Monday, June 12, 2017

Donald Trump is Making a Mistake Attacking Comey

President Trump is engaging in self defeating behavior because of his continued attacks on Director Comey.  Comey had the support of every member of congress I heard in terms of the questions they asked.  None of them that I heard questioned the veracity of Comey's basic testimony about his conversations with Trump.  Lindsey says that all of this is a distraction that could go on almost indefinitely in terms of it getting worked out in the courts and congress and the special prosecutor.  Mullen's job has just begun.  If they cried "Uncle" and got Trump to resign then Mike Pence could get on with the Republican agenda of passing that major tax cut and major slashing of government funds for domestic programs.  It is said that Mike Pence would be less likely to get us into a major war than Trump would be and this would be fine with the Republicans as long as their extensive budget agenda gets passed including the repeal and replacement of Obama Care.  So as a quazi democrat I'd just as soon keep the status quo of chaos we have right now.  But one find day a light bulb is going to goo off in the minds of the Republican establishment and they are going to give Donald Trump the book.  Thom Hartman says a signal will be a chorus in the media and elsewhere of consistent loud praises for Mike Pence in reporter interviews and public statements.  The question is whether Donald Trump will be impeached.  There may not be enough evidence to bring a criminal indictment against the President for obstruction of justice but I believe the offences do rise to the level of "moral perpitude", which is the criteria for impeachment.  It's a Misdemeanor or "misbehavior" of a person in office.

The nine circuit court of appeals has decided to uphold the Moslem travel ban instituted months ago.  This is the second circuit court to rule against the President.  If all of the circuit courts rule against the President experts say it's less likely that the Supreme Court will take up the case.  It certainly won't be in this court year, which runs only a few more weeks, and all the key rulings come down in late June.

There is a bill in the California state legislature that supposedly eliminates Daylight Savings time.  But I saw Rene in the hall and it wouldn't change the majority summertime time, but it would give us Daylight Savings time through the winter.  That would mean it wouldn't begin getting light till seven thirty in the darkest winter months and it would stay light till nearly six o clock in the evenings.  But it would cause confusion with Nevada because if they were still on Standard Time during this period Lake Tahoe would be split right down the middle and dark Las Vegas would be surrounded by places where the sun set an hour later.

 Paul called last night and I ended up watching the message from Greg Laurie’s “Harvest Crusade”, which was in Arizona and not Texas as Paul had said.  Greg said there was an alarmingly high suicide rate in Arizona, which exceeds the murder rate.  He gave one of the best straight out evangelical messages I’ve heard in a long time.  He laid out the whole enchilada in a way that most evangelists on TV don’t today talking about sin and how to get to heaven.  And he said “If you’re not with Jesus you’re against him”.  He talked about the prodigal son and how all of his newfound friends deserted him when all the money ran out “and nobody gave him anything”.  Greg talked about his own testimony of stuff I’d never heard before.  I take exception to things of course like “Coming to a pastor with all of your questions”.  Pastors don’t respond well to questions in my experience.  Also I haven’t “run from God” but I have walked away from God several times coming to the conclusion that church life wasn’t helping me and I could do better on my own making my own decisions”.  The message ended about seven o clock.   

We have another update just this morning.  I went back into the archives and made a song substitution of “If I Was A Dancer” for “Five Me Shelter”.  Give Me Shelter is prominently located on that November 30th entry from ‘Soap Opera of Life’ and actually last February I made the mistake then and should have fixed it at the time.  Maybe it was a garbled translation from the Powers that Be.  “If I Was a Dancer” also better fits the mood of “Party Mixer”. 

These gay pride parades get a little old after a while.  I continue to find the subject of gay pride rather disturbing because the words are an oxy moronism.  You can't take pride in a sexual abnormality.  Of course this year it's the "resist" parade because of Donald Trump and Mike Pence's threatened crackdown of the gay community and particularly this trans gender restroom nightmare.  

I grew drowsy listening to Thom Hartman in the morning.  Later on as I was coming in from outside Melody was trying to get her key out of the lock to our door.  I sure couldn't shake it loose and I didn't want to damage the key.  But then she got Rene and he pulled it out of the lock right away.  Then I went for snacks and got a red punch and a graham cracker from Rico in the courtyard.   

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