Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Julian Assange Is Full of Hot Air

This Julian Assange story is a big bust.  I tuned in Shawn Hannity at ten after two (I missed snack period) and Hannity had these two “experts” and one of them was even from Israel, and they both said that Assange said that he can’t confirm he knew the leaker was Russia.  Shawn Hannity had Assange on his show last night and will have him on again tonight and none of the time did anyone ask Assange “Well then who was the source of these leaks of inside information from the Democratic national committee last year?”  I’m looked for references in the news.  Norman Goldman’s show had almost nothing to say about it.  We’re supposed to believe that this outlaw who lives in the Equadorian embassy in London that somehow this man who’ll be arrested if he returns to US soil,  this man has the “secrets to the Universe” or at least the secret to somehow justifying Donald Trump’s insane attitude about these CIA leaks.  They are real leaks.  We’re not dreaming them.  And someone did them.  Fifteen US agencies have concluded with extensive research that it was Russia.  Of course some would say “Well why doesn’t President Obama just tell us everything he knows and then we’ll believe him”.  You know the President of the United States can’t do that for national security reasons.  But Assange can.  He can put an end to this self generated mystery.  Maybe he’s being paid off by the Hannity forces for money to move to another country or something.  I don’t know.  I’m not going to trust a guy implicitly who is basically a fugitive from justice, and it makes Shawn just look stupid. 

Congress has only been in session two days but it guarentees to be an ongoing soap opera that will make only slightly more sense than “Days of our Lives”.    Chuck Schummer has stated that he would just assume that the democrats didn’t approve a single Supreme Court Justice to the high court.   Mitch Mc Connell jumped all over him for that pointing to the Bush administration when supposedly the democrats also said they wouldn’t approve a single Supreme Court justice in the last eighteen months of the Bush administration.  I believe that one is a lie and it’s been investigated and it was more than six months and it was only a threat by a few democrats anyhow.  (see previous references)  But Harry Reid preserved the power of the US Senate to filibuster Supreme Court justices even as he opened the floodgates for approval of lower court judges on a simple majority vote.  The other big issue is the repeal of Obama Care and the Senate voted today on a straw vote 51 to 48 to repeal Obama Care.  But the Republicans will have to get sixty votes on this one because the rule of filibuster was renewed by Mc Connell for this congress.  So they can’t legislate the Affordable Care Act out of existence but they can “gut the bill” according to Norman Goldman.  I watched the first hour of his show from three to four today.   What they will do is the process of budget “reconciliation”, which seems like a strange term.  This process was invented in 1974 according to Goldman.  They used it to help pass the Affordable Care Act to begin with in March of 2010.  The process is simple.  They will just de-fund the thing.  They won’t vote money for its implementation.  The thing will collapse like a carcus with no guts to hold it together.   Vice President Mike Pence visited Congress today to support his side.  President Obama also paid them a visit to rally the democrats.  Of course the Republicans have no replacement for Obama Care, but that’s the whole idea to begin with.  Now Eye Witness news wants a liberal style “tea party” of bussing recipiants of Obama Care to go around to City Halls and testify of what a great thing the Affordable Care Act is.  

Some things are theory and some are fact.  The theory of evolution is still a theory.  Aside from some short term narrowly defined evolution like with dogs over the past ten thousand years, you can’t make a case even today for the grand sweep of evolution.  As to the theory of relativity this one has borne itself mathematically over the past century and scientists rely on it.  I think the whole thing is an optical illusion and I think I can get Heisenburg to agree with me on that.  But then we have the Big Bang theory.  This one is the Big Bang fact.  We know THAT it occurred even if we don’t know HOW.  It occurred about twelve to fifteen billion years ago.  It’s like first God created all the inert mass and then he struck a match to the thing and it all exploded with fierce energy, and that reaction has slowed down but the Universe is still expanding and will continue to expand.  I think Thom Hartman was the guy who proposed that Black Holes in their “next life” might be Big Bangs.  The trouble with this one is that Black Holes only occur in a tiny portion of the Universe and not ALL of the Universe.  As such you would soon run out of matter and this reproduction cycle of universes would grind to a halt.  We know from quantum physics that even a small portion of matter contains vast quantities of energy, if you can unlock it.  So the bottom line is that maybe this ENERGY could itself be called “God”.

Ned Flanders:  Don't you know there is a meteor headed this way to Springfield in a few hours that's going to burn up everything in sight.  Why aren't you headed to your shelterinis?
Moe:  Because the rest of us haven't got - "shelterinis".

The Simpson's have a knack for simplyfying complicated truths.  I wish I had that same ability.  There was a comet called Kahutek that was going to be so bright in late 1973 early 1974 it would be so bright you could see it in broad daylight.  It never materialized quite that way.  The stuff below is really a simple concept of conbining two single CD John Lennon compilations we've already "issued" to to speak.  One was from January of 2010, the "Late" solo carrier stuff and the other was from an album called "The Best of Greenie" from late March of 2015 of "John, the rocker" earlier material with the Beatles and to combine then into one package.  That was basically our goal here.  But only the "early" one is listed.  

Now to move to the absurd.  Today January 4th is the release of yet another compilation album called JOHN LENNON TWIN SPIN.  One CD disk is that "Last Hours of Ancient Religion" one we listed on Psychic Balance the next to the top posting as of this writing, if you want to look for us.  We never described the front cover, which is now the back cover of this two CD set.  It's of a primorial swamp but it's done mainly in a blue hue with accents of purple and pink.  It's eery.  The front cover is two drawings (based on photographs of somebody) supposedly two John Lennons.  They are sitting on a giant vinyl record disk with the label of Phoenix records on it.  The early one is John Lennon looking to the left (away from the spindle) the way he looked in 1961 when he first began wearing that Astrid styled hairdo.  The second photo of Lennon (on the other side of the spindle) looking to the right, was the way John Lennon looked in 1969.  On the inside is a booklet.  The front cover of the booklet is some stuff done in stylized print like Franklin Gothic or something white font on a black backdrop- - and a rambling thought.  In the fall of 1965 John Lennon changed his name to Johnny Rhythm.  Later on he changed his name to Winston O Boogie.  Roomer has it now he's changed his name to Bud Green, so this compilation might be called "The Best of Greenie" and below this is the original "Best of Greenie" album front cover.  (referenced by the words below)

Bad Boy
All I Gotta Do
You Really Got a Hold On Me
Mister Moonlight
You Can’t Do That
I’ll Cry Instead (US mono version)
I Call Your Name
Leave My Kitten Alone
When I Get Home
Slow Down (US version)
Baby’s In Black
Dizzy Miss Lizzy
Ticket To Ride
You're Gona Lose That Girl
Rain (original mono)
She Said She Said (Greenie’s last vocal)
We Can Work It Out
Day Tripper
The Word (KLOS "end" version)
Run For Your Life
Tomorrow Never Knows (mono version)

Front Cover is the “Something New” cover in a circle shape surrounded by that greenish “lines patters” that a photo of a nearby street we’ve posted is done in.  If you don't know what either photo is, perhaps you can make that a research project.  As you can see we made one minor change, but if you haven't seen this listing before you won't care.   I ALMOST FORGOT.    The Song Listings of this two CD compilation is on the back of this inner booklet.  On the inside pages are various excerpts John Lennon interviews from Rolling Stone articles.

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