Thursday, January 05, 2017

Taking Back Power for the People

Thom Hartman says that Hobbs and others believe the only reason why we don’t routinely murder each other all the time is because we fear the death penalty, otherwise we’d do it.  So if a person had terminal cancer he, by this theory would be in grave danger of going on a homicidal rampage.  Also because Hobbs sees man is basically bad, unless he is rich, therefore he can’t be trusted with money he didn’t earn from the government.  But of course rich people who inheret their wealth like George W Bush and Donald Trump can be trusted with their wealth because they were born into money and so the elect of God.  Hartman’s theory was that the way we determine who should govern us is to see who is blessed of God.    While the Calvary Chapel people don’t talk about wealth, or didn’t use to,  that saying to someone “I see you have the blessing of God” isn’t a simple observation but a moral evaluation of this person being a “worthy” person, unlike someone like me who isn’t “blessed of God”.   Shawn Hannity was talking about Statism in today’s show.  He’s always accusing the left of statism when in truth the shoe is on the other foot.  It’s liberals who believe in “power of the people” and democracy and local control.  The right doesn’t want too much local control if they pass the wrong kind of laws like on pollution or gun control.  Think abo ut it.   For the Neo Cons it’s not about hating this thing called “government” or “the state” but rather it’s all about a love of power and wealth.  The Church is like the State, which has been pushing its nose into people’s business for a long time.  They have this saying among themselves, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”.  The average person might say “so what?” to that.  But the Church won’t let you get off that easily.  Naturally they have a “salvation” remedy for that.  And even if it means you have to be burned at the stake to enforce their “rule of law”, then the Church is going to do that.  Calvin can talk about free will, but his actions belie another more fatalistic philosophy. 

Donald Trump is replacing James Clapper who is head of the Director of National Intelligence.  Former Indiana senator Dan Coats will be a new director of National Intelligence.  The buzz now is that the new guy is really going to shake up and dismantle things.  Right now Clapper heads up all sixteen government intelligence agencies.  Today Clapper testified before congress supporting the view that all sixteen intelligences agree that Russia is responsible for the hacking.  It’s kind of funny that after 9 – 11 we ballooned the beaurocracy and now have the Homeland Security Department.  As Thom Hartman points out this term of “homeland” is Germanic in origen.  It used to be an alien term to US ears.

In the news four Black guys attacked, beat up a white mentally disabeled guy and said they hated white guys and accused him of being a Donald Trump lover.  The repeated lie is spread among people like Shawn Hannity that somehow the liberals of this country turn a blind eye to such crimes of “reverse racism” because it doesn’t fit their statist political agenda.  They don’t even like the term “reverse racism” because they say “there is only one kind of racism” or something.  In point of fact it’s accurate and proper to call these “hate crimes” and acts of bigotry against another race.  After all they say they attacked him for being white and not mentally disabeled.  But I would maintain there is a clear distinction between a “hate crime”, which is one localized act, rather than racism per se because racism is basically endemic in society today.  It’s been institutionalized.  Liberals point out that it’s just not physically for whites to suffer this same form of institutionalized racism as Black people have.   It’s also more than absurd to say that President Obama has espoused racism in his administration. 

Donald Trump and the Republicans in congress now want to pull all of the funding for Planned Parenthood because they say “If so much as one penny falls into the hands of abortionists than it’s blood money or something”.  Christian radio makes much of the notion that money is “fungable” and that a dollar given for health services for women in general could just as well be spent for abortion, and the only way we can be sure it isn’t is not to give Planned Parenthood one red cent.  We’ve had the Hyde amendment for thirty years now.  We’ve managed to work around it all these years.  Conservatives say that government is the enemy but this an absurd statement.   The Declaration of Independence itself states that “Governments are instituted among men”.  So we NEED government.  Government provides a necessary function and to claim otherwise is to be some absurd libertarian.  It’s a little strange that when Ronald Reagan was elected he began to implement the party platform of David Koch and the libertarians.  Basically this is their dream platform whether they admit it or not.  Only three or four percent of the money spent by Planned Parenthood goes for abortions.  I think we who are against abortion can live with that.  It might be called a necessary evil to promote the greater good.  This is government’s job to serve the people.  Republicans forget this.  They see government as the sort of “Economic Royalists” FDR talks about in a 1936 campaign speech.  Hobbs believed in the divine right of Kings.  This is their starting point.   You have no rights and you only get “grace” if the King looks at your wallet or breeding or something and thinks you deserve it.   I thought Americans believed in rights and something called liberty under law.  After all the motto of police departments is to Protect and Serve.  I see very little protecting or serving of any kind in a Trump administration.  Thom Hartman claims that John Dean said that about twenty percent of the population believes in authoritarianism.  If it’s true somehow that twenty percent managed to win the last election- - and all of us have to live with the results.  

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