Thursday, June 30, 2016

Trans-sexuals To Be Allowed in the Military

The secretary of defense had decreed that trans-sexuals will be openly admitted into all branches of the military aned are to be accepted.  The standards for them will be just what they are for anybody else.   Norman Goldman reminds us that Alvin Toffler died today, author of Future Shock in 1970.  It was just 1993 when Clinton first pushed through “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell” on the military, where they would not ask for sexual identification on applications, but if you were caught being gay you’d get kicked out.  Of course now women are accepted in all aspects of combat, which is pretty new.   My feeling about it is that if you're going to let recruits in who are queer as a three dollar bill, then you might as well let the trans-sexuals in.   To me if they are post op and adjusted to their new gender than there should be no problem.  But if they are only just "thinking about" may I suggest some strong intervention of psychological counciling is in order.   This whole technology revolution like the abolition of cassettes,  VHS tapes, and using phones as cameras and to connect to the internet, is still domething rather futuristic to me. 

According to Shawn,  Bill Clinton may have been blackmailing Loretta Lynch in the private room on that plane where they had a suspicious half hour conference where we are supposed to believe his wife’s legal proglems never came up.  Apparently it’s come to pass that at times a batter will blackmail an umpire into giving the hitter a wider strike zone or else.  If the FBI director, who Shawn says is a good guy, gives a “referral” to Lynch that chargers should be brought against Hillary, and Lynch doesn’t follow through, this is at the least a major campaign issue for the Republicans.  Think about it.  

Apparently neither democrats nor republicans have anything in their respective platforms that condemn any of these transnational trade agreements.  So the question occurs just how much will Trump’s candidacy help down ticket republicans if his economic policies are at fundamental odds with theirs.  If Hillary doesn’t bend on this issue, and it’s unlikely she wil, then Bernie Sanders may not be too eager to fully endorse her.  According to Shawn, friends of Bernie Sanders are suing Debby Wasserman and the DNC alleging that the whole political race was rigged from the beginning and that the goal was always to do anything to make Hillary look good and air brush her faults, rather than find the best candidate to run against a Republican judging by poll numbers.

According to Washington’s blog, Brexit is up for a do-over.  You might say it was too good to be true that a major player in the European Union would just up and leave.  More than a million people have signed a petition for a do-over with the Brexit election and if as few as a hundred thousand signatures is valid, then according to the rules, Parliament must take up the debate as though what is approved in an election isn’t really binging.  Washington’s blog refers to it as “winging it”.   They are kicking around the idea that somehow such a momentus move requires a super-majority, without stating that that figure is.  Meanwhile the stock markets aren’t that concerned any more.  They consider it old news and the averages have been sharply up the past three days.  

On Tuesday Trump gave his long awaited speech on the economy.  The summary of it is that Trump gives seven steps he would take to turn the economy around quickly.  A lot of them relate to the things we progressives had wanted.  Trump said he would renegotiate NAFTA and not just a little but a lot.  And if they refused that then Trump would withdraw from NAFTA.  Often Trump would cite this or that government code.  He’s going to scuttle the Trans Pacific Partnership.   Trump plans to get tough in China as far as manipulating their currency and also stealing our roduction secrets.  He cited Washington and Alexander Hamilton and also Abraham Lincoln for the justification of high terrifs and lower income taxes and regulations.   I’m gratified to see a candidate in touch with our historic founders.   OK I just listened to the entire speech and aside from the remarks about energy and coal mining, which I take exception to, it was a really great, inspiring speech. 

The significance of the first Brexit vote is: it was the first instance in modern times when UK citizens formally expressed their opposition to what the UK’s aristocracy desire. However, the outcome of that vote is likely to be the same (though by different means) as was the outcome of the Greek referendumregarding the international aristocracy’s 2015 ‘bailout’ (their euphemism for purchase) of the Greek government. In that case, the 5 July 2015 Greek vote was, by a 61% majority, to reject the sale of the nation’s government. The wikipedia article on that matter closes by noting: “On Monday, 13 July, the Syriza-led government of Greece accepted a bailout package that contains larger pension cuts and tax increases than the one rejected by Greek voters in the referendum.” And that was the end of that. The Greek leader, Syriza Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, even stayed in power. By contrast, Britain’s Tory Prime Minister, David Cameron, promptly resigned when the first Brexit vote turned out to reject his position that the UK should stay in the EU. The process of defeating the people’s rebellion is more drawn-out in Britain than it was in Greece; that’s all. Otherwise, it’ll probably be basically the same end-result in UK as it was in Greece. People must accept their fate, as subjects. Western history is going full-circle back to feudalism, but in its modern form.

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