Thursday, January 28, 2016

Trump Is Afraid Of Little Girls!

Sanders isn't afraid to take on any and all comers

I turned on the computer and watched about ten minutes of Rand Paul giving a half hour speech to a younger audience.  He wants us to know he’s really big on liberty.  I like the idea of “liberty” if it’s truly Christian, moral liberty- - and not this bullshit most Republicans refer to it as like the right to be bigoted and blow your neighbor’s brains out at the drop of a hat.  Rand Paul wants to safeguard the first ten amendments of the Constitution and so do I.  In a perfect world the second amendment wouldn’t bother me.  People would be morally restrained and civilized and know what to do with a gun.  This is not the country we live in where people develop whole arsenals with some fantasy of taking on the entire federal government and winning.  Rand Paul is doing it the right way.  He wants to be elected into power.   Rand Paul wants especially to safeguard the fourth amendment, and let’s not forget the first amendment.  Freedom of speech and of the press and assembly and religion is important, too.    Rand Paul mentioned the fifth and sixth amendments.  President Obama issued a preventative detention ruling where any American citizen could be rounded up and thrown into Guantanamo or something without charges and without a trial.   A few minutes to four I had Rand Paul on a little more.  I had forgotten that Marco Rubio endorsed bulk data collection and wants all our phone records.  This is an excellent reason not to vote for Rubio.  Nobody is talking about Rand Paul in Iowa but I would like to see him do well.  

Both Shawn Hannity and Norman Goldman talked about the upcoming Republican debate tonight on FOX in just a few minutes.  I hope I can get it.  Shawn and Rush lately have been trying hard to stay objective and not offend either side.  Norman had a few helpful insights on the matter.  Both Rush Limbaugh and Norman say “Donald Trump wants to punish FOX network for not showing him the respect he thinks is owed him.  It seems he’s hoping nobody will tune into the Debate tonight without him there.  I rather think the exact opposite will happen and more people than ever will tune into the debate, some even being attracted to the notion that Trump will NOT be there.  Trump sees himself as “controlling the media- - if he takes action or doesn’t take action or even in his sleep he can control it”.   I think Trump has lost touch with reality.  One caller asked if the Clintons and Trump have ever done business with one another.  If so I’d trust Donald over Goldman Sachs.  But they go to the same social events and the Clintons were invited to Trump’s third wedding, and they live in this same neighborhood- Chapiquah New York.  Norman is sticking to this idea that Trump only got in this race to destroy the Republican Party and that when (not if) Trump loses (to Hillary) Trump will write a book saying “I did it.  It was all a plot to take down the Republican party.  Donald Trump will be attending a Veterans benefit tonight and Mike Huckibee will also be at that function, which is well and good- - and I’m really not complaining.   

 Mike Huckibee was talking when I came in.  There was a political rally held in a pizza place in Aames, Iowa.  First it was the former liutennant governor of South Carolina, who was a young guy.  I had the Norman Goldman program on.  That Bundy crowd in the Oregon bird sanctuary got arrested, or at least half or so of them did.  One guy named LeVoy Finnigan or whoever – the loud mouth- - was shot and killed by FBI agents.  There are six witnesses who say he had his hands up at the time.  They decided to arrest them because they’re always going into down for supplies.  They’ve had free entry and exit all this time and nobody has tried to stop them.   If they want to wave a banner now that says “White Lives Matter”, I wouldn’t flame them a bit.  It’s a free country.

Paul called at 3:25 and I went down there ten minutes later and it was about a five minute wait.  I didn’t need a jacket beyond this heavy shirt because it was a warm day.  We signed in and went to Mom’s place.  [material deleted here]  There is this incident we’ve heard endlessly about Mom falling off her seat thing in the shower that wasn’t fastened down correctly.  It was determined that it was better for Mom to have an assistant shower her for a ten dollar fee each time.  That could get expensive.  What struck me about Mom’s shower is that it was not only small but - - dark.  We went down to dinner about four thirty because it had been open since 4:15.  I decided to have the catfish because I didn’t think I’d ever had it before.  But the flavor of it was familiar so they must have had it here.   Judy had the spareribs because she says she needs all that protein to ward off hypoglycemia.  I went to the salad bar but the only extras I put on it were beets and carrots.  There selection seemed smaller than last time and if I had seen crutons I’d have used them.  They didn’t have Russian dressing so I had blue cheese.  I also had a baked potato with sour cream and later, butter pats.  There was cauliflour and whipped squash.  We had a cream puff for dessert.  Apparently Dianne put in an appearance around here at Mom’s place.  She has put on a lot of weight and looks “matronly” and her breasts are saggy.  Tim has officially endorsed Sanders for President.  I need to write him.  Judy said that Sanders favors a tax rate of ninety percent.  Shawn claims to pay over sixty percent to Uncle Sam.  The conversation got bogged down in financial details after that.  Paul took out Mom’s copy of the Science and Technology book apparently Wendy gave us all copies of.  I was reading that.  There was also a financial report Paul handed to me to read.  Eventually we left and it wasn’t even yet seven.  Mom’s TV screen is only slightly larger than mine, yet it psychologically seems a lot bigger.  On the way home Judy went into a lecture about how she doesn’t want to be recessitated when she has a heart attack of something.  Paul and I said that we did.  The memory of how Dad died prematurely in that hospital is a little too fresh for us.  But Judy said if you’re a doctor you see all of the pain and discomfort a patient goes through.  I was dropped off here before seven and went about looking for cigarettes.  

We have some cosmic news.   I sent out an APB looking for information about what happened with Bones.  Even though he appeared Tuesday night and had remarks,  when I started asking him questions about stuff I was curious about he got a little defensive and he seemed more "serious" than normal.  From what I've been able to piece together is that Bones is rumored to be in the process of reincarnating into another body and therefore is not himself- - his "katra" is misplaced, to borrow from Star Trek.  There is a lot the Tacomans have it in for Bones and took away his media outlet and his power as a propagandist.  For that matter the old Sirius federation has had its autonomy reduced, though they are now telling me "Only so far as it pertains to Bones".   Bones to me denied he was in the process of reincarnating.  The buzz is that it's something that's out of control that he didn't choose.  That whole complex on Sirius A with the recording studio and everything else there- - Bones has been locked out of.   Bones wanted his own favorite group to be honored with a ZAC Tarrot card and it wasn't.   This rock group (which I first heard of in 1980) I am not allowed to mention but the rap by Mal Evans is that "They are a little dangerous being the Delphi group".   This would be the northern cross alias Signus the Swan alias the star Daneb or whatever.  If you think you see a hint, you may be right. 

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