Friday, January 29, 2016

Wind on the Water

James Connee or whoever head of the FBI says that Hillary Clinton and one other person will be indicted within the next few days.  The government released a lot of Hillary’s E mails today.  They were going to release them all but they all have not been cleared yet for classified information.   22 E mails are so highly classified that a lot of government officials can’t view them without elaborate protocols.   Shawn Hannity claimed on his show that this debate came in 3rd out of seven held so far for Republican candidates.  It could be argued that anything better than last place is a victory for FOX news.  Clearly the attendance number was “competitive”.    KEIB has a strange saying these days.  They say “Our conscious is as clear as Hillary’s server”.  That would imply if you think about it, that the management of KEIB has had a memory wipe and are now a bunch of zombies walking around incapable of moral judgement.   I guess I told you that the media cherry picked one poll out of four that came out that showed Bernie ahead in Iowa and the other three showed Hillary Clinton leading by nine points.   Not to ruffle Stephanie’s feathers any but I think it’s time to bring back the C word.   And that word is “crusade”.  We need to see the Bernie Sanders as a mighty moral crusade.  And we need to think more like the North Vietnamese communists- - who see it as a long term struggle and are not deturred in the least by an occasional set-back here and there.  We need to look at the overall forward momentum of the campaign.  And I think we are winning.  

Paul Kantner died yesterday of multiple organ failure at age 74.   This makes him years younger than Grace Slick.  There’s someone else who died in a lot of pain.  Kantner had a heart aback last March.   He was a co founder of the Jefferson Airplane but one thing I forget is although he and Grace Slick were married and had a child (named God) together that Kantner preceded Slick’s entry into the group.  Marty Balin was the founding member and Kantner was the first one he picked to join in August of 1965, kind of like John asking Paul to join the group.  Apparently the Jefferson Airplane were friends with the Doors and “The Doors” issued a statement on Kantner’s death.  Kantner is an Andromidan, or at least started out that way.   Marty Balin regards them as both Cosmic Pioneers.   Hexigram 29 in the I Ching “The abysmal water” with a six in sixth place could be translated either “raft on the water” or “wind on the water” or maybe raft with a sail on it.  It’s finding a vehical to gain safe passage through the perils of the Afterlife when your future is unknown.  I have applied this I Ching chapter and one moving line to either Kurt Cobain or Dennis Wilson. 

Daniel and Shane were in for Thom Hartman today.  Now a caller is speaking of a four way race between Michael Bloomberg and Donald Trump verses Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush.  Some of the clips of this debate showed an exercise in humorous remarks.    This is Friday January 29, 2016 with less than three days to go before I get paid.   It can be said that I’ve “saved” about twenty dollars from not going to the store this week.  

“From the mean streets of New York to the hills of LA, a voice is rising to serve justice”.  Note the bumper music.  That’s “Spirit of Radio”.  After all this time of speculation it will all become much clearer in just three days on Monday when actual votes start coming in.  Then with or without an additional Democratic debate next Thursday, will be the New Hampshire primary on the 8th and then South Carolina and then one month from next Monday on March first will be super Tuesday.   Last night’s debate came in sixth out of seven debates in terms of viewership.  Shawn Hannity had this debate pegged at third.  Who’s right?  Donald Trump is bragging that the numbers make him look good.  He says “I took a chance and didn’t know the end result but we went up in the polls”.   So will Donald Trump quit if he doesn’t win on Monday?   Stephanie was talking about parallel universes.   I’ve always speculated that the dreams we have are conscious memories from someone in a parrellel universe.  This conforms to the adage of me and Stu Baby that “Anything that CAN happen HAS happened in a parrellel Universe.  So we will all have our own “Malibu retreat” memories- - just like Brady in today’s soap opera.  Andre is sneaking around Hope’s house seeking vengeance and there is a dark part of me that hopes he succeeds.  Stu has a theory that he would not want to be brought back from death is he was a complete mental vegetable- - and had no mental capacity to do either a good or a bad deed.  But Stu says he doesn’t mind a little pain and says to me “Where there is a hard enough Will, there is Hope”.   Just as long as it isn’t Hope Brady.   Dr Ben Carson goofed up just once on the preamble to the constitution saying securing the benefits (rather than blessings) of liberty to ourselves and posterity.    Doesn’t the word “Blessings” imply some God, who gives it?  (Selah)

Richard Moore died today.  I found out from Paul and Nancy just this afternoon when the residents council meeting adjourned early.    People like Joe and I have known Richard for fourteen years.  He always had the same room number but had a host of roommates.   He was really skinny to the point of looking unhealthy, yet they say he had a good appetite.  He fell a couple weeks ago and then returned and had aged considerably and then went back to the hospital and we never heard another thing.  Everybody thought Richard was a nice guy.  People said he was still in his sixties though he looked older than that.  He didn’t age well.  He could always be counted on to make a good cigarette deal, and would walk a lot to buy things for other people.  He sure got a lot more exercise than I did.  But he had this eccentric side.  He would talk about multiple takes of movies using different actors and actresses-  and the studios would release only one of the movies - and would have all of these other stories and anicdotes and alluded to knowing people in the government, and in his own way I guess was a little reminiscent of Grandpa Simpson.   Glenda gave me a pack of cigarettes containing butts and she said “All of the butts in here were only smoked by me- - nobody else”. 

Wally says, "To get a good job you need the proper education and training, but in order to get that needed on the job training - you have to first have a job"  (Selah) 

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