Monday, July 04, 2016

American Homeland - Part One

If I were to do a film or TV miniseries about George W Bush there are a whole lot of dark facts I want to include in it.  It's a pretty grim allegation that we'd have a president who was sociopathic enough to even consider using innocent American lives as pawns to advance his political carrier.  Some would say to go into the relation with his mother where he learned to be cavileer about death and not lacking in empathy.  He used cocaine to numb any personal pain and he dodged the draft.  But it wasn't because he had moral scruples about taking a human life because he used the death penalty "liberally" as Governor of Texas.  Some would call it "Texas justice".  He joked about Carla Fe Tucker's born again Christianity as a way of commuting her sentence.  He joked when the first Twin Tower was hit saying "That must really be one bad pilot".  But I am aware of the golden rule and wouldn't want to make false charges against "W" the way false charges were made about Barock Obama.  First there is the 1999 conversation with his writer saying that he would start a war in the Mideast to cash in on political capitol.  Then I’d mention that I was for Buchannon but Rush hated Buchannon perhaps because he isn’t a trade internationalist.  Then there is Jeb Bush’s remark about how we need some “Pearl Harbor” type event to turn the opinions of the American public around on the terrorism issue. This remark was actually made.  In "Part two" not covered here I explain that the initials Jeb stand for Joseph Edward Bushard Thornberry.  Barbra Bush regarded Jeb as the son with the brains anyhow and the one who "should" have been President.  We'll go into this in part two when we get there.  The trouble is that Part Two is still playing itself out and we won't know for sure the outcome till Trump gets elected President, if he does.  We have George W referring to Jeb's children as "the little brown ones" due to his wife's Mexican heritage.  Then I’d include that Bush claimed that “I would not be in the business of nation building” and he would have a humble, non interventionist foreign policy.  Then I’d mention Al Gore’s lock box on the surplus.  Every detail I’d mention would be a little knife twisting irony.  Of course the details of Florida and the stolen electoral count will be gone into at some length.  Then there is the computer system approved by Clinton and Gore for terrorism – state of the art, but Bush threw the whole system out.  Bush wanted massive tax cuts saying "We have too much money, we have to give it back to the tax payers".  Then there are the numerous warnings by aids saying an Al Qaeda attack would occur in the next month and how Bush stayed five weeks in Crawford Texas.  Then there is the overpowering of a pilot on that Boston flight with box cutters of all things.  How did they get inside the cockpit?  Then there was the order of NORAD to “stand down” from the usual alert.  Then there were all of the suspicious “maintenance closings” in the Twin Towers prior to 9 – 11 with the hint that perhaps they were installing explosives.  Then there is a strange object on the planes and a flash that hit just prior to both plans hitting their respective targets.  Then there was the endless hyping about how both buildings were in imminent danger of collapsing which could occur at any time.  It was almost like a promotional advertisement.  Then there was the enormous heat generated and shooting heavy objects out of the builsings with tremendous force.  I could go on but you see the point.  It’s not just one thing or two things.  All of the Bengazi stuff centers around the alleged order to “stand down” and not give military aid.  Shawn Hannity firmly believes this.  There was the news coverage where certain lines of inquiry or details were soon dropped almost as if on orders to drop them.  There was the notice given in advance that Building Seven had been destroyed before it even happened.  There was the absence of debris at the Pennsylvania “crash site” almost as if Flight 93 had been blown out of the sky by the government, which I wouldn’t blame them for if they did, but they just ought to admit it.  Then there was the Patriot Act passage and all of the anthrax scares of powder through the mail toward influencial democratic congressmen to scare them into voting for the Patriot Act.  If we were doing George W Bush in order we would then take up the pro and anti war debate and how Phil Donahew was kicked off the air for telling the truth.  The media and people like Chris Matthews even, were cheerleaders for the war effort.  Too bad we don't have liberals such as Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd around any more.  Britain got in on the act and the concencus was that "We have to disarm Saddam Hussein".  Of course there were Collen Powel's lies about "yellow cake uranium", which they knew wasn't true.  Then there’s the 64 thousand dollar question which goes like this.  If our entire justification for the Iraq War was “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, then why didn’t Bush rest on his “Mission Accomplished” laurals and pull the troops after Bush announced in early May of 2003 that the “Mission” had indeed been “Accomplished”?  There was a decision made to wipe out the whole Republican Guard, the Iraqi army and set up a "libertarian" paradise in Iraq".  Can we get documentation of this charge?  It's a key factor.  There was the blaming of the slow economy on the events of 9 - 11 and the repeated cry that "deficets don't matter" uttered by a whole chain of republican spokesman, one after the other.  Then there would be the early 2004 campaign where Howard Dean was leading in the polls till he let  out that “Yee Hah” war cry or whatever and Howard Dean went into a flame-out dive.  Then later in the campaign there were last minute influencial events in fall 2004.  There were the Swift Boat ads against John Kerry.  There was the Bin Laden video.  There were the constant shirts in alerts from yellow to orange or whatever.  And there was the phoney CBS memo that Dan Rather got fired over.  Then there were the exit polls showing John Kerry leading in Ohio till the voter machines did their magic and suddenly Bush carried the state.  Then it could be pointed out in the movie that they don’t use Exit polling anymore because of this very thing.  I figure if you do a dramatization you could have Bush going by the alias of Stanley Thornberry.  I formerly thought that after November 2004 you'd have a logical break point before the horrors of the second Bush administration are found out.  But I have since changed my mind and we'll edit differently.  It will still be two parts in "Part One", but the intermission will be just before the launch of "Shock and Awe" in March of 2003.  There were a lot of lavish palaces that were destroyed with bombs.  Like "Ferenheit 911" I'd show a lot of ordenary life going on in the market square and such and then "Shock and Awe" hits.  Part Two is a later period and won't begin till August of 2013 with the whole Syria and the "red line" thing, and part two takes it from there.  The tenative title of Part Two is "The Empire Endures".  And I’d also mention Obama in the second half of this movie, and I’d give him the name Barry Orenthol.  That’s Orenthol as in O J Simpson, another Oreo.

I went out and got two cups of iced tea from Rico and a pack of Graham crackers.  I talked briefly with Patty, who was wearing sun glasses.  She’s going to see her ex husband and her son and her daughter.  They are going to watch fireworks.  I talked about Judy and Chewy joined the conversation.  Then I called Paul’s number and there was no answer.  I called Mom.  It seems Paul is continuing to take off work.  He has to keep the GNLD business going for loyal customers.  Judy will be having a woman staying as caretaker.  The housekeeper came in here and she is thorough doing dusting and such every day.  Mom and I talked about cateract surgery for me some more.  I’m trying to talk myself into it.  Mom talked about her hearing doctor problems and sprays that don’t do what they’re promoted to do.  Mom gets charged for a lot of fees that amount to no services.  It wasn’t till a quarter after three when I turned on Norman Goldman.  Trump’s speech on economics upset a lot of establishment republicans.  

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