Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Looking Forward to the Future

PASSIONATE PLAYTHINGS - released January 23, 2018.

The Cradle Will Rock (Van Halen)
We’re All Clones (Alice Cooper)
Baracuda (Heart)
Who Do You Love? (The Doors)  (Absolutely Live)
When You’re Hot, You’re Hot (Jerry Reed)
Black Dog (Led Zeppelin)
Sick Things (Alice Cooper)
Moonage Daydream (David Bowie)
I Touch Myself (artist?) (hit version)
The Ocean (Led Zeppelin)
Atomic Punk (Van Halen)
Kill the Rooster (Alice in Chains)
The Big Pay-back (James Brown)

This is Accademy Award morning and we’re releasing the best of rock over the past 48 years.  The front cover is like “The Week” magazine, only that Donald Trump is smaller in relation to the play pen.  The objects Trump is throwing around- - in the play pen include a couple of cell phones and some toy missiles, rocket launchers and bayonettes and such.  There are also medical examining devices from Beverly Crusher’s private collection from TNG.  Title listings are on the back including some nonsensical rambling commentary about the Year of the Rooster, which apparently we are still in.  It’s a leap Chinese year.  In fact people took to calling this album “Year of the Rooster Vol Two”.   How do you like “American macho” as a title.  Of course with “I Touch Myself”  I think of those Rush Limbaugh parody lyrics of “They’d arrest anybody else but when the Kennedies show up they use their wealth”.  Jerry my (lady) table mate complains of this guy who always comes into the dining room adjusting his dick in his pants and she’s told “They can’t do anything about it”.  There are three double entries in this compilation.  The open out page is commentary on all of the women's protests that just went on this past weekend and the issues that were raised at the protests including a new protest "Hear our votes" and the registration drive to get women voting, which hopefully will encourage a blue wave come this November.  

The government shut-down is apparently ended.  Mitch Mc Connell and Chuck Schummer made separate speeches saying they were happy with the deal and that they would get a DACA vote soon.  Someone on the radio said that Mitch Mc Connell was a liar and you couldn’t trust anything he said.  I don’t know.  If he lies we’ll be right back here in a few weeks so what would be the point?   Actually they only took a preliminary vote about ten in the senate that sealed the deal and they are going to take a final vote shortly after noon.  Remember that Chuck Schummer offered Trump a deal on the Wall as part of the reopening government and Trump turned him down cold.  Nobody has explained that one except that Trump is a major flake several times over.  After this it was “Days of our Lives” and now Anna Di Mira is the chief suspect.  Andre was conked on the head with the urn used to keep Tony’s ashes and she shows up with Roman at the Pub the next day without Tony’s ashes.  She was also about to confess something to Tony when the police came and took her off for questioning.

The New England Patriots won the game played in Foxborough.  The Patriots scored three points first.  Then the Jaguars scored a touchdown making it 7 to 3.  A little later on it was fourteen to ten in favor of Jacksonville.  I went for snacks and got two Oreos and juice from Rico in the courtyard.  At the beginning of the fourth quarter the score was twenty to ten, Jacksonville.  But then New England scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter.  New England benefitted from 47 yards of penalties in one drive and over ninety yards in total penalties.  The final score was 24 to 20.  It’s like Jacksonville’s scoring just stopped.  Jacksonville suffered from really poor field condition whereas Philadelphia had really good field position.  I saw the trophy presentation.  Mean-while in Philadelphia it was 47 degrees and no wind.  The Vikings scored first making it seven to nothing.  For dinner I had a baked potato.  But it was lacking in sufficient sour cream and there was no butter.  We haven’t had butter all day.  I asked for and got Jerry’s green salad and that helped.  We had strawberry yogurt for dessert.  There is a rich Canadian older couple that was murdered by hanging.  At first the police thought it was a murder suicide but now they are reopening the investigation acting on new information. 

The Philadelphia Eagles beat the Vikings 38 to 7 in a game that was a wipe out.  Needless to say I was flabbergasted at the results.  They stated that no dome team has ever played an open air tem in the NFL playoffs and won.  I had the first 25 minutes of Sixty Minutes on.  It was “The Beat of Sixty Minutes over fifty years”.  Then I had America’s Funniest Home Videos on.  At eight there was dial twirling.  I couldn’t find the SAG Award presentations anywhere and haven’t heard about them this morning.  Finally I had it on another Sixty Minutes episode on this crusty spy thrilled author named John Cornwell or something.  The medication line was of record length and I didn’t get my medication till after eight and even then there was a line.  Last night I traded a bakery roll for coffee from Glen in his room. 

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