Friday, July 08, 2016

Is the United States Heading Toward a Race War?

There has been a bad retaliation shooting incident in Dallas.  It occurred around nine o clock last night.  There was this Black sniper who gunned down five Dallas police officers and wounded six more.  The streets were a regular shooting gallery.  A Black Lives Matters protest was going on at the time and Black people were running for cover when the bullets flew.  This shooter, who may have had assistants, was a regular Rambo and they couldn’t seem to kill him.  The stand-off seemed to go on for hours.  Then he was in this underground garage and knowing they couldn’t get him with bullets they planted a bomb in the garage and killed him that way.  Paul Ryan's response was to pull an anti-gun bill at the last minute that had been scheduled for today.  The President made another speech and campaign activities have been suspended.  Except Congressman Joe Walsh apparently made a threat against the President.  I just hope Donald Trump doesn’t make any statements because he will make it worse.  It’s like we have a full fledged race war on our hands now after the two shooting incidents of the previous two days.  It's strengthens the argument that we must militarize the police department even up to using bombs on suspects.  We all need to pray for peace.  Because it doesn’t take much imagination to see how we could evolve into some locked down police state no matter whether it’s Donald or Hillary who wins.  This Black guy is deranged and when unstable individuals hear bad news they act in disturbing ways.  It’s like evil is a force out there with a will of its own and it’s just like it’s looking for a human instrument to work out its evil intents.   But the republicans don’t want to have hearings on gun control legislation, but instead want to investigate John Lewis and the other demonstrators who participated in that ‘sit in” a couple of weeks ago. And the thing is they’ll be going on another long vacation in a few weeks.  We have one week to go before the Republican convention and two weeks before the Democratic one.  One wonders to what extent “Law and Order” speeches will dominate both weeks.  We all need to pray for sanity and calm. 

The ABC network news was a little biased in the way they edited the FBI chief’s remarks to congress yesterday.  I watched a big chunk of it.  They picked the most resolute remarks of the FBI chief saying Hillary was not guilty, but failed to include scenes where Republican congressmen dismantled the FBI chief’s arguments by pointing out case after case where Hillary either lied or concealed her actions and did things which were expressly forbidden under the law.  If they ever decided that people exercising gross negligence weren’t really guilty because they lacked “specific intent” we’d have to let a lot of people out of jail.  Like I say if you get drunk and get in a car and kill someone in a head-on collision you had no specific intent to kill that specific driver in that particular car.  But your general intent was to have complete disregard of any safety precautions.  The trouble is- - now they want to “refer” another investigation to the FBI because Hillary lied to congress in the Bengazi hearings.  And the State Department itself is going to investigate the same E mail events.  There comes a point of diminishing returns here where going after her becomes pointless and too political.  Yes I believe the fix was in but that’s just the way things are.  Hillary is getting off Scott free and you can’t do anything about it. 

On the Rush Limbaugh program a couple of days ago Rush was saying that there is so little evidence of global warming over the past twenty years that it's non existent and- - - if anything there is evidence of global cooling since 1998.  Republicans have been camping on this 1998 year for a decade now as the all time hottest year.  So according to Rush they are going back-- not just to "climate change" but actual "Global cooling" and in the coning months you're going to hear cries of "Global Cooling" as the next big threat.  Rush says "They won't just let the status quo be but they always have to keep us agitated with Something".

Watching the news yesterday they bring up other shooting events such as a nineteen year old white guy who was gunned down by a cop in Fresno or something a month ago.  I think it’s disturbing that they conthiscate video evidence like the Chicago PD and the Burger King surveillance camera video, and in Wednesday’s case you had the Quickie Mart video where they don’t have a warrant or anything.  The Burger King video was returned with a 65 minute gap in the recording, which would have covered that suspect that was trying to run from the cops and got gunned down.  The two latest incidents you have people who were on the ground and never drew their weapons and were still shot.  In the case of Minisota the man was ordered to get his identification and while obeying the officer as his girlfriend explained he had a gun permit- - the boyfriend is shot and later dies.  The problem is you might ignore Wednesday’s and Thursday’s officer shootings of suspects, but when the other side fights back- - then you have troubles. 

 Last night I had a dream I was in Hamburg, Germany and they were getting ready to do a movie on the early days of the Beatles.  In addition to the usuals such as Stu, and Klaus Voorman and Astrid, there were two people I never heard of who were also former members of the band named Jeff and Chewy or something.  Me and Paul (my brother) were picked to play the parts of these two mystery band members, so we got in wardrobe and were hired.  In addition to our pay we got certain limited free food and all the beer we could drink.  There were signs in this giant indoor mall that had a black roof.  The thing is all the signs were in English rather than German except for the occasional odd English word.  There was the free food section and the pay for food section.  There was also some Wheel of Fortune type thing of photos of men’s and women’s faces and the wheel below this were various men’s and woman’s sex organs and you had to match the sex organ with the face.  At any rate we finished the production and it came out OK.  Then Mom and Dad came by to pick us up (?) and I’m not sure how young we were but they yelled at me for drinking beer and being in a degenerate environment. 

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