think about it.  I can lecture a crowd on why the automobile is a better and more efficient mode of transportation than the horse.  So, uh, like, what else is new?  But the question is if I have something mechanically wrong with my car am I going to Dr. Levy’s to fix it and under cut all the repair shop estamates I’ve gotten?  Hell no.  It’s like economics.  Maybe if you race cars or live and breathe cars- - you may not have a degree in organic chemistry or torque physics with all the math formulas broken down nice and neat - or metalergy molecular structure.  But you know cars, that’s for sure.  How to race them and how to soup them up to run better.  There is this little thing called “Experience” that Dr. Levy (or Mitt Romney for that matter) has never had as a businessman, making a product.  Besides to extend the analogy further- - just because I believe the automobile is better than a horse- - I’m not going on a campaign to shoot horses- or anything I vaguely believe is a horse by another disguise.

Some people are just brighter bulbs than others.  Some can see things at the drop of a hat that others take a long time to figure out - if they ever do.  For instance if I have a prisom 3D shape and I cut it right in half - - are both halves equal to each other in Volume?  I see it.  Let me add just a little "challenge' to our example for all of the "mentally challenged".  Suppose you make the slice diagonally from the upper left apex of the prisom to the line at the lower right of the base of the prisom.  This would divide the prisom not into to two prisoms but two tetra-hedens.  Some tea party people might say "That's not equal because you're taking away a lot more from the top than you are the base".  Yeah, for one of the halves, but not the Other one!  Because all of the specific dimensions are mirrored and congruant- and therefore the whole of it is.  Or take the example of me as a fifth grader and I'd cut accross this field as a short cut.  And I knew I could maximize my savings if I cut a 45 degree line right accross the middle, and I knew that the Ammount of savings would be the mid point of that diagonal line measured back to the apex of the street corner.  But I couldn't Prove it for a long time - - till I learned trigonometry and knew the savings was a .707 figure or that I only traveled 70.7% the distance.  But a lot of people not only refuse to believe in things they can't see (which is usually wise) so they won't believe Another's assertion till in their own Minds i't personally prooved to Them.  I told you that Ether space- - has no viscosity, and for you auto buffs you know that viscosity is an important motor oil measurement.  Viscosity is "resistance to movement through it".   In the world most of us know ether has no viscosity.  But then again in the world we live in - - we don't think of energy as posessing substance or mass.  Not all matter contains energy but all energy contains mass.  Something like a photon (called a lepton by some as a class of particles) they say lacks all mass "at rest", which strikes me as a strangely pre Newtonian term.  So only when a photon or electron is - "Moving" (presumably from a "fixed" point) is it said to have energy - - and hence mass.  So pure matter when it interracts with Ether has no viscosity.  But the Ether - - -  DOES exhibit viscosity with Energy.  Capish?  As far as I know - - light exists on both sides of the ether void.  However we only have space as we know it - - and hence distance - - hence speed - - hence energy - hence viscosity of ether - - on This side of the Void.  (I call ether the Void here but the term is more poetic than anything else)  Because over there Events rather than Space is the "coin of the realm".  And events break down into three classes with a clear methematical relation between them.  We have opportunities for events- - that may not even happen.  We have Attempts at events when permitted.(or more properly - when the subject is confident)  And we have the actual occurance of the Events.  themselves.  Some of you are asking yourselves - - -  does "attempting' something have some sort of physical manifestation in Some world?  Have you ever thought what a space alien or better yet a really smart computer - or perhaps programmed android - - would make of some seemingly "invisable force" causing these Things or entities to "Move" themselves?  How to you Make these- - Things we called Living- - - locomote themselves?  And this android would then say "There has to be some Force within them that is Controling them - - and Making them locomote.  Remember when we talked about "quarks" that "mirrored" each other?  Others may say "It's some sort of optical reflection or illusion in our observatio in the lab.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Some say positrons don't exist.  Maybe they are a measurement illusion and they really don't "mirror" electrons in movement in an oposite way caused by a common force.  Here is what I am driving at.  We don't know what controls the actions of the Living or some would say Sensient.  What if you could reduce what controls what we for lack of a better word call the Will or Intent - - and reduce that to a force?  "Why that would be positively de-humanizing".  Perhaps.  So what do you See in that world.  You see events and you see opportunities - - as "physical things" and you even can see other's Intent- - just like those brain scans they've been experimenting with where the chemistry of the brain alters once it's made a decision to exicute an action.  Capish?  Remember in the Bible I spoke of the line that goes "I gave you Space to repent".  So just what is Space?  Space as a metaphor can be valuable.  You may be fermiliar with those slide red and white numbered squares that go up to sixteen and you set about to arrange them in order, or a checkboard pattern or what have you.  Have you ever tried it with just Nine?  It's one hell of a lot harder to work - - isn't it?  You just find yourself continually "outsmarted by circumstance" and have no opportunity to maneuver.  It's this "opportunity to maneuver" that constitutes the Space alluded to in this Bible line- - more in fact than even Time itself.  A chess game is not Timed.  You have all the Time - - you need to make your next move.  What you need is Something Else.  You need the space to logistically plan things out.  The more space you control the more freedom you have.  In a traditional tarrot card spread they do the ten card spread with what is to your left and to your right, and in front of you and above and below you and all that.  What "crosses" you.  Even what is behind you can be relevent if indeed Retreat is "your next move".  Capish?  When you do all of this- - the fact that ether is heavier than you are is of no concern.  Because since there is no space as you know it there is no motion of energy - - and hence no viscosity to worry about.  The thing is- - the potential Event that doesn't happen - - IS your "space".  It's blank- - or as they say in electronic lingo - - Open - - or as they say in computer lingo - - cleared - -  and not Set or Closed.  OK folks, I'm missing Randi Rhodes now so I'll quit.

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