Friday, August 21, 2015

World Markets In Free-Fall Because of China

One gets a sense from the cooler weather of yesterday and today that summer is ending soon.  The evenings will start getting darker.   At the beginning of the summer if not late spring, I predicted that the stock markets would be in free fall much of the summer.  Up until the past few days- - not even the whole week- - it looked as if this prediction would be a failure.  But now we have fallen into the sixteen thousands on the DJI and for the first time since I gave my “sell” signal on January 14th you would have actually made, or rather preserved money if you took my advice.  The cause of “world markets collapsing” is fear that the nation of China is headed into a major depression, and also oil prices dipping briefly below forty dollars a barrel.  They say that gasoline prices may go down to two dollars a gallan but I bet not in California.  For some reason we pay a dollar more for gasoline out here than anywhere in the rest of the country.  People have been saying the economy is headed for a crash, and as the saying goes ‘Money knows’.  The fact that we at long last have broken out of a six plus month long trading range will itself generate more pessimism and induce others to sell their stocks as well- - and the thing will turn into a vicious circle after a while.   Nobody knows who will be elected President next November.  But there are an awful lot of really bad Republican candidates to pick from including Scott Walker and Donald Trump.   They think the key to - - someone’s - - happiness – is to screw the poor, hate Muslims and illegal aliens and kill as many Blacks on the street you can see- - and take down pension funds and labor unions.  I still haven’t figured out who this “They” is that’s going to be benefited by all of these measures, but we know they’re out there- - because all of the right wing propaganda is aimed at them.

Judy sent me something “Why the welfare state always fails”.  Since my family tried so hard to get me on welfare- - I can only assume then that my family wanted me to fail.  But the deductions made are downright stupid.  They likened a poor person or family on welfare as like a person with an unlimited travel expense account.  Judy would never attack the rich.  Judy thinks the rich walk on water and have no faults the way that- - people like me do.  Judy says people on welfare have no regard for the value of a dollar because they didn’t earn it.  But I have a reputation over the decades of being thrifty with a dollar if not downright tight.  Judy has to be on something awfully mind numbing to forget this obvious fact.  Even people who don’t have a job now- - most likely worked at some earlier point in their lives- - perhaps quite recently.  So they know and appreciate the value of a dollar.  And the point is that LBJ’s great society succeeded in getting people out of poverty including many poor whites.  Two repeated lies told by the right wing are that nobody but welfare cheats ever get money from the state.  And the other lie is that somehow people find it harder to get a job if they have money coming in to keep their car and buy a suit and get a haircut and fix themselves up and such.  But people like Judy will latch on to anything that will tickle their Scrooge funny bone, regardless of the merit.  Now we have the “Eight levels of control” by Saul Allinsky, who apparently wants a socialist state with all education and indoctrination controlled by the state and the complete elimination of Religion.  According to a source Judy sent me- - Saul Allinsky wants to increase taxes as high as possible, increase the federal debt as high as possible, and increase Poverty as high as possible because “Poor people are easier to control”.   These right wing people live in their own world!

The subject of “anchor babies” has come up lately.  I don’t like that term and I think this is the first time I have used it in my writings.  Jeb Bush and Donald Trump had an argument yesterday on anchor babies, or children born in this country whose parents are not legal American citizens.   Both with the case of Marco Rubio and “Piushe” Jindell - - neither parent of either child was a US citizen at the time their babies were born on American soil.  Piushe Jindell was conceived in India and came to this country in-utero.  Donald Trump would have it that your parents have to be citizens in order for kids born on US soil to be a citizen.  But of course we have “Raphael Cruz” who was born in Canada and his father is Cuban.  Donald Trump thinks this whole campaign is a giant game show and he’s just playing for ratings and shock value.

How many times has the “Second in command in the Islamic community” been killed?  That’s an awful lot of seconds.  Well, here is another one.  The second-in-command of the Islamic State militant group was killed during a U.S. air strike in Iraq on Tuesday, the White House said on Friday, dealing a blow to the group that has sought to form a caliphate across the Muslim world.   "Fadhil Ahmad al-Hayali, also known as Hajji Mutazz ... was killed in a U.S. military air strike on August 18 while traveling in a vehicle near Mosul, Iraq, along with an ISIL media operative known as Abu Abdullah," White House spokesman Ned Price said in a statement.  "(His) death will adversely impact ISIL's operations given that his influence spanned ISIL's finance, media, operations, and logistics," Price said, referring to the group by an acronym.  The White House said the dead leader was a "primary coordinator" for moving weapons, explosives, vehicles, and people between Iraq and Syria. He was in charge of operations inIraq and helped plan the group's offensive in Mosul in June of last year.

Carley Feurina gave a speech at the Reagan library recently and it's billed as a FANTASTIC speech.  But I would say- - fantastically awful.  There is more power mad demogogary in this speech as to look Donald Trump look puny.  My only question is "When do I get to hear this speech in the original German", because it sure as hell had a Hitleresque ring to it all the way through.  There were a lot of "I" sentenses, as in "I am the Greatest" and "Basically I am the only person qualified to be President".  There was an attack on the sequester that she blames on "Washington" rather than Rep John Boehner, who crammed this measure down the President's throat.  So blame the shrinking military on John Boehner.  The rest of the world will be made aware that the United States has the biggest most powerful military in the world- - and this fact will be unquestioned by anybody.   She did say one line that could be applied to Trump however.  She said "Rewarding bad behavior only spawns more bad behavior"  (Selah)

I watched “Ring of Fire” for the entire segment of August 18th.  They had Scott Walker as a tool of ALEC, which is of course the American Legislative Exchange Council.  This guy is dangerous and has been his whole life.  In reality Clyde Weston symbolizes this ‘dangerous” type of person who manages to skirt the law so that even the police are afraid of even investigating him.  Yet he gets more blatant with each passing day.  This is what the Koch Brothers and ALEC do.  If anyone twenty years ago had spoken of pre packaged legislation that’s passed out to maybe fifteen red states for all of them to fast track it through their legislatures and rubber stamp it- - and nobody would raise charges of graft and corruption, I’d have thought you were crazy.  “We don’t do things like that so blatant in America” with this pay to play thing.  Walker dropped out of college to become a crook.  He was personally groomed from that young age to be a mindless political lackey.  The rich wine and dine these nobodies giving them dreams of being “somebody” one day soon.  Then there was the drug “invocana”, which is a diabetes drug that’s always bothered me with their ads, and the mounds of side effects amd medical warnings and stipulations.  They had a segment on Gov Rick Scott of Florida, and spoke of spying by the NSA.   People forget that American citizens to hide- - everything or nothing at all.  But they still have the right to their privacy.

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