Thursday, August 27, 2015

Dissimalarities between the Crash of 2008 and 2015

It seems as if economic Freedom is never voluntarily shared by the oppressor.  It must be demanded by the ones who are oppressed.  Many call that socialism but it's the system we had from 1935 to about 1981, and it worked.  My motto is, "If it works, don't fix it".  People saw the Wall Street demonstrations in the fall of 2011 not as a demand for ethical accountability, but it played in the media as a bunch of later day socialists just greedy to "tear the rich down".   Judy called it "The poor coveting what the rich have".  If it were such an important Christian doctrine it's funny how Jesus never taught it.  Clearly these people "trust in their riches" and that clearly is taught against all through the Bible.  But these people don't know what they want.  If you'd have asked the Romney campaign they'd have said no inflation and a forty dollar an oil price, and a stable gold price and a continually rising stock market and employment rate- - were just what the doctor ordered.  We were promised that under Romney.  And if he were President now he'd be taking credit for the economic progress we have had.  But what we have now is clearly strange.  There was another blog lamenting the strong US dollar now.  Yes, my friends, this is now a bad thing.  "As strong as a dollar" is no longer a complement but a curse.  The world is coming to an end because inflation is down and oil prices are at multi year lows, and gold is reasonable.  What is wrong with this picture?  One blog yesterday pointed out all the dissimilarities between this crash of 2015 and the market crash of 2008.  For one thing the “bag of tricks” the government used the last time, won’t work this time around.  So in a way things are worse now since the obvious things we won't do.  If we mandated overtime, employers would go out and hire on more people because it would be cheaper.  If the unearned income tax rate weren't so low, then companies would invest in new plant and equipment because that would be better for then AND the people they'd hire.  If we didn't reward the shipping of our jobs off to China and Vietnam, there would be more jobs here and fewer people on food stamps and welfare.  If the ECO's didn't have such a low tax rate now with their stock options and all- - the price of common stocks wouldn't be artificially inflated giving a totally deceptive picture of the strength, or lack of it, in this economy.  A strong dollar could be made even stronger if somehow interest rates were raised to make the US dollar an even better investment.  But today they are calling a strong US dollar and low petroleum prices as bad things and "destabelizing the world economy.  It's almost as if they are prepared to blame the next war on low oil prices.  Carley Feurina in a generally BAD speech did say ONE good thing.  She said "If you reward bad behavior than you'll only get MORE bad behavior.  And with Obama and the Republicans, we are seeing highly entrenched bad behavior.  But the solution is not that hard to implement.  But like Martin Luther King said "But the people have to demand it".   Sol Allinsky may or may not have been a socialist, but what he did was instruct the common people in the art of productive Protesting.  We need a whole lot more of that today.

 OK I have Norman Goldman on now.  There is a severe refugee problem in Germany and a few other countries such as Hungary.  People are emigrating from the old Yugoslavian region due to famine and oppression and lack of drinking water.  Norman says “It takes a lot of desperation for these people to pull up stakes and leave their homeland”.   Germany has a population of 82 million according to Norm, or just over a quarter of the population of the United States.  And yet Germany has just this year absorbed 800 thousand refugees.  And there is a lot of blow-back from the native population.  The US isn’t the only place where this is the case, and our problem is not nearly as severe as Germany per capita.  This is the ten year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s assault on the city of New Orleans where “Brownie” was commended by President Bush as having done a good job.  This fall is the turning point politically with me, when all of the torture in Iraq and also the illegal spying and all of that first came to light, which turned me once and for all against the Bush Administration.  It was also slowly dawning on me that the whole Iraq War might turn out to be a total waste.  As to New Orleans- - nobody handled that problem very well.  There was a lot of sheer whining on a Federal, State, and local levels where nobody seemed to want to take responsibility.  “Refuging” is the new word of the day.  (Drum roll)  I would remind you that the crisis of summer 2014 was from Central American nations with refugees only traveling through Mexico to get to the United States.  Mexico wouldn’t have them.

Now there are over a hundred “maternity motels” where these Chi Com women come to have babies.  It’s not a crime to do it, but if you instruct them to lie about their intensions or to be deceitful, then you are criminally liable.  According to the conservatives, the author of the fourteenth amendment says that “He never means the birthright amendment was ever meant to apply to foreigners.  I haven’t come up with a successful retort to that yet.  I hear stories about people being raised to be spies by emersing them in the culture of the United States and getting ordinary jobs to “infiltrate” but they are really loyal to the USSI or the Chi Coms or whoever.

Back when we were young, in the sixties there were PSA’s on television.  Public Service Announcements.  There were slogans “Only you can prevent forest fires” and there were other ads not to be a litter bug, and there were others telling us to “Drive defensively”.   But since TV stations are no longer required to serve in the public interest, we don’t have those any more.  But it would seem that playing regular anti firearms messages might make the point solidly.

It's been a long time since I've heard from the Federation or any of those dead rock stars I used to mention all the time.  If I knew what the deal was I'd tell you.  Maybe I'm not smoking cigarettes enough.  We know how I've cut back smoking with the worst personal financial drought- - perhaps ever in my life.

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