Friday, June 09, 2017

Trump Calls Comey a Liar and an Obstructionist

Donald Trump had his brief press conference in the news.  They preempted some soap opera on KNXT to cover it but couldn’t cover Trump’s remarks with the Polish guy but would only cover the part where Trump was fielding questions.  Trump repeated the same thing he and his aids have been saying for a day or so.  Trump called Comey a liar and said he ought to be brought up on charges of leaking information.  Trump didn’t have any other eleborations on anything.  Glenda agrees with me that he had to fire Comey because Trump has told so many lies and he doesn’t want them exposed.  I would remind you what I said yesterday that no senator doubted the veracity of Comey’s basic testimony, but only Trump and his aids are doing that.   [Wedmesday morning]  After breakfast I came here and Bill had the TV on.  Comey had already read his opening statement and now was being questioned in a friendly manner by senator after senator.  All of the answers were forthright and frank, and Comey has a transparent presentation not attempting to conceal his true feelings.  No senator questioned the veracity of Comey’s opening remarks or other allegations, which he elaborated on often embellishing with added detail.  He indeed say he was pressured by President Trump not to pursue the investigation of Flynn.  The most explicit citing of this was in the March 30th phone call and I word searched it and found it though I had missed it with previous reading.  The meetings ran a little past nine thirty.  Then there was media commentary.  At ten I went out for a snack and got punch and a graham cracker.  I continued to have the computer on and caught the Victoria Jones phone call at ten to eleven.

They say there is gridlocked government in England because the Conservative party suffered major losses in yesterday's election there.  The conservatives no longer have a majority but still maintain a plurality and it's hoped that Teresa May will be able to form a new government, even if it's less secure.  

Bill ate in the dining room this morning but Glenda ate in her room.  “Good Morning America” was on.  I had Stephanie on also.  I didn’t see Sarah about the laundry but went to the big laundry room and ran into the Black lady again and figured I’d give her another chance to get my clothes done.  Today she said she’d put them in the right place.  She said my clothes would be done around one and it was eight thirty at the time.  President Trump is calling Director Comey a liar and a leaker and says that he should be prosecuted for leaking.   

Today is Friday June 9, 2017.  Last night I went to Glenda’s room a little after dinner for coffee.  I offered her money but she declined.  It was a good thing too because the coffee was really awful and seemed to have absolutely no caffeine lift despite making it strong.  At last some good news.  The Pittsburgh Penguins won last game over Nashville six to nothing and I saw a number of scores, but I didn’t watch the entire game but I saw enough of it.  I saw the beginning, some of the middle, and the end.  I had ABC network news on.  I got medication from Ricardo feeling rather depressed about the day.   I went to Glen’s room to give him a second chance after Wednesday.  Today he came through.  I gave him a quarter and two Clippers for my own teaspoon measuring out the Nestcafe.  The caffeine gave me the lift I was looking for  It got kind of chilly last night out.  The game ended a little before eight.  A fight broke out with less than a minute to go.  I watched all of one episode of “Bones’ and part of another till nine twenty.  Some of that time I was using the toilet or out smoking.  I woke after midnight again and had to have two cigarettes.  I am almost out of that clipper pack.  I went back to bed and Bill eventually came in but it took time to achieve even broken sleep the rest of the night.  I got up at twenty after five and showered.  I used the itching cream on the one remaining rough patch on my left cheek that gets a little sore occasionally.  I was going to ride out the period before breakfast without coffee but physical fatigue got the better of me and I went to the bakery at six and got a large coffee for a dollar fifty.  I turned on the Stephanie Miller show.  At breakfast I crossed the room for the oatmeal cart from Nora and got sugar.  Then Judy gave me another half a bowl and I got sugar from my pocket.  I left for a bathroom break and when I returned my plate was already at my place.  It was scrambled eggs, a waffle and a pat of butter.  Judy gave me all of her eggs so I had enough to eat.  I got a large cup of coffee.  

 For lunch we had some fratata sandwich or whatever that F-word was.  We had grilled ham and cheese, and also French fries drowning in catsup.  We had peaches for dessert.  On Wednesday we had pineapple for dessert.  I mis-report it.  My clothes were actually washed today for the first time in eleven days I’ve been wanting it done, since a week ago Monday.  Everything was accounted for except a pair of boxer shorts, but they were identical to a pair I’m actually wearing now, except the ones I have now have a stretched waist.  I found the unopened pack of new boxers in the drawer.  At some point I went to the store for more Clippers.  It’s just a relief to have the clothes washed.  “Days of our Lives” wasn’t on because for the second day it was preempted by the French open.  I listened to Moe Kelly and the movies along with other Gary and Shannon stuff.  Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby are again featured in the new due to sexual stuff.  I went out at two for snacks and got another two halves of a ham and cheese sandwich and two cups of iced tea. 

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