Monday, June 27, 2016

Supreme Court Throws Out Texas Abortion Law

The Supreme Court on its final day handed down three rulings.  The first was involving that Texas abortion law where hospitals have to meet state medical standards.  This would cut down on the number of abortions.  It appears that the Courts even with Scelia still on the court would have ruled in favor of the abortion lobby.  Not because the law passed was unconstitutional but rather because the effect of this Texas law would be to drastically reduce the number of abortion clinics and make those women seeking abortions have to drive further, inconvienancing them.  The Court dismissed all corruption charges that Governor Mc Donald of Virginia was convicted on by a Federal court in 2014.  Once again there appears to be no legal basis for this decision except somehow Republicans think they should be able to get away with anything.  The third case was favorable.  They said that domestic abusers can be barred from owning firearms.  This ruling will save lives and it is a good thing.

Apparently Bernie Sanders was on some Sunday talk show saying that he had reconciled with Hillary.  Their corresponding delegates have come to an accord and are working together.  Apparently a fifteen percent hike in the minimum wage was approved as a plank.  Also there was talk about breaking up the big Wall Street banks and coming down hard on these Wall Street financiers.  On the negative side- - they are still allowing fracking.  Though according to Shawn Hannity- - they plan to come down hard on those corporations that are global warming deniers and who reject proven science.  It’s good they are working together.  Today Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton were campaigning together as if a sign of things to come, Vice President wise.  They were both wearing similar shades of blue with Warren just a bit more teal than Hillary.  They both had identical hair styles, and made the same gestures.  They looked like a natural team.  Perhaps this is to quelch the rumors that the two don’t get along together.   There was talk about coming down hard on Wall Street.  Hillary must have approved of the text.

David Swanson believes the US being a democracy is a joke because the people seldom get to vote on anything - certainly not any major issue such as going to war.  There have been studies that the rich people get their will enacted in congress fifty or sixty percent of the time, but for the lower class rest of us- - the percentage our will is enacted is about equal to random noise.  Such is the state of our politics.  Many if not the majority of European countries regard the United States as the biggest threat to world peace and security.  Many people are saying that the British Exit vote was really something so many European countries want to do.  But they do it because they feel the United States is the real power behind both NATO and the common market.  So Brussles is really a puppet government with the real power in Washington DC.  It's something to think about.

Donald Trump was down five points in one poll and twelve points in another poll and thirteen points in still another.  The Washington Post poll was the biggest news.  My feeling is that as relations continue to improve between Hillary Clinton and the progressive wing of the democratic party, the more Hillary’s numbers will rise.  However if you insert Gary Johnson and Jill Stein into the picture then Hillary leads by only a point.  The indication seems to be that Johnson must have a lot of support from progressives on the libertarian issues despite Johnson being right wing on other issues.  Jill Stein will understandably cut mostly into Hillary’s lead.  Trump won’t have much time for any Republican convention “bounce” in the polls because the two conventions are only a week apart.  Apparently both conventions plan to put a lot of big time rock stars up on stage making a superbowl production out of the thing more than it usually is.

It’s just after nine thirty on Monday June 27, 2016, Lottery Day.  I just reviewed my E mails and I last wrote Tim in April before today, which surprised me.  I didn’t know it had been over two months.  Tim called me up right after he received it.  He’s going on vacation in late July to Lake Tahoe and Reno to see a car show and visit Dana.  Then he’s going to North Carolina to see Bob [last name withheld] and take a train out of Williams, AZ to see the south rim of the Grand Canyon.  Tim gave me his views on the political situation and believes there won’t be a problem with disaffected Sanders voters.  Tim mentioned some Black lady on Mondays on KPFK and how the station is also doing its fund drive right now, so there is a regular epidemic of fund raising.  Tim mentioned that I don’t have a coffee maker any more when I brought up coffee.  Thom Hartman is on right now.  The British people are having buyer’s remorse right now with their vote to leave the European Union and want a voter do-over.  I don’t think they have do-overs in political campaigns.  Let me just add that everyone is saying that this vote of Britain on Thursday will help Trump because we too want to let lose our political rage at being ruled by a distant and unelected elite establish.  I'm not buying into this theory myself.  If we the American people get "buyers remorse" ourselves, only ahead of time the American public may get cold feet at wanting to take the political plunge with Trump.  Now they are referring to the exidus of many Republicans from supporting Trump as a "Trexit".  George Will and former Bush treasury secretary Poulson have come out against Trump and even tried and true Mike Lee on the Shawn Hannity program today had reservations about Trump and appeared to be rationalizing other Republicans' tepid feelings tword Trump.  I wasn’t in a verbal mood and might have had more to say if he’d caught me on another day.  Cigarettes have been generally hard to come by.  I haven’t seen the Rude Pundit on Stephanie in a while.  They are into their fourth week of fund raising.  But they’re only going to do it today and tomorrow.  It just seems to me that they shouldn't have such a piss poor financial base and if these Hollywood actors had any integrety they'd come through by kicking in a few million to eliminate this constant need to go for their financially impoverished viewers for money every few months.  

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