Tuesday, June 06, 2017

The Saudis Start Trouble With Qatar

Trump wants to mess around with the air traffic controllers privatizing the whole profession leaving the whole area open to private profit and the machinations of a private company.  The air above us is public and if a plane crashes it affects the commons, which is all of us.  We’ve had the government in air traffic control since the 1930’s and I don’t think we should start now.  The other thing Trump has been messing with is that the Saudis are messing around with Qatar accusing them of sponsoring terrorism.  The Saudis got all of the other neighbors to gang up on Qatar.  The problem is that Qatar is not a sponsor of terrorism but it is a supporter of Al Gezera or however you spell it.  Also the United States has a military base in Qatar and I’m wondering why Donald Trump would encourage the Saudis to mess around with a federal military base?   Former FBI director Comey still testifies on Thursday.  But I heard he wasn’t going to bring his extensive notes with them and I thought that was the whole point.  Apparently there is still classified stuff about the whole Russia investigation, which kind of takes the fun out of it for us viewers who were hoping for some sort of tell National Inquiror type of presentation, warts and all.   But I’ll be tuning in to C-Span nonetheless.

Apparently tensions between President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have been running high lately and there has even been talk about Sessions resigning.  I'm not sure of all the details but I think it has something to do with the fact that Jeff Sessions recruised himself in the Russian probe or something leaving the way for Rosenstein to appoint a special prosecutor and get the ball rolling.  It would be interesting to see what happens when Trump has a complete emotional melt-down he can't contain.  

Alone in the White House in recent days, President Trump — frustrated and defiant — has been spoiling for a fight, according to his confidants and associates.  Glued even more than usual to the cable news shows that blare from the televisions in his private living quarters, or from the 60-inch flat screen he had installed in his cramped study off the Oval Office, he has fumed about “fake news.” Trump has seethed as his agenda has stalled in Congress and the courts. He has chafed against the pleas for caution from his lawyers and political advisers, tweeting whatever he wants, whenever he wants.  And on Thursday, the president will come screen-to-screen with the former FBI director he fired, James B. Comey, who has consumed, haunted and antagonized him by overseeing an expanding Russia investigation that the president slammed as a “witch hunt.”  Comey’s testimony is a political Super Bowl — with television networks interrupting regular programming to air it, and some Washington offices and bars making plans for special viewings.

At two I decided to dip into my reserves and go off and buy a pack of Phillies at the store with exact change.  I was now down to ten dollars (for the week).  I had heard from Wally that Jennifer would be here after all at two but I couldn’t be sure.  At ten after two I went into the courtyard and got a red punch and a graham cracker in the refreshment line.  Then I got in the money draw line because they had begun calling names.  Though the line was kind of long I hoped it would move fast, which it kind of did.  I got through this line at twenty to three and so had time to spare before my appointment.  I was glad I didn’t have to worry about it.  Muffin was just ahead of me in line.  Fortunately Roxanne didn’t pull that alphabet shit and try and pull rank on me because she was a “G”.  I went in and paid the check I had written out for $1055 and signed my name three times and asked for and got my five dollars- in ones.  I grabbed a mini Almond Joy and left.  I went first up here and then down to smoke.  Clearly Tim was late with the van.  I went back up here and grabbed Bill’s pillow he wanted and locked the door.  The van arrived but there was still some sort of delay.  We didn’t leave till nearly three for a three fifteen appointment.  We had amazing luck with the green lights and we went the traditional way by Knott’s Berry farm.  We got to the office just after 3:15.   There was one couple ahead of us and they were called in.  But from then on no new names were called.  I read the San Diego Home and Garden magazine.  Bill was called in.  At five after four I was called in and waited another ten minutes in the room.  Dr Nichols said my butt looked a lot better than last week.  I never brought up the idea of getting more itching cream.  I only have a few uses left.  Dr Nichols again put that purple stuff on my butt and shined the ultraviolet light and let it dry.  Then his son came by to give me a shot in the butt.  That’s about all there was to this appointment.  I said that Tuesday afternoons were normally bad so the next appointment was made for July 6th on Thursday morning at ten.  I smoked a cigarette waiting for Tim to converse with the people a while.  Then we headed home by the same route.  We got here at ten to five and we went straight into the dining room.  They were now out of the chili and corn bread.  I got a turkey sandwich and Bill got a ham sandwich.  I had potato chips.  I had a lemonade and a big bowl of creamy vanilla ice cream.  I was satisfied with the meal but Bill didn’t seem to be.  

Last night I ate three of those sugar bar things from the bakery.  I gave Bill one of them.  I fixed myself a cup of instant coffee.  I watched the game and the Golden State Warriors again won the game by double digits almost as bad as they did on Thursday.  But the Cleveland Cavileers were only down three points at the half and four points in the early third quarter.  The game ended earlier about seven thirty.  (?)  I went down for medication from Ricardo and got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Earlier in the evening I checked the two Lou Christie songs of “Two Faces Have I” and “Lightning Is Striking Again”.  I found both of them but both of them were a challenge.  They had a thing on African gorillas on Sixty Minutes.  At eight o clock it was NCIS.  I went to bed right at nine.  I just had one cup of coffee.

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