Thursday, June 01, 2017

Trump Pulls out of Paris Climate Accords

Donald Trump gave his long awaited speech on getting out of the Paris Climate Accords starting maybe twelve thirty though I was half asleep when the speech started.  But I didn’t miss when he first announced that we were pulling out of the agreement.  There was an eruption of cheering, which to me seemed out of place.  Trump was serious about this.  This was no transient matter for him as some on the spot political favor.  Clearly he’s studied this topic thoroughly and spouted a lot of facts and figures piling it on thicker and heavier as he went.  This speech was the greatest Opus Magnum of his presidency.  He said that this agreement signed by Obama in 2015 held the United States at an enormous disadvantage.  India and China can pollute all they want and spew several times the amount the United States does now.  The economy would be crippled and massive jobs would be lost.  Trump enumerated the percentage of job losses in various areas.  Coal mining would drop 85%.  They’re lucky it isn’t a hundred percent.  Natural gas would be down 35%   This agreement is bad for national sovereignty.  Trump points out that we already are the country with the cleanest air and water in the world.  That’s what he says.  I don’t think we would stack up too well against a country like Germany.  Only Nicaragua and Syria didn’t sign this agreement out of 197 nations in the world.  He says the agreement can be negotiated.  The speech ran till just past one and was at least a half hour long.  A few alarming phrases were repeated for emphisis.  He turned my opinion around on this topic.  I knew there were bad agreements out there.  Apparently congress agreed to a 1992 Kyoto agreement in 1997. (?)  Reason goes is congress agreed to terms in the nineties, it’s still bound to those terms now.  That agreement had bad stuff in it.  But I didn’t think 195 nations would all agree to an agreement that would single out the United States for punitive measures.  But Norman Goldman has a different slant on this agreement.  He says the whole agreement is voluntary and that there are no enforcement mechanisms but “Each nation will work on the pollution problems at their own pace”.  That sounds reasonable to me.  Goldman further says that it will take four years to fully exit or pull out of this agreement, about the same time of Trump’s reelection.

NEW REVELATIONS ON BLACK HOLES:  After a cigarette I checked Radio Locator and today the site was in operation.  But first I clicked on a thing on Black Holes.  I never knew that black holes exerted gravitational pulls outside their own boundaries.  Just as light is trapped and doesn’t get out, I’ve been led to believe that the gravity can’t get out and exert pulls on stars or other black holes.  You heard me correctly.  Now they say that Black Holes rotate each other and collide and merge and this article claims scientists have witnessed this three times.  This is all fresh information to me.  

The Orion Federation had no position on the Paris climate accords.  The Federation though would never agreement with another nation or empire that left them as such a strong disadvantage.  This is the sort of stuff that wars are fought over.   In terms of album sales, “Nothing Left to Roll” is still outselling its sister revised album “One Person Plus the Truth”.  The marketing on the rerelease hasn’t been good.  Two tracks are different.  As to why the Federation has been in contact with me so seldom lately, I have no answer. 

Today the bill collector reappeared.  Clowie was brazen enough to show up right at the police station with Nicole at her most vulnerable in an emotional wreck from such a stressful day.  Clowie is there to twist the knife and take the baby (Holly) and perhaps move to another state such as New York where Nicole will never see her little girl again.  I went for snacks at two and got lemonade and a graham cracker. Meanwhile Chad is still hanging on to that Egyptian almulet with a curse on it.   

We didn’t have soup for lunch.   We had two slices of pizza without toppings,  only tomato and cheese.  We had a green salad with ranch dressing with that.  We had an orange for dessert.  I listened to the Gary and Shannon show starting about a quarter to twelve.  Purlita and that new Black woman came in to change Bill’s linens.  But they both told me they wouldn’t be changing my bed any more because I no longer had scabies.  Earlier in the morning these same two women told me I would not have my clothes washed more often than once a week but that Denise would take over my laundry just like it used to be. 

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