Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Chargers Move to Los Angeles

 The big story we learned on EWN was that the Chargers decided to move to Los Angeles after all.  I know they had sought to get city assistance for funding a new stadium.  I thought they had a plan.  When that failed I thought the owners of the team were going to fund it themselves but they were too many million short.  So the Chargers will now be playing in Carson or something and not the coliseum.  This stadium only holds thirty thousand people.   They had been in San Diego for 56 or their 57 years in existence.  They realized the first year that they could not compete in the same market as the LA Rams.  I wonder what happened to change their minds.  I had heard that the vast majority of people in both cities wanted the Chargers to stay in San Diego.  There is news that the Chargers have changed their basic logo or something.  So many teams like to make drastic changes in their uniforms and all.

 The FBI will be investigating itself or something to find out why Chief Comey “leaked” or put out that Hillary was again under suspicion with the new found E mails in October.  Actually the office investigating is the Inspector General, a post that was created by Congress in the post Watergate era.  The Inspector General has no power to prosecute in himself.  Comey sent that letter to congress but decided to just “sit on” the dirt that he had about Donald Trump.  This shows clear bias.  Of course this little stunt was among three major things that lost the election for Hillary.  The other two were Russian meddeling and needless to say all of the voter suppression that took place in critical states.  Meanwhile yesterday Marco Rubio spent considerable time grilling Tillison.  Stick a fork in him, he’s done, at least in my opinion.  If the republicans themselves don’t trust him why should I?  Now they are even running an ad in prime time TV against Tillison.  That’s a bit unusual.  I thought I heard Ben Carson up for HUD say that government could actually be a good thing.  All of the hearings are still going on with prospective members of Trump’s cabinet including Secretary of Defense and CIA chief.

Sometimes Washington’s blog goes off the rails and starts heaping praises on Donald Trump, undeservedly.  They say things like “Trump will shake up the aristocracy” and be more progressive in foreign policy than was Barock Obama.  I have a feeling Trump isn’t going to do anything that Sheldon Addelson or any of the moneyed republicans want him to do. 

This is Thursday January 12, 2017 and it’s been raining steadily since about one thirty in the morning.  Today’s rain has exceeded yesterday.  I have Stephanie Miller on and I harken back to the phrase of “You never notice the corn growing till one day it’s over your head”.  Donald Trump has so cheapened the discourse in this country you need to step back occasionally and just notice how much things have changed over the past thirty years.  Stephanie has been talking about the lies told and general chaos of yesterday’s so called press conference by Donald Trump.  Of course each step is not exactly “incremental’ because often each new development is a major jolt in our sensabilities.  I could make the same claim of my Christian faith over the past thirty years.  I can think of a lot of things that weren't exactly "incremental" but shocking jolts.  I"m surprised everybody hasn't lost their "faith" in the so called Moral Majority seeing they are neither moral nor a majority right now.  They are a very well organized media savy minority who know how to work the system, and that includes the strings of government.  Learning that William Casey, Reagan’s campaign chairman and future CIA chief sabotaged the promised ‘October surprise” itself was a jolt but it’s the thing that kicked off the Reagan administration.  It explains subsequent odd behavior of the Reagan administration.  It was the strangest thing in 1987 when I learned that congress wasn't even considering filing impeachment charges against Reagan.  The difference between then and now is that at least back then they criminally charged and convicted people for wrong doing.  Sometimes they were pardoned but often they did hard time.  Why doesn't President Obama pardon Don Siegleman?  But it sure is something the way the Republicans call the agenda.  Of course nobody is talking about Hillary’s E mails anymore because that propaganda has served its purpose and William Comey has had his revenge against Hillary or whatever. 

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