Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Karen Handel Wins Georgia Sixth District

Republican Karen Handel won yesterday's special election in Georgia defeating her democratic opponent with a lot of last minute "dark money".  If you will remember the Democrat almost won the election outright in the primary winning 47 or 48% of the vote.  The Republicans made it a big thing out of their ability to prevent a Democratic majority.  But they forced a run-off and the Republican vote was splintered among a host of Republican candidates.  All of the Republican big money rallied behind Handel and she won the election 51 to 48% for the Democrat.  Early elections had the Democrat leading by over fifty percent.  But like so many other races "too close to call" like in the 12014 congressional elections, a little voter machine rigging took care of the problem as once again we see that predictable "red shift", which we have seen in elections that we have witnessed consistently since 2014 in Ohio particularly.  A voter profile analysis shows a lot more red dots than blue dots meaning of the shifting that took place between the run-off and the primary and most of the voters who switched, switched to the Republicans.  Republicans were strongest on Foulton County up north and the democrats were the strongest in the southeast.  This race was the most heavily funded congressional election of all time because it was seen as a "do or die" effort for both political parties.  The results don't bode well for democratic prospects in 2018.

The Senate has finally revealed the Republican Health Care plan they have been working on in absolute secrecy for months now.  A team of thirteen senators have been crafting this bill and from what we hear it's worse than anything in the House Bill.  Now Mc Connell is trying to ram the bill through in a week or so and hope to have the bill passed and signed into law not by August first when congress goes on recess.  No.  They want the thing a done deal and voted on by July Fourth.  This means there will be almost no open debate and no amendments will be offered or accepted.  Actually the text of the bill won't even be made public until tomorrow.  This rush to pass seems an abrupt change of pace for this Republican Congress who suddenly have decided they have stalled long enough.  In contrast with the Obama Care Health bill the bill had been offered early in 2009 and wasn't passed or signed into law till March of 2010.  There was an extended period of spirited debate with the Republicans having ample oppertunity to offer amendments. And of course you all know the Tea Party movement began in April of 2009 nearly a year before the bill was ratified and there was an extended period of debate in all of these town halls.   This bill will raise the ammount of premiums that Seniors pay by five hundred percent.  They are also bringing back lifetime caps and throwing you off for pre-existing conditions.  

This is Tuesday June 20, 2017 the longest day of the year.  This morning at ten I went out for lemonade-punch combo and a graham cracker.  Then I watched yesterday’s “Days of our Lives” on computer.  Earlier in the morning Vince and Augustine were in here while I was out looking at the outlets and unplugged the computer when it was on.  As far as I know the problem still hasn’t been fixed.  John and Marlena found the group stranded on that Greek island.  They had been saying there was no emergency because there was adequate food and water such as nuts and fruits.  Justin tried to call Angelica Deveroux about the selling of the Spectator.  For lunch we had beef stew on a plate that was mostly beef gravy and potato bits.  We had mashed potatoes with that and a banana for dessert.  Judy gave me half of her banana.  Then I watched the rest of “Days of our Lives”.  Then I had the Gary and Shannon show on.  I had bouts of tiredness.  I turned the computer off after one and just lay down till two then I thought Money Draw would be called.  I’ll tell you this.  It sure is hard to get cigarettes.  It’s a hot day.

I got an iced tea and a graham cracker for snacks.  I went back up briefly and then Jennifer announced Money Draw at 2:20.  I made my way down.  We were lined up in the sun most of the time but we didn’t need to be then someone redirected the line go the other way so we’d be in the shade.  Fortunately Wally didn’t take too long today.  Ron Flowers cut in line because he claims he was there earlier.  I only got eight dollars from Jennifer and not the twelve or thirteen I was expecting.  She reminded me of a five dollar withdrawal I had made and also charged me for a two dollar co-pay she hasn’t received yet.  I took a peanut butter cup and left and went to the store and bought a pack of Clippers.  I was out back a while.  Then I turned on the Norman Goldman program.  The program was very informative today.  I am behind in my blogging and need to get my act together.  It seems as if Flynn may be cutting a deal with the FBI.  Also the Senate version of the Health Care bill has been made known and they are saying if anything that it is worse than the Republican version, and they want it passed quickly.

We were supposed to have ham and pineapple pizza.  We didn’t.  It was two pieces of plain pizza but it was at least two pieces and not one.  We had a green salad with that which was short on dressing.  We had rainbow sherbet for dessert.  There were no seconds.  I went to the bakery hoping to get rolls.  I think they are remodeling a lot of stuff in that mall.  The door was open and I went in and was about to make a purchase when someone came in and told me the bakery was closed.  Mario greeted me and after smoking a cigarette I agreed to buy him a pack of Clippers for two dollars.  I bought another pack for myself too because I owe a lot of people.  I took the two cigarette commission out of the pack and gave Mario the pack. 

Last night I read the latest “The Week” magazine till eight to nine and then went to bed.  I slept pretty good.  I woke briefly at 3:15.  I got up at five after five though it was earlier than I need to and I should have slept longer.  I showered.  I had three cigarettes left.  I made myself a cup of Glenda’s awful coffee.  Then I went and got my medication at a quarter to six from Ricardo and Phyllis Green was there and wanted one of my two remaining cigarettes so naturally I gave it to her.  Then I smoked the remaining one.  For a while I had on Eye Witness news on computer but I switched to Stephanie Miller.  We had oatmeal for breakfast.  I asked for and got two glasses of orange juice.  Judy gave me about half of her oatmeal and all of her scrambled eggs.  We had toast and butter and jelly.  The coffee was good for both breakfast and lunch.  Then it was more Stephanie.  I’m still hoping to get coffee from Glen if he isn’t out.  

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