Friday, June 16, 2017

Another Police Shooting Acquittal in Minnisota

There has been another police acquittal in the news today.  In Miniapolis this Black guy who admits he had a gun and a permit in the car was gunned down by cops.  All of his relatives and friends were bemoaning and protesting his death.  I honestly don’t think these police officers believe they are in any real danger.  Instead of saying “he was going for his gun” or “I thought he was going for his gun”, why don’t they just wait till they actually see the gun in his hand?  But they are trained not to think that way.  They are conditioned not to respect human life.  It’s true that Black lives don’t seem to matter to these police officers.  I don’t see how they can consistently get juries that acquit these cops but you’ve seen it happening time and time again.

There was a story in the Washington Post yesterday morning or something saying now that President Trump is officially under investigation.  That ends that argument, not that it was an argument to begin with.  People like Judy and Shawn believe that everybody including the media and the Republican congress is out to get the President, and there’s no persuading them otherwise.  But as long as all this turmoil is going on, it will bring the machinery of this Republican congress to a halt.  Then before you know it it will be August recess. 

There was a shooting at a Republican congressmen practice session of baseball.  It was an anti Trump antagonist who posted a lot of left wing stuff.  He didn’t kill anybody but got killed himself.  He injured one congressmen, two Capitol police and two others.  It dominated the news this morning.  At least they aren’t calling it Islamic terrorism.  Still it’s going to generate a lot of heat on right wing radio.  I listened to Trump’s speech on the radio which lasted about five minutes.  Apparently I had it on Shawn Hannity and quickly turned the station.  Bernie Sanders regrets that it was a person who actually worked in his campaign last year.   As a post script the Democrats won the baseball game by a lopsided score.  The thing is I'd heard a rumor that the Democrats were going to win that game. 

Tomorrow is the 45th anniversary of the Watergate break-in and I guess they are doing comemorative broadcasts on the subject.  It's a good way to educate the younger people.   

We had shepherd’s pie for dinner.  Kathy gave me a small piece of banana nut bread.  She was slicing up pieces and giving them to the staff.  But for the remaining piece she didn’t eat it herself and Judy, Marcia and Jennifer all turned her down so finally I got it.  We had strawberry ice cream for dessert.  I had six cigarettes left and Bill asked to borrow one and at first I hesitated but finally agreed.  I’m hoping to get a blog off tonight but if I’m too mentally lazy it might not be till tomorrow morning.  Three outlets in this room still don’t work and I can’t easily move the big screen TV or the stereo.  And you know the extension cord won’t work because it only has two and not three outlets.   I guess I’ll tune in Eye Witness live streaming.  

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